Chapter 104 Song Yuqing's Photo
"Brother, he is a good person, yes, it is our fault; two people who are not suitable should not get together. Even if we support each other through the first half of our life, we will complain about each other in the second half of our life, wasting the past years, the final outcome will be separation."

"And, most importantly, he doesn't like me either."

He was obviously laughing, but it was uglier than crying.

"Don't laugh, I understand and respect you."

"This is your future life, brother, I don't want to be unhappy."

"Thank you, brother."

Li Juehong left, but didn't go far; even he himself felt that it was outrageous, and he actually hid behind a pile of things and peeked.

Seeing Min Qili and Congshang acting too intimately, he found it very tasty.

It should be that since the day I saw Min Qili's friend, I have been feeling uncomfortable.

A painter, he was the one who sent the stunning dress at the third anniversary banquet.

He is still a student of Zheng Ding.

However, what is the relationship between Zheng Ding and Min Qili?What is his relationship with Min Qili?
According to Song Yuqing, they are living together now.

Thinking of this, Li Juehong felt a mess in his heart.

"Boss Li, what are you looking at?"

Song Yuqing raised her glass to block his view.

Li Juehong straightened his waist and picked up the picture album at hand.

"Why are you here? As far as I know, you are not involved in this industry."

"But our family has a manufacturing industry, making vinegar. Mr. Li, do you like to be jealous? Our family has a big vinegar factory in Jin. Do you want to eat it?"

"No, thanks."

"What a pity."

Song Yuqing still strolled around Li Juehong leisurely.

"President Li, when are you going to go back? I heard that a typhoon is coming these days, you have to hurry up if you want to go back, otherwise you will be trapped here, it will really be called every day and the earth will not work. "

"I've checked the weather. It's been fine for the past few days. There won't be any problems."

"Oh" Song Yuqing replied casually, her eyes rolled around, thinking of some bad idea, "You and our Qili have been divorced for a month, do you miss her? Do you miss the gentle hometown with her?"

"We broke up peacefully, and the emotional entanglement between each other has been sorted out before the divorce; I won't pester her, Miss Song, don't worry."

"You really let us go, Qili. Do you know Congshang? The three of us have known each other for more than ten years. Although it seems that we are a threesome on the surface, but in fact, we have always been a couple with a million kilowatts. Light bulbs. Every time I walk with them, I feel inferior."

"Mr. Li, do you know? I thought that when you are married, you can use your charm to hold our beauty and attraction firmly in your hands; but I didn't expect that he didn't like you, an old man."

Song Yuqing's tone changed so quickly that Li Juehong almost missed her thoughts.

Looking at Li Juehong with disgust in his eyes, "Do you know what is the most popular thing now? It's not that you match with young and old like Qili, you are too old and your teeth are gritted; and do you have abdominal muscles? Mermaid line, Do you have waistcoat lines, thin waistlines, and slender fingers?"

Song Yuqing's brainwashing was somewhat successful, and Li Juehong followed her rules and compared it with himself.

28 years old is very old, and he will soon have his 29th birthday; he will be thirty soon, and he seems a little old.

Abs?Li's work is so much, how can he have so much practice and exercise, but it is okay to spare time; it will be harder during the day.

"President Li, you don't have any of these. So, how can you compare to those little milk dogs?"

"Sisters like our Qili, who are rich and beautiful, but salty and sweet, have a lot of people vying for them. If you miss it, you won't have a chance."

Song Yuqing walked around him and patted him on the shoulder, "I only told you because we knew each other before."

"But you don't have to worry about it, and you don't have to take it to heart; you like Miss Gu, and Miss Gu also likes you, you will be very happy, don't worry about us Qili."

"Mr. Li, I'll leave first if I have something to do. Don't tell anyone what I said to you."

Almost failed, Song Yuqing quickly turned around and left calmly as usual.

Looking at the back of Song Yuqing leaving, she looked to the side, Min Qili and Congshang were chatting with a famous painter; Song Yuqing's words echoed in her head like a curse, and she couldn't drive them away.

If you can't drive him away, just leave him.

She must have been hit by some kind of Gu just now to hear Song Yuqing talking nonsense here.

All their entanglements had already been cut off by the time they got the divorce certificate.

Not announcing this news is also a bit of selfishness on his part; it is only for Mrs. Philister's cooperation, and no other feelings are mixed.

The night outside was dim, the lights in the banquet were brightly lit, and the sound of wine glasses clashing one after another; Song Yuqing shook the red wine glass in her hand and poked her finger on the phone screen.

Above is a candid photo.

Without this photo, she would definitely feel that the relationship between them is really over just based on Li Juehong's expression and tone; however, this photo has been denying this fact.

These conversations tonight can be regarded as her selfishness.

She saw with her own eyes that Min Qili struggled for three years in this relationship, and in the end she had to leave with a whole body of hurt, and she came here to lick the wound alone.

If Li Juehong really found his heart and fell in love with Qili, it would be a happy ending for their relationship.

"What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing. Are you finished talking? Can we go back?"

By yawning, Song Yuqing quickly put away the phone; this photo must not be seen by her, otherwise it will definitely explode.

Min Qili's happy life has just begun, and she can't ruin it because of herself.

Let Li Juehong's feelings sink into the sea.

"It's still a while, you hang on; if you."

Min Qili's words suddenly stopped, and she narrowed her eyes and stared at her face.

Song Yuqing sneered guilty, she was already ready to run away and admit her mistake.

"I was wrong."

"You know it's wrong? Then tell me, how many cakes did you eat?"

"Well, I can run ten kilometers when I go back."

"Okay, remember what you said, I'll let my brother supervise me when I go back."


Song Yuqing patted her small breasts, but fortunately she was found out just eating the cake; this photo really can't be kept, it's a disaster.

With quick eyes and quick hands, let it disappear from this world quickly.

After deleting, I feel relaxed; even looking at it with it is much more pleasing to the eye.

In the eyes of the people on the court, they are nothing.

I have been able to speak without incident.

The words that Ji Li Guala could not understand poured out, you cheered for me, and I shouted for you.

The listener gets a headache and falls asleep.

After the speech is over, it is time for the important drama of the evening, the exhibition of paintings.

(End of this chapter)

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