Fang Youyou didn't refuse, this place was indeed unfamiliar to her.

The Su family, who have lived here for so many years, are very familiar with this.

"Are we going to your house?" Zhao Yunshan asked, but she didn't see Su Xinian book a hotel for them.

The last time Zhao Yunshan came, the two families hadn't sat down to discuss the marriage at that time.

As a friend of Su Xinnian, Zhao Yunshan visited Su's house.

"We are now an unmarried couple, of course we live in my house."

Live in your house?
But there is a cousin.

"Sister?" Zhao Yunshan changed Fang Youyou's address.

"Listen to the master's arrangement, I have no objection."

Whether staying in a hotel or staying at Su's house, Fang Youyou has no problem.

Of course, Su Xinian would not arrange for them to stay in a hotel.

Arrange people to live at home directly.

The Su family is not a small villa, with a big gate, and some flowers and plants that have been pruned to the end.

"Little Master", who looks like a housekeeper, speaks Mandarin, not the local language.

"Uncle Yu, this is my fiancée, and this is my fiancée's cousin." Su Nian introduced Fang Youyou and Zhao Yunshan.

Uncle Yu knew that the young master was engaged to a certain granddaughter in China, which would be of great help to the young master's development in China.

The old man wants to return to his roots and develop in the country.

"Hello, Miss Zhao, hello, Miss Fang." Uncle Yu greeted the two of them.

Fang Youyou didn't find it strange at all that this butler-like figure knew their identities.

Instead, Zhao Yunshan was surprised and recovered quickly.

They didn't even need their help to carry the suitcase, someone helped to lift it out of the car.

The housekeeper has arranged rooms for them.

Although Zhao Yunshan is already engaged to Su Xinian, they cannot live together.

Although the Su family has lived abroad for many years, some etiquette and other things in the old life are still difficult to change.

The rooms arranged for Zhao Yunshan and Fang Youyou are adjacent.

It is also a special guest room for the Su family.

Except for the old man who is at home, the other owners of the Su family are not at home.

"Mr. Su, should we pay a visit to the elders?" They all came to the door, and some of them would not be polite if they didn't go to see some elders.

"My grandpa should be awake, let's go and see."

Su Nian originally planned for them to freshen up first, after all, they had been on the plane for so long.

Zhao Yunshan became a little nervous.

Now that I have come to the door in person, of course I have to visit.


Zhao Yunshan nodded, "I'm a little nervous."

It's really strange not to be nervous.

"Don't be nervous, they all have one pair of eyes and one mouth."

Zhao Yunshan burst out laughing.

Mr. Su is getting older, but his habit of drinking tea has not changed.

Now I woke up from a nap and was drinking tea and looking at flowers.

"Master, the young master brought his fiancée to visit you." Elder Su was accompanied by an elderly man, who seemed to have been with the elder for some years.


Mr. Su met once last time.

"Grandpa Su, hello."

"Grandpa Su is good."

The two greeted each other one after the other.

Grandpa Su looked at these two young girls, which one is the one his grandson likes?
"Grandpa, this is my girlfriend, Zhao Yunshan, and this is Shanshan's cousin, Fang Youyou. This time, I'm here to play abroad." Su Xinnian was more reliable, so he introduced it.

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