The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1218 Discuss about starting a company

Fang Youyou continued, "Brother, you have been the accountant of the brigade all these years, but some trivial matters are all entrusted to you. Starting a company and managing the company, there are not as many trivial matters as the brigade, and it is even easier."

"I think I can give it a try. Of course, the final choice is in the hands of the elder brother. Now that the reform and opening up is in progress, the country's economy is also improving. As long as you are brave, you can make money."

Brother Fang has no contact with the company and does not know how to manage the company.

"Brother, there is an evening school in the county, and I can attend a few classes. Brother Jianguo, I should let you go in and attend classes. I completely trust my brother."

Ye Qinghe took over and gave a brief account, some things to pay attention to when starting a company, and some of his thoughts.

Third brother Fang and third sister-in-law Fang finally understood why the younger sister wanted the older brother to get involved.

Brother Fang thinks that there is nothing wrong with him running outside, but if he is allowed to deal with the company's trivial matters, it may really mess up.

But with the big brother joining, it will be different.

Over the years, although the eldest brother is an accountant, he has not only worked as an accountant, but has also done a lot of other jobs.

They are of one mind, and the transportation company will have no problem.

"Choose some practical and capable young men from the brigade and go to work in the company, but this has to be done slowly."

There are many young men in the brigade, and they can be used as reserve drivers.

In the end, third brother Fang was attracted by what Fang Youyou said about the future of the company.

"What about the second brother?"

Fang Youyou smiled, "Don't worry, the second brother is now the captain of the brigade, and the development of the brigade's agriculture and other aspects depends on the second brother."

"Each of us has a good side and a bad side. If we develop well, everyone in our brigade can become a million-dollar household."

This is not an exaggeration.

"And the second brother has joined the party, so it's not bad to go another way."

Big Brother Fang and the others were stunned, and my younger sister chose a path for each of them, but they are all old, is it feasible?

"I believe in you very much. The road from the commune to our brigade is the achievements of the second brother and uncle."

Although the uncle has not been promoted because of the team, the second brother is still young and can go out.

All of a sudden, the two brothers were ready to fight.

"You must pay attention to the selection of candidates. One mouse dropping can spoil a pot of soup."

"Brother, third brother, you can discuss it again in the next few days, and you can ask us if you don't understand."

After these things are done, their Fang family will become a scholarly family, and earth-shaking changes will take place.

When leaving, Mrs. Fang held Third Brother Fang's arm, a little excited, "I said, little girl is smart, we take one step at a time, little girl is taking one step at a time, you have to go back and think about it." , before my little sister and the others return to the capital, if you have any questions, ask them."

"Yeah, I'm still feeling guilty because the second brother didn't get involved? But the next moment, the younger sister thought of another way for the second brother."

They don't worry about the house, and the school has subsidies for their children who are in college.

The school fees of the children in the family, buying a few chickens and half a pig are enough for a year's expenses.

"I've been thinking about it for the past two days."

I just don't know how many people on the transport team are willing to leave the transport team with him?
And where is the company located?
What is the best deal?
Buy land and build a transportation company?
These all need to be thought through clearly.

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