Chapter 1123 A thankless thing
Fang Youyou glanced at the operating room again, "Keep in mind the doctor's instructions. I remember that after appendix surgery, you must ventilate before eating, otherwise it will make the condition worse. Ventilation, do you know what it is?"

The young man was silent for a while and said, "Is it fart?"

Both father and son felt a little embarrassed.

Now that he knew, Fang Youyou was relieved.

"Listen to the doctor's advice, ask the nurse for hot water, and I will go back first." It was getting dark.


The father and son watched Fang Youyou leave.

Fang Youyou drove the tractor back to the brigade, parked in the warehouse, and handed the key to Uncle Fang.

"How about Sanzhu's daughter-in-law?"

Fang Youyou answered Mr. Fang's words, "Appendicitis, I had an operation, and I need to be hospitalized for observation for a few days."

"You also ask the old man what to say to Yoyo, I'm afraid that Yoyo has been so busy that she hasn't had dinner yet."

Mrs. Fang said a few words to Master Fang, then turned to Fang Youyou and said, "Hurry up and go back to eat, it's getting dark."

The granddaughter hasn't eaten yet, and she is afraid she will be hungry long ago.

Why did the old man ask his granddaughter.

"Then grandpa, grandma, I'll go back first."

Fang Youyou moved quickly, but still went home in the dark. There was no brigade and no electricity installed. It was dark all the way home, with a few weak lights.


After the Fang family built a new house, they also built the courtyard wall.

"came back."

Mother Fang and the others haven't slept yet, but the younger ones have been coaxed to sleep.

"How's it going?"

Fang Youyou briefly explained the situation, "Uncle Sanzhu didn't bring enough money for the operation, so I lent him 30 yuan."

Ye Qinghe brought Fang Youyou the warm food from the pot, "Eat first."

Mother Fang sighed, "Have you spent a lot of money?"

The money saved for several years has been used.

The commune members dare not get sick. They can go to Dr. Zhao to get medicine for minor illnesses. If it is a serious illness, Dr. Zhao has no medicinal materials, so they can only go to the commune hospital, and may even be sent directly to the county hospital.

Going to the hospital here has been a waste of time for several years, and you will still be in debt.

"The poor don't dare to get sick."

Fang Youyou lowered her head to eat, and replied, "Uncle Sanzhu's youngest son, doesn't he teach in the brigade primary school? He also gets paid a month."

Uncle Fang had the cheek to go to the commune to apply for this benefit.

Captain Fang knew that he and his eldest brother had been squatting at the beginning.

"Their monthly salary is not high, 15 yuan a month. This is the best benefit your uncle applied for them. The salary of the principal is a regular worker, and the salary is higher."

The commune also knew that there were several college students in their brigade, otherwise they would not have agreed so readily.

"There is 15 yuan a month, but there is no separation, and there are only nine months of salary in a year. If there is no class, there is no salary."

That's how the treatment at Dadua Primary School is.

It can’t be compared with commune elementary schools, even during summer vacation and winter vacation, they still have wages.

"Mom, do you want to pay for the expansion of the brigade elementary school?"

At the beginning, the reconstruction of the brigade primary school was built by a few brigade cadres under pressure and with collective funds.

"I'll wait until the summer vacation. The brigade will start dividing the land tomorrow. I don't know what will happen?"

Captain Fang was also a little worried, and some were afraid that he would not agree.

These brigade cadres have to do thankless things.

(End of this chapter)

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