Chapter 189 Mid-Autumn Festival
"Li Juehong, she is no longer your wife; moreover, you have never liked her. Such an outsider, you want to deal with me with her now?"

He Rui suddenly fell ill, clutched his chest in grief, and looked at Li Juehong with disappointment and disbelief in his eyes.

Moral kidnapping?

Although Li Juehong is a jerk, he is still filial.

This move is the right one.

"If that's what you think, I can't help it."

Li Juehong's eyes were indifferent, and he had a cruel and handsome face, with the words "don't get close to strangers" written on it.

A mellow voice sounded slowly, "As you know, Qili and I have divorced, and she is now an outsider."

"Grandma invited her to live in, then she is a guest."

"We don't even have basic hospitality. She left dissatisfied with her stay. Why do we have to continue to ask? She didn't ask us to come and apologize. She is generous. You are still catching up. It is us who are at fault. "

Min Qili watched all this indifferently, didn't eat dinner, and was very hungry now.

When will it end?
In He Rui's eyes, she became a provocation to her.

Did you see it?Your Bao'er son is leaning towards me now.

The water splashed by a married son is no longer your good son.

"So, I have to apologize to her?"

Li Juehong didn't answer, everything depends on Min Qili's intentions.

She had just "lied" to herself, and she no longer felt hungry.

When he looked up, he saw two pairs of eyes looking at him.

One calm, one dissatisfied.

"What's up?"

"Mom, she wants to apologize to you, do you want to accept it?"

As soon as Li Juehong's words came out, He Rui's whole body almost exploded; this person, she just heard, is now "liing about the military situation", is he trying to harm her?
"I don't think I'm worthy," the smile on Min Qili's face pulled out the most suitable arc; it didn't look alienated or intimate.

"Auntie, it's good if you can realize what you have done; we can only be regarded as strangers we know. Next time we meet, I will say hello to you, but I hope you won't hold my arm again."

Min Qili lowered her voice, "When you dragged me just now, we might have been photographed; there are many internet celebrities checking in nearby."

"I'll go first, let's end this."

With Li Juehong restraining He Rui, Min Qili can also have a meal with peace of mind.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and the restaurant in the hotel already has the option of moon cakes.

Last Mid-Autumn Festival, she baked mooncakes by herself.

She asked about the itinerary in advance, thinking that they could have dinner together, but she didn't expect that all those things were swept away by her.

"No thanks."

It was almost late at night, and only a few people could be seen occasionally in the restaurant; this was exactly what Min Qili wanted.

She is positioned to see the moon outside.

When she was a child, she often looked at the stars and the moon alone.

Learn from the TV series and look for the brightest one; it is said that it is the one who has been guarding you.

"You must be very happy now. If there is such a thing, are you already looking for your own encounter in the ideal campus?"

"I hope you won't meet a scumbag again."

Tears mixed with noodles, salty and sweet.

"Oh, it's true."

Looking at the crystal in her hands, Min Qili couldn't help but laugh.

After eating all the noodles, I drank another glass of milk.

After eating and drinking, I went back to my room to rest.
As soon as she entered the corridor, she could see a man in black standing at the door of her room.

The back is raised and the figure is very good.

"Your mother is gone?"

"No. There are no flights now. She will fly back tomorrow; she won't bother you until the baby is born."

As a couple who have been in the same bed for three years and an admirer for many years; Min Qili can tell at a glance that there are several palm prints on half of her face under the shadow.

"You were beaten?"


A man who is almost 30 years old is still beaten by his mother. How embarrassing it is to spread the word.

Li Juehong continued to bury half of his face in the shadow unnaturally.

"Grandma is coming back, you've been out long enough; when are you going back?"

"You also said before that I am a guest; I am not satisfied with the stay, and I have to leave. Do you really want me to go back?"

The distance between the two suddenly narrowed, and Min Qili's smile stopped.

She could clearly see that Li Juehong was indeed beaten; Li Juehong could also clearly see the fluff on Min Qili's face.

The breath of each other hit the face, and a few seconds later; Min Qili continued to smile without gain, "What is your answer?"

"If my but wish, would you go back?"

"will not."

Min Qili refused decisively.

"There should be nothing else, I'm going to rest; you should also rest earlier."


Li Juehong was left outside.

The one on his face was indeed slapped by He Rui.

Hotel smoking area

The cigarette case was already half empty, and he realized that the one in his hand had burned his fingers, and hurriedly threw it in the ashtray.

It's the Mid-Autumn Festival soon.

After three years of marriage, they spent very few festivals together; the Min family has such a situation now, this Mid-Autumn Festival should be with that Congshang.

What can a painter give?
However, Min Qili was very happy with him.

Thinking of this, Li Juehong impatiently took a cigarette and took a deep drag.


Why, unhappy, can't tell.

Before I knew it, there was another cigarette butt.

The moon outside the window is almost on the horizon; the cigarette box is almost empty, so I take out the last one, crush it and throw it into the trash can.

He Rui had to catch the earliest flight back this morning, and Li Juehong ordered her a cup of latte and a cup of hot milk.

"Drink slowly, and I'll take you to the airport in a while."

He Rui picked up the milk and looked at Li Juehong's side face; there was no trace left, the smell of cigarettes on his body was heavy, and his face was full of fatigue.

"You went to find her last night, and the peace request was rejected?"

Li Juehong glanced at her and drank the coffee in the cup in one gulp.

"Yes and no. I went to her, but I didn't ask for peace; moreover, even if I asked for peace, she would not agree to me."

"Why, I think she likes you very much."

"Hurry up and drink, the plane will be late later."

When He Rui was normal, he was a gossip person; Li Juehong didn't like her even more, so he hurried her to leave.
After finally sending He Rui away, Li Juehong's heart began to feel empty.

She went back, and someone accompanied her on the Mid-Autumn Festival; who will accompany him.

"Hey, Xiao Wan, what's the matter?"

Gu Wan was full of joy, and just about to speak when she heard the sound of the airport from Li Juehong's side.

"Juehong, are you at the airport?"

It's still the airport at Min Qili's place. He was still at the company yesterday; he arrived there in one night.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Gu Wan threw the crumbled mooncakes into the trash can, and said softly, "The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, a few partners gave me some mooncakes; you know, I want to keep fit, so I can't eat so much; Jue Hong, what flavor do you like, I'll bring it to you when I have time."

(End of this chapter)

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