
Come to play abroad?

Fang Youyou looked at the high-quality purple sand pot and tea in front of Mr. Su.

"Shanshan, take out the gift you specially prepared for Grandpa Su, I don't know if Grandpa Su will like it?"


Zhao Yunshan immediately came to her senses, "Grandpa Su, this is a gift I brought you, I hope you like it."

Zhao Yunshan was still too nervous.

The middle-aged man next to Mr. Su immediately took it, opened it, and revealed the contents inside.

"Big red pouch?"

A few years ago, Mr. Su wanted to drink domestic tea, which was basically a dream. In the past two years, his grandson will bring him some good tea when he is in China.

But my little grandson, how can I tell the difference between low-grade tea and high-grade tea? Not to mention the high price, the taste is average.

“A good pot goes with good tea.”

Mr. Su could recognize the gifts from the other party, not only tea leaves, but also good teapots.

Mr. Su immediately asked someone to make tea and taste it.

"This taste is the most authentic. Xiaonian still doesn't know how to choose tea leaves."

Su Xinian was not unhappy, but smiled and said, "I don't know how to pick tea leaves, but I have a good eye for picking people."

In one sentence, two people are praised.

Now these few get along relatively well.

Old man Su came to visit him immediately when he knew they had just arrived.

This kind of thought is rare.

They didn't talk for long, so they went to rest and eat.

"Sister-in-law, I'm very nervous, I'm afraid Grandpa Su won't like it."

When choosing these gifts at the beginning, my cousin had a lot of opinions.

"Now Grandpa Su likes it very much, so you don't have to worry about it. Take a good rest."

It is not an easy task for the Su family to be satisfied with the gifts they gave.

But Su Xinian had a heart at the beginning, and their women's side should not be too inferior.

They rested for a few hours, and the Su family's parents came back.

Another round of gift giving.

It's hard to tell whether Su's father is happy, but Su's mother is very happy.

Her jadeite pendant has a good color and type of water. There are very few jadeites in foreign countries, and there are more gems.

"Thank you Shanshan."

Brother Su came back later.

Sister Su asked her friends out to play, but she hasn't returned yet.

When Brother Su saw Fang Youyou, he was stunned for a moment, but when he learned of her identity, he was relieved.

The next day, Su Xinnian took them out to play and brought a camera with them.

But on the way, he met Su Xinnian's friend.

In foreign countries, there are generally English names.

"David is this your friend?" Su Xinian's friend, his eyes fell on Fang Youyou and Zhao Yunshan, the inquirer.

"Dawei, this is my fiancée, and this is my fiancée's sister."

The communication between the two is in English, and they speak very quickly.

But Fang Youyou heard it very clearly.

Her English is still good.

Even Zhao Yunshan's English is not bad, at least simple conversation is not a problem.

Only then did Zhao Yunshan realize that she had come to a foreign country, not at home.

The Su family communicates in Chinese at home.

I have heard of Dawei, but I have never met him. In the past few years, David has returned to China, and he has not seen him many times throughout the year.

"Anna, did you ask me about you a few days ago?"

Zhao Yunshan didn't understand this sentence.

But Fang Youyou understood, and her eyes fell on the other party.

Shanshan has a rival in love?
Su Xinian didn't dare to look at Zhao Yunshan anymore, feeling a little guilty.

"I'm already engaged."

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