Chapter 105 Are you willing to be a tour guide?
Zheng Ding is the main organizer of this exhibition, and his paintings will be exhibited first.

Three people came up, one of them was pushing a small cart, and the one covered with a white cloth was their painting.

Announced one by one.

Everyone couldn't help admiring.

"As expected of Master Zheng Ding, his painting skills are still outstanding."

"These two paintings should be from Congshang and Kongcao. They are at the level of Master Zheng back then."

"The painting is empty, and I heard that he is back this time."

"Yes, yes"

Routine polite words, whether it is really admiration or acting.

Half an hour after all the paintings were released, the banquet ended; these artists will continue to discuss the paintings brought this time and the two outstanding painters.

Cong Shang was forced to be surrounded in the middle, seeing Min Qili and Song Yuqing's impatience, his heart ached.

One of the reasons why Min Qili chose not to expose herself was that such an occasion was too annoying.

Looking at Cong Shang's mournful expression, he was even more grateful for his decision.

"After we go back, let's change our dresses and go straight to the night run. I'll accompany you, let's go together."

"it is good."

Song Yuqing didn't expect those paintings not to blur her memory.

Now go for a night run?
Those delicacies that are so hard to eat have to stay in the stomach overnight, how can they be so cruel and make them disappear?

However, Min Qili spoke.Dare not to follow.

Reluctantly put on clothes and start working out today.

Ten kilometers away, I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Min Qili's physical fitness was worse than Song Yuqing's, and she began to be out of breath after running less than a kilometer.

"Qi Li, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but my stomach is slumping, and I feel a little uncomfortable. You run first, and I will catch up in a while. If you see you being lazy, you understand."

Sitting on a bench by the street, he slowly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Min Qili, are you out to exercise?"

In the middle of the night, Li Juehong couldn't sleep and went downstairs for a walk.

"Li Juehong, you're still here. I thought you were going back halfway because you had to catch a plane."

Min Qili moved to the side, leaving a bigger place for Li Juehong.

"I still want to inspect the work here, and I will go back when Gao Cen comes. What about you, when are you going back?"

"I'm running with Qingqing, it's late, you go to bed early."

This time it was Min Qili who disconnected first.

The pain in her stomach disappeared, and she trotted to catch up with Song Yuqing who was in front of her.

"Qi Li, I really can't do it anymore; there are more and bigger mosquitoes here than the place where we were filming, can we go back first, I promise to make up what we owe tomorrow."

"I remember what you said."

Narrow the circle and take a shortcut to return.

"You are back."

As soon as they entered the door, Cong Shang looked at them like a bitter woman.

"What have you been doing?"

"Night run, brother, exercise, we can go together tomorrow."

"I don't want it. Qili, do you know; after you left just now, those old things really want to force several young painters including me into bonded labor."

"Now I really feel more and more how correct your decision is."

"Purchaser? Do you have abs? Besides drawing, do you have any other talents? You're also very lazy. You won't be able to become one~"

Song Yuqing poked her head out of the bathroom, bit her index finger and went back.

"Take a good bath, and I'll wake you up for a run tomorrow."

"No, Qili, I made a mistake."

Listening to the wailing in the bathroom, Min Qili smiled.

"Brother, what did they do to you?"

"These people said that we can't make Li's wholly-owned capital, and feel that they will be slapped in the face again; to hold a charity sale, we must each sell at least one painting. The teacher is the organizer of this time, and we must sell at least two paintings. , you are empty grass and have a comeback name, the auction price may be higher, you have to bid at least three."

"That's what they really said?"

"People who don't understand it will become like this. We haven't stood at the top and have no qualifications. Although the teacher has been conferred a high position, he has no actual power. We can only listen to others."

"Qi Li, if you don't want to paint, I can do it for you."

"Brother, I can, don't forget, we have a lot of collections in our studio; just take out a few and deal with them at the right time. It's okay, I'll go back first, and you should rest earlier."

The falling pain in the abdomen reappeared, as uncomfortable as a needle prick.

Count the date, and it's time.

To the bathroom to see, sure enough.

After pressing the flush button, he finished changing the sanitary napkin with complicated emotions.

Menstrual period means no pregnancy.

No pregnancy, no child; there could be no more entanglement between them.

I made brown sugar water for myself, covered my stomach with a warm water bag and gradually fell asleep.

In the dream, it was the back garden of my childhood home.

When I was a child, my mother always planted vegetables there, and every time there were vegetables ripe, she was the first to rush to pick them.

This time I planted tomatoes.

The tomato was big and red, and it fell on the fragile branch; as soon as the finger touched it, the tomato fell to the ground, and the clothes on the body were splashed with red things.

Someone is making noise in the distance.

The scene changes quickly, making people grow up quickly.

Standing in front of the tomb, Ling Qiuyu moved intimately with Min Wanxing, which made her eyes dry and astringent; her lover was infatuated, and Min Wanxing was directly in front of his ex-wife's grave, having sex with his current wife.

She was about to be unable to stand still, and suddenly a pair of soft and tender hands grabbed her.

"Don't cry, I'll give you candy."

"Little sister, who are you?"

"I don't blame you, you have to be happy all the time."

The dream changed again, and Min Qili slowly opened her eyes, staring at the chandelier absentmindedly.

Get out of bed and open the curtains, there is a beautiful flower field outside her window.

The back garden of the house turned into a lawn after Ling Qiuyu came to power, a swing was placed, and she played here every afternoon with her dog in her arms.

The set alarm clock started vibrating.

Knock on Song Yuqing's door on time.

"I'm almost there, wait for me for a minute."

After breakfast, get ready for stretching.

"Today, you have to practice more, you run, I ride a bike, go—"

The phone had already started counting, and Song Yuqing ran slowly; Min Qili followed behind on a rickety bicycle.

Both of them were exhausted after torturing.

"Qi Li, are you okay? I'll drive you back."

Min Qili didn't want to talk, so she said ok.

On the way back, I met Li Juehong again.

"Mr. Li, we are so destined to meet each other, beautiful sister, do you still remember me?"

"Today we are going to investigate. The guide will not be here temporarily. Are you familiar with this place? Can you show us a way?"

The appointed time was coming soon, the assistant looked at the enthusiastic Song Yuqing and asked carefully.

"I just came here too, you can ask Qili, he is familiar with this place and has lived here for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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