Chapter 190 Moon Cake
"no need."

He refused without thinking.

"Grandma's side, someone will give it away every year, and we still want to send it outside; these mooncakes are given by our partners, and they are considered a kindness, so you can accept them yourself."

"You haven't been home for many years. If you can't finish eating, just take these home; they should be happy when they see it."

Thinking of that home, Gu Wan's teeth itch with anger.

"Juehong, go ahead; I'm going to start working here."

Hang up the phone and look at the hand.

Another crumbled mooncake.

If every tragic family background is a standard match for a heroine; then Gu Wan's family should be a top match.

Her father died early, and her mother worked hard to raise her alone; finally, after she was admitted to university, she thought she could live a happy life, but her mother was diagnosed with cancer.

She was not so lucky, and did not meet Li Juehong at this time; she could only meet her mother's death in pain and despair.

After the mother's death, the family's house was demolished; their house will receive 100 million demolition funds, and a three-bedroom house.

Because at that time, in order to raise medical expenses, they gave the house to their uncles and aunts; so they hypocritically said that they would cancel each other.Made myself very wronged.

Gu Wan has since become a person without a home.

In order to make money, she has done a lot of ridiculous things.

"Xiao Wan, what's wrong with you?"

The little assistant saw that Gu Wan crushed half a box of mooncakes, and she was so frightened that she cried; she ran to her and begged her to take a look.

Zan Xiaoxiao looked at the crumbs of mooncakes on the ground, and leaned over carefully, "Xiao Wan, did someone make you angry? Who is it? I'll help you teach him a lesson."


Gu Wan took a deep breath to calm down the anger in her heart.

It's best for her to know these embarrassing things; others can't know a word.

"These moon cakes, you can share them; I'm useless, tell them that the Mid-Autumn Festival must be fun."

Gu Wan walked away with a smile, and there was nothing wrong with Zan Xiaoxiao.

Looking at the moon cakes on the table that I would never eat in my life.

When she was the cabinet sister, she was so envious; she posted a good post on Moments to show off.

Divide these moon cakes, and everyone went home full of joy.

Zan Xiaoxiao opened the box, looked at the delicate and fragrant mooncakes, and held back her emotions.

Go home, take a shower, and do some scheming makeup; let those people envy you.
Zan Xiaoxiao's apartment is in the neighborhood of Gu Wan's house; the distance is very short, and she usually walks back.

The entire road was monitored, and some of them were not lit today, and the alarm bells in Zan Xiaoxiao's heart were already ringing; before she could run away, those people pounced on her and dragged her away.

The box of mooncakes that was ready to be photographed to show off has also rotted in the struggle.

"Why are you still looking for me? As I said, I have no money, why don't you ask Lu Yiyi for it?" Zan Xiaoxiao pretended to be calm, but at worst she would be beaten up.

The leader touched the stubble on his chin, "Damn it, we can find whoever we want? You have eaten all the Hermes mooncakes, and you still can't pay for it?"

She just wanted to retort with blank eyes, these people didn't know much; seeing their vicious expressions, she instantly fell silent.

"Brother, I really don't have any money; this mooncake is also given to the artist by the brand. I hold the mooncake, everyone has it, I didn't buy it myself."

"What about your house? The rent in this community is tens of thousands per month; if you have no money, can you afford it?"

"My artist rented this for me. We have a good relationship. She paid for it for me."

Zan Xiaoxiao's tone was inadvertently showing off.

When the bearded man in the lead heard it, he exploded instantly.

The co-author is an empty shell bastard.

"This is also your artist's, so is that; otherwise, I'll ask her for money. You have such a good relationship, she will definitely pay for you, right?"

"Don't go to her. I'll give you how much money you want."

The bearded man found Zan Xiaoxiao's pigtails and looked at her with a smile, "Didn't you just say that you have no money?"

"I have no money, but I can borrow it; give me time, and I will satisfy you."

The bearded man made a five.

"500 million, I want cash."

"500 million, you go grab it; how could I raise so much money in a short time?"

"If you don't give it to me, I can only find you an artist."

The bearded man said innocently.

Zan Xiaoxiao was successfully threatened.

After some discussion, they finally let her go.

Zan Xiaoxiao went back carrying the mooncake box full of dirty footprints.

The first thing to do when entering the house is to put away the bath water and throw away all the clothes of today.

These people are dirty.

There are messy footprints on the mooncake box, and the mooncakes inside have also been broken.

"Min Qili, it's all because of Min Qili."

She angrily threw the bragging rights against the wall.

Taking a big breath, the stretch was ferocious and terrifying, and the body convulsed uncontrollably.

Lying in the bathtub, the foam hides the whole person.

She washed in it for a long time before she was willing to come out; looking at herself in the mirror, "Why do some people, who were born noble, lack nothing since childhood; but I gave everything for one thing?"

In the end, the moon cake was picked up.

After eating bit by bit, noble things make sense.

She wanted to remember this feeling of humiliation for herself.

This is what Min Qili owed her, and she will definitely get it back one day.
"Qi Li, what's wrong?"

Min Qili shook her head, "Suddenly I feel a chill, brother, I don't have a cold, do I?"

"I know you want to be lazy. After finishing these supplements, let's go to the hospital and then to the set."
The hospital told them that Ni Qi's condition was improving, and he should be able to be transferred to the general ward after the National Day; however, the patient's willingness to wake up was very low, and they hoped that they would make preparations early.

"What happen to you guys?"

Song Yuqing held the pancake in her hand and looked at them strangely.

Ever since they saw her, they had been unhappy; could it be that she was getting fat and they were feeling sorry for her?

Song Yuqing quickly finished eating the pancakes, "Qi Li, don't worry; although I am fat now, I will work hard to lose weight."

"Qingqing, there is one thing that I have kept from you for a long time, I think it is better to tell you now."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

She had just organized the language, and the crew needed Song Yuqing to take another shot; Song Yuqing was called away, and Min Qili missed the opportunity to tell the truth.

"Qi Li, since you missed it, don't talk about it."

Cong Shang spoke lightly.

"Brother, if one day I or Qingqing are in danger and hide it from you, what will happen if you find out?"

"I will protect you, this day will not come."

"Well, what if it's true?"

Cong Shang was silent.

He knew what Min Qili meant.

"Qingqing will do the same; she and Qiqi have known each other for a long time, the longer we keep it a secret, the more she will blame us when she finds out."

(End of this chapter)

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