Chapter 1122 Inquiry
Fang's mother has stayed in the capital for more than a year, and occasionally speaks about the capital.

Captain Fang looked at the two young ones, and made milk powder for them too. Back in the brigade these days, the two siblings ate a lot of milk powder.

The siblings are two and a half years old, and they also add supplementary food, but they are two siblings, and the milk powder they eat is more than twice that of Xiao Yuer.

Little Sanzi moved very quickly, and immediately ran back after hearing the news.

"Uncle, Uncle"

"It was Master Sanzhu who went to the hospital with Sanzhu Nai on his back. I heard that Sanzhu Nai had a stomachache. My aunt couldn't see it, so she drove a tractor to the county hospital to see a doctor. I also heard that an operation is needed."

Several people in the room heard this.

"Stomach pain? Still need surgery?"

Ye Qinghe thought for a while, "There is no possibility of appendicitis, the pain is very serious."

It's just that I didn't expect to meet him on the side of the brigade.

Fang's mother and Captain Fang don't know what kind of disease this is?

But when I heard my son-in-law said that I needed an operation, it seemed that it was a little serious.

"Little Sanzi, if you don't know anything about studies, just ask your uncle and the others. Don't think about playing all day long. Otherwise, whether you can get into high school is a problem?"

The third son was nagged by her grandma, and he didn't dare to refute.

The eldest brother went to the university in Kyoto, and went to his aunt's house to eat meat every week, and he also packed the meat to eat at school.

And when I went to Kyoto last year for Chinese New Year, there were a lot of delicious food there.

Roast duck is delicious.

And that pot.

Anyway, a lot to eat.

"Grandma, I see. I'll come to see my uncle tomorrow."

My eldest brother had his aunt to help him make up lessons so that he could have the opportunity to be admitted to the university in Kyoto.

He can't hold back.

"Father and mother, Xiaoyou doesn't know when she will come back, let's eat first, just leave a portion of food for her."

I don't know when the daughter-in-law will come back, so I can't let the father-in-law and mother-in-law wait for the daughter-in-law to come back before eating.

There is no electricity in the brigade, and kerosene lamps are still lit at night.


Here at the hospital.

After Fang Youyou waited at the door of the operation for a while, his eyes fell on the father and son.

"I'm going out."

Some are hungry.

The county seat is quite familiar to Fang Youyou.

But there are very few private shops in this small county.

Self-employed are few.

She didn't bring food stamps, so she couldn't go to state-run restaurants to eat.

After searching for a long time, I still found it. I bought several steamed buns and buns that did not require a ticket and took them back.

Sanzhu originally wanted Fang Youyou to go back.

But he has never been to the hospital, so he can only delay Fang Youyou's time temporarily.

"Fang girl"

Fang Youyou handed them the steamed buns wrapped in newspaper, "Eat some first, I don't know when the operation will end?"

"My aunt has had an operation, and she will stay in the hospital for at least two days."

After all, surgery must prevent some follow-up of inflammation.

It takes two days to live, and they can eat one meal a day, but after they pay the fee for what his wife wants to eat, they have no money or ticket at all.

"Out of the hospital on the left, go straight for 200 meters, and there is an alley to enter. The third one, hers sells steamed buns, no tickets required."

"I'm lending you ten yuan for food expenses these days, is that enough?"

Fang Youyou was also in the same brigade, so she lent them the money.

ten bucks?
"Enough, enough." Sanzhu agreed quickly, he was indeed in a tight spot right now, the county town only knew Uncle Fang and the others, so they couldn't find him?
(End of this chapter)

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