After the divorce, Mr. Li, who had been cold to her for three years, knelt down and begged to remarr

Chapter 129 Gu Wan's tears fell like those who don't want money.

Chapter 129 Gu Wan's tears fell like those who don't want money.

next day
Hearing the noise of birds chirping outside the window made my head ache, Li Juehong banged his head and sat up slowly.


"Brother Li, are you awake?"

Jiang Yunhui suddenly appeared with hangover soup.

"Where is this place?"

"This is Lin Mu's villa, you drink the hangover soup first."

The feeling of hangover made Li Juehong's brain still confused; after drinking the hangover soup, he felt much better.

His clothes stink.

"Do you have a change of clothes?"


Lin Mu threw two casual clothes to him, "Don't be disgusted, I only have this here."

"It's okay, just change it."

The two of them went out to have breakfast, and Li Juehong took a shower in the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Li Juehong habitually turned on his phone while wiping his hair to watch today's news.

On the mobile phone, Gu Wan made hundreds of calls and sent countless messages to herself last night, including one that she dialed.

"How is this going?"

The matter has been revealed, Jiang Yunhui said with a playful smile, "Brother Li, you did this yesterday, have you forgotten?"


"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can ask Lin Mu. He never lies. Last night, you made a lot of phone calls with your sister-in-law to beg for forgiveness, but she didn't answer you and started to lose her temper. After we checked, we found out that you didn't call at all. past."

Jiang Yunhui was almost amused by himself. Looking at Li Juehong's stern expression, he suppressed a smile and continued to make up.

"Then, you got angry. You suddenly thought of Gu Wan, and you sent her a message; you said you would remarry your sister-in-law, let Gu Wan know something, and stop destroying your marriage with sister-in-law."

What Jiang Yunhui said seemed to be true. After speaking, he was afraid that Li Juehong would beat him up, so he ran upstairs quickly.

At this moment, Li Juehong's eyes were already dangerous.

"Lin Mu, did I really say that?"

"Almost. Brother, I don't think Gu Wan is suitable for you. My sister-in-law is already pregnant, and you still seek her forgiveness. You should remarry as soon as possible. This is good for the children."

At this time, Gao Cen sent a long list of links.

[President Li, something happened to Miss Gu. 】

In the link, there was shocking content; Li Juehong thought of Jiang Yunhui's half true and false words again.

"Gao Cen, I'll send you a location in a while, you're right here to pick me up, you must adjust the risk control properly."

Jiang Yunhui looked all right, ready to go downstairs for breakfast.


When Li Juehong spoke suddenly, Jiang Yunhui slipped and almost rolled down.

"What's the matter, Brother Li?"

He looked at Li Juehong with a guilty conscience.

"Did I really say that last night?"

"Brother Li, you were like a ruthless scumbag last night; if you weren't drunk, you haven't discovered your hidden attributes; sister-in-law divorced you, maybe it's because of this?"

Jiang Yunhui laughed into a funny emoji, and bumped Li Juehong's shoulder meanly.

"Then do you know that Xiao Wan was taken away by an ambulance yesterday?"

"Pull it away? Why?"

Lin Mu is a doctor, and his DNA moved in an instant.

"I don't know yet, I think it has something to do with what happened last night. Gao Cen will pick me up later, and I'll go to the hospital to visit her first. Lin Mu, you are a doctor, go with me. If there is anything you can do to help, Just for my sake, help her."

"Brother Li, I want to go too."

Jiang Yunhui volunteered.

"Don't you hate her very much?"

"Anyway, she also committed suicide. I'm curious."

Jiang Yunhui was not curious, he suspected that this was Gu Wan's "conspiracy" to get Li Juehong back.

The insiders couldn't understand, he, an outsider, couldn't let this kind of thing happen.

He wants to fight for his sister-in-law and protect Brother Li's last virginity; otherwise, what will my sister-in-law do if she doesn't want him in the future?
With such a bad temper, no one can stand him except sister-in-law.
Hearing that Gu Wan was inside, the entrance of the hospital was already surrounded by reporters, and even the ambulance couldn't run normally.

In the end, they were found, and they were suppressed by force before they stopped.

The people in uniform still couldn't suppress them, and some people were just about to move and sneaked in.

Li Juehong and the others came in from the underground garage of the hospital.

Jiang Yunhui looked at the door, and the bodyguards were so shocked that they could swallow an egg.

Do you want such a big battle?

After Gu Wan woke up early in the morning, she made a fuss a few more times, and she is still sleeping now.

"How is Xiaowan's situation now?"

"Mr. Li, do you know what Xiao Wan said to me? She said she didn't want to live anymore, why did you hurt her? Why did you break the promise between you? Since it can't be done, don't say it at the beginning, who is doing it now? Look?"

"Hey, you, who are you? You are barking here, are you educated? Is it really our brother Li's responsibility to lie in it? Show evidence, and don't talk nonsense without evidence."

Jiang Yunhui looked at Zan Xiaoxiao in distaste, "Like a crazy woman, Gu Wandai is also a public figure, won't you be laughed out of hand if I take you out?"

"What are you yelling about here? This is a hospital, if you want to argue, go to another place."

If journalists want to make big news, they will pay any price.

Lin Mu didn't want to listen to Jiang Yunhui's words, so when he entered the ward, he saw a person hanging by the window, and the camera didn't even turn off the flash, and pointed directly at Gu Wan.

"who are you?"

When the bodyguard rushed in, the reporter had already run along the rope.

"Lin Mu, do you remember this man's face?"

"No, but since he risked his life to take pictures, he will definitely distribute newspapers; then, we can sue one by one."
The reporter who was filming ran to a corner of the hospital, knocked on the co-pilot's window, threw the camera in, and took out a bag from the back seat.

He walked into the corner with his back on his back, and a pregnant woman in a long skirt came out after a while.
Just when they were about to leave, Gu Wan slowly opened her eyes and looked at Li Juehong's back with tears running down her eyes.

"Juehong, have you come to see me?"

"Why are you so stupid, you are not worth it."

Gu Wan shook her head, "As long as you come to see me, it's worth it."

"Juehong, did you tell me that because Ms. Min told you something? Did she spy on you? You were forced to do so. You can tell me any difficulties you have, and we can bear them together."

"Is that why you did it?"

"If you didn't, would you come to see me? Do you know how many times I called you last night? How helpless I was? When Mi Fang left, I didn't feel as bad as last night."

Tears glistened in Gu Wan's eyes.

"Just treat me as a scumbag who has failed you. You are so nice, you will meet someone who treats you sincerely."

"No, no; they are all scumbags, and no one treats me better than you."

Gu Wan's tears fell like those who don't want money.

(End of this chapter)

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