After Third Brother Fang went back, he dragged his wife to discuss the matter, which directly shocked Mrs. Fang San, who didn't recover for a long time.

"Daughter-in-law, I don't have a clue at once. I know that my little sister is rich, but if Xiaomei invests in my company and loses money, what should I do?"

Brother Fang San muttered there, but he didn't get any response from Mrs. Fang San, nor did he pay attention.

"Brother Dahai, I listen to my younger sister. My younger sister is so smart."

Listen to my little sister.

The third sister-in-law Fang told her what she knew, "My little sister has been smart since she was a child, and she can go to the best university in the country. I heard that my little sister is right. We are not smart, but there are smart people to guide us. Are you still worried about going the wrong way?"

"Or do you think my little sister will harm you?"

"My in-laws live with my younger sister. All the money I earned in the past few years has bought us a house."

Although their family hasn't gone to Kyoto yet, they really have a house in Kyoto.

The eldest brother, the second brother and the younger uncle's family all have people living in it.

Seeing his daughter-in-law mentioning this, Fang Dahai still felt a little ashamed. His parents were not too young, and they even paid for them to buy a house. When they got married and moved out, it was their parents who helped build the house.

Although the grain of filial piety has not fallen in the past few years, it really pales in comparison to the house bought by parents.

"Trust me, listen to my younger sister. My younger sister invests and waits for dividends."

The third sister-in-law Fang felt that the younger sister just wanted to support them, so she said investment and waited for the dividends. The younger sister's family was not short of money at all.

Before dinner, the couple went to find them.

"Why are you here?"

It's getting dark soon, why did these two come here.

"Father, uncle, aunt, I'm here to find my little sister."

Looking for a little girl?
Fang Youyou knew their reason for coming.

"Third brother, you agree?"

Third Brother Fang nodded, "Little sister, you invest and just wait for the dividends."

Where is really waiting for dividends.



Mother Fang was at a loss.

"Third brother, I know you will agree. Please take a closer look at this plan. I wrote it this afternoon."

"Let's eat, don't worry about them."

Mrs. Fang San hurriedly said, "You eat, we came over after eating."

Third Brother Fang looked down at the proposal. Third Brother Fang graduated from elementary school and knew some characters, but he didn't.

The third sister-in-law of Fang only went to school for a few years, and then went home to farm to earn work points.

After marrying Third Brother Fang, the family will be separated after marriage, and they will live their own lives behind closed doors.

The men in the family can hunt, and there is basically no shortage of meat to eat.

After giving birth to two children, the mother-in-law came to take care of the confinement.

Much happier than when I was a girl.

In the past few years, my man has been working in the city, and his monthly salary is not low, and he also has various tickets.

Even in the past two years, I used all my savings to buy a house and settled in the city.

After eating, Third Brother Fang also finished reading, there are a lot of things I don't understand.

"Sister-in-law three, please go and call elder brother." Fang Youyou handed the flashlight to sister-in-law Fang and asked her to call elder brother.

Mrs. Fang San didn't understand why she called her elder brother, but she did anyway.

Brother Fang came over in a daze.

Farmers eat before dark to save kerosene.

"Dad, mother, uncle and aunt"

"Brother, sit down quickly."

A kerosene lamp was lit on the table.

Young people sit together.

"Brother, I plan to invest in third brother to start a transportation company, and I plan to get you to invest in it too. Third brother is in charge of outside, and you are in charge of inside."

"Open a transportation company?"

Brother Fang never expected that the younger sister would ask him to become a shareholder.

But he won't.

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