Chapter 128 Gu Wanxun committed suicide
Lin Mu glanced at Jiang Yunhui, then continued to look at Li Juehong who was muttering something on the bed.

"He's a drunk now, so he can agree to whatever you say; but when you wake up tomorrow, if you turn your back on him, don't blame me for not reading for many years and still being affectionate."

Jiang Yunhui swallowed, "I think Brother Li is sincere, even if he says something about me for the sake of face, he won't be really angry."

"We've known Brother Li for so many years, have you ever seen him lose his temper for someone?"

Lin Mu shook his head.

"So, Brother Li still cares about his sister-in-law, even though they are divorced; but, they have lived together for three years. Haven't you heard of love for a long time?"

"I sent the photo to my sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law knew Brother Li's heart, and as soon as they were moved, they remarried. Isn't that a happy thing? I also did a good deed for Brother Li, don't you think so?"

Lin Mu said that he was persuaded again.

"However, we all know about Gu Wan, do you think he let go so easily?"

"So what if you don't let go? My sister-in-law is already pregnant, and he will be a father in half a year; who do you think Brother Li cares about more than the blood relationship? Anyway, I only know Min Qili as my sister-in-law."

"You post it, you talk nonsense, I will look at you, and I will have an explanation tomorrow."


With permission, Jiang Yunhui excitedly edited:
[Sister-in-law heard that you are pregnant, congratulations to you and your lovely baby in advance.Brother Li already knew that he was wrong, and now he has completely broken up with Gu Wan, as evidenced by the screenshot; please forgive Brother Li, Brother Li really cares about you. 】

After editing, attach pictures and send directly.

The signal here is a bit bad. After turning around the dialog box for a while, it shows that it is not the other party's friend.


"Lin Mu, I'll forward it to you, and you send it to my sister-in-law."

Lin Mu was dragged into the water by Jiang Yunhui, and the end result was the same.

They were all blocked by Min Qili.

Jiang Yunhui copied the content of the message and applied for a friend.

[Sister-in-law, I'm Jiang Yunhui. 】

a few minutes.

The other party rejected your friend.

"I don't seem to have offended my sister-in-law?"

Jiang Yunhui did not give up and applied again.

After five or six attempts, the result was rejected without exception.

[Li Juehong and I have divorced, you should go to Gu Wan. 】

Jiang Yunhui copied the content.

After that, Min Qili ignored him again.

Seeing the news of nothing, Jiang Yunhui took out Li Juehong's cell phone, found Gu Wan's contact information, and dialed it directly.

The other end of the phone quickly picked up, and then Gu Wan's anxious and earnest voice came.

"Juehong, did I do something wrong, you want to treat me like this? I don't want Min Qili's child, but if you want a child, we can have one now. If you ask me to give up my career, I can do it too. As long as you don't leave me."

"I asked the seniors in the industry for a prescription that can give birth to twins, and I will take the medicine; do you like the baby dragon and phoenix?"

Jiang Yunhui looked at Lin Mu, and mercilessly hung up.

"Is this Gu Wan insane?"

"Love is deep, love is deep; you secretly make this call, and tomorrow you will think about an explanation."

Lin Mu went upstairs to rest as a hands-off shopkeeper.

Jiang Yunhui watched as he left the phone on the bed, found a room and went in to rest.
After hanging up the phone, Gu Wan tried to call back countless times and sent an unknown number of messages;

Li Juehong really abandoned her this time.

At this point, midnight radio began broadcasting.

Inside is a middle and high school girl sharing her grief.

"Yes, I can cut my wrists. As long as I commit suicide, Juehong will definitely not dare."

Gu Wan followed like a demon, stumbled to the kitchen, picked up a fruit knife, and walked to the bathroom.

Fill the bathtub with cold water and sit in it slowly.

Gu Wan committed suicide.

Zan Xiaoxiao just took it outside, and when she came back, she saw Gu Wan lying in the bathtub.

In the middle of the night, an ambulance came to the high-end community.

Sensitive media people immediately dispatched, took a few blurred photos and began to report out of context.

In the second half of the night, this resting night.Ushered in the big news explosion at the end of the month.

#名字女星G had a private meeting with a strange man in the middle of the night, and was forced to call a doctor
#shocked! A certain actress is pregnant, and the father of the child is actually him
#Deep breaking news, her life

Jian Kai looked at these increasingly outrageous articles, and the veins on his forehead twitched.

These articles and tabloids are like bamboo on a rainy day, which cannot be cut down.

Gu Wan found out in time, and the person was rescued; four stitches were stitched on his wrist, and he might not be able to attend the event for the past half month.

The brand side, investors, and partners are not vegetarians either. They smelled the smell and threw over the compensation contract and the contract termination letter one after another.

Jian Kai is just a nominal agent, and Gu Wan personally agreed to the cooperation; these contracts must be decided after Gu Wan wakes up.

From the news, Jian Kai has been on the phone for two hours.

It's as if there's a deliberate push behind things.
Zan Xiaoxiao's eyes were swollen from crying, looking at the lifeless Gu Wan on the hospital bed, the hatred for Min Qili deepened in her heart.

"Xiao Wan."

Gu Wan's long butterfly-like eyelashes trembled a few times, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Where am I just?"


There was a cry in Zan Xiaoxiao's voice.

Looking at the thick gauze on her wrist, Gu Wan suddenly went crazy and tore the gauze straight away. The skin and the gauze stuck together, and Gu Wan frowned in pain.

Looking at the hideous wound, she cried loudly after crying.

"Ahhh——why save me, why don't you let me die."

"How can I live with such an ugly wound?"

She is now delirious with madness, and begins to fiddle with the stitched wound with her hands.

Zan Xiaoxiao had never seen such a scene before, she was so frightened that she collapsed on the spot.

It was the nurse who rushed over after hearing the sound, called the doctor, and stopped her behavior in time.

An injection of diazepam was given, and the torn wound was healed again; Zan Xiaoxiao who was terrified was pulled up.

"Let's go outside and rest for a while, and she can be quiet for a while after playing Valium."

"it is good."

Zan Xiaoxiao is still in a state of desperation.

Gu Wan, who was criticized and crazy just now, does not match up with the gentle and pleasant good friend in her impression.

What did Min Qili do to her?
Gu Wan's cell phone is in her bag, and she knows the password; she can open it now, and see what Min Qili sent to stimulate her.

However, Gu Wan is a public figure, this involves her privacy, she can't do this.

Let's wait until Gu Wan wakes up.

After a while of cold wind blowing in the corridor, Zan Xiaoxiao also calmed down.

Gu Wan, who had already gone crazy on the bed, turned even paler.

(End of this chapter)

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