Dawei smiled and said, "As long as you are not married, you are free."

Fang Youyou glanced at Su Xinian meaningfully.

If she really dared to have relationships with other women when she was already engaged, then she would pull Zhao Yunshan away without hesitation.

Before leaving, grandma pulled her and said a word of caution.

"Yuyou, help grandma find out if Xiao Su has a woman abroad. He grew up abroad and has a relatively open mind. They are not married yet. If Xiao Su really has someone, this relationship can be cut off in time."

Fang Youyou went abroad with a mission on her back.

She is not simply going abroad.

It's not just one mission, she has several missions.

"What did they say?"

Zhao Yunshan regretted that she didn't learn the foreign language well, otherwise, she wouldn't know what others said, and didn't know it at all.

And Fang Youyou patted Zhao Yunshan lightly, "I half understand."

Some things are still not told to Zhao Yunshan.

Su Xinnian bid farewell to Dawei.

"Mr. Su, as the host, you should take a good look around with us so that Shanshan can get familiar with this place earlier. Although you will stay in more places in China in the future, Mr. Su's relatives are all here. After Shanshan I may come back with you often to have a look, it’s better to get familiar with this place as soon as possible.”

There is nothing wrong with these words.

"This is my duty."

Su New Year is quite qualified as a host.

"Shanshan, in two days, a famous singer is coming here for a concert, are you going to see it?"

There are no concerts in China yet?

Su Xinian explained, "This is the singer who has released many albums, but they can only be heard on videotapes or on CDs. But if there is a concert, you can see the singer with your own eyes and hear the singer live. Sing those songs."

This sounds very strange.

"Sister, what do you think?"

Fang Youyou nodded, "Yes, you can't miss it."

Seems good.

Take them to the mall.

I also took them to a famous local western restaurant for dinner.

Fang Youyou really likes the steak here, she ordered a lot, and tried the sausage, bread, and hamburger here one by one.

"David, long time no see."

Fang Youyou and Zhao Yunshan looked at the same time, she was a tall and elegant foreign woman with extremely fair skin, golden hair, wearing a dress, but her perfect figure was exposed.

Who is this person?

Zhao Yunshan immediately thought: How did this person know Su Xinnian?

Is it Xiao Qingmei, or a former lover?

Zhao Yunshan also knew that when Su Nian met her, she had already graduated from university and returned to China to start a business.

It was impossible for him not to have a woman he liked before.

But when I saw it today, I felt unwell in an instant.

"Anna, long time no see." The two greeted each other.

Soon Su New Year introduced Fang Youyou and Zhao Yunshan to Anna.

When did you have a fiancée?

"Your fiancée is pretty, and she's the type you like."

Zhao Yunshan couldn't understand their conversation, but Fang Youyou did.

These two have never been together?

Fang Youyou didn't know.

"David, when will you come out and get together with our friends, and introduce your fiancee to our friends by the way?"

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