Chapter 216

"What do you mean?"

"Before the car accident, Qili's last call was Ling Qiuyu; although I don't know the content, do you think it's such a coincidence?"

It will be Min's board of directors soon, and if something happens to Qili, the board of directors is likely to be affected.

The most likely to profit is the Min family.

Min Qili's incident was quickly heard by the media, and some tabloids had already reported it.

Although it has been suppressed, it is still spread.

People from the Min family should know about it, maybe they are still celebrating.

"I'll go to Min's house."

Li Juehong turned around and left with his long legs.

"You take care of this place, let's go to Min's house; Song Yuqing may be coming in a while, so get ready."

"I see."

Suddenly such a big thing happened, friends who knew the news immediately sent greetings.

Song Yuqing came with her parents, crying.

"How is Qili? Why did the car accident happen?"

"Don't worry, it's best that the doctor is operating inside, and Qili will be fine," Wu Ziyu smiled, gently wiping the tears off her face, "I cried so sadly, Qili will see you later, it's time to smile. Makeup is gone, let's fix it."

Song Yuqing was not in the mood, and Wu Ziyu's tone of coaxing the children was really useless.

"Don't laugh at me, I'll go to the bathroom to fix it."

After Song Yuqing left.

"Son, don't worry; Qili will be fine. Is there any news about the person who hurt Qili?"

"Cong Shang and Li Juehong are investigating, and I'll stay here to wait for news of the operation."

The lights in the emergency room showed no signs of dimming, Wu Ziyu blinked her dry eyes stiffly.

"Qili will be fine, and those who hurt Qili will also be punished."

Song Yuqing didn't go far, and stood at the corner watching this scene; tears flowed down uncontrollably.

The grievances that have not been vented, the worries about Min Qili.

Why the hurt person, he and those around her suffer so much.

Can the perpetrator act as if nothing happened and continue on as if nothing had happened? ——
"Juehong, why are you here? And this?"

Hearing that Min Qili was in a car accident, they opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Li Juehong and Congshang came in as soon as they opened it.

"You, this is not cheap. It's at noon, and it's quite elegant."

Cong Shang looked at the red wine and teased him; he took out a clean wine glass and poured two glasses, "It's such a good wine, try it quickly, or you may not have a chance in the future."

"What do you mean?"

The momentum instantly became sharp and sharp.

"Nothing, drink."

Put the wine glass into Min Wanxing's hand, and hand the other glass to Li Juehong.

"Don't be burdened, such a good wine, drink it quickly; I came here by car, so I have no luck to enjoy it."

Although Congshang was laughing, he was much scarier than Li Juehong.

Min Wanxing had always been a bully and feared the tough, so under the threat of his eyes, he drank half a bottle of wine.



Cong Shang nodded, pulled a chair and sat down, "You may not know me, but I have heard of your name; in the setting of vampire novels, blood and red wine taste the same. Have you ever realized that blood-sucking taste?"

"With everything your daughter got, did you sleep well at night?"

Min Wanhang is a phoenix man, and everything depends on the Min family; this is the last thing he can mention about the past, and it is his sensitive point.

"It was Min Qili who came to look for you? Let me tell you, why would someone cause trouble as soon as they come up; tell me, how much will she pay you for doing this?"

Min Wanxing was no longer afraid now, and looked at Cong Shang with disdain.

"Do you want to buy me? I'm very expensive. The two ladies in the back, how much do you think it will take to buy me?"

Seeing Cong Shang, Ling Qiuyu narrowed her eyes in satisfaction; it would be a pity to hang out with Min Qili, if he could accept it.
It will definitely be much easier to use than Wang Jiye.

"What's the use of talking so much? What did you say when you called Qili this morning?"

Min Wanxing pretended to be stupid, "Did you say anything to Qili?"

"There must be some misunderstanding in this, let's call Qili over and clarify; is there anything else you want to ask besides this?"

Ling Qiuyu spoke softly and seemed like a gentle hostess.

Ling Qiuyu's mother sat in the back, drinking the soup calmly.

"Here, what are you going to say?"

"I'm not familiar with Min Qili, even if you ask, I have nothing to say."

Uncaring, supercilious; the face is surrounded by expensive cosmetics that cannot be smoothed.

"Did you really not say anything to Qili? I remember that Qili sent a land named Lu Yiyi in a few days ago; the call records of these days, you have already told Qili these things, how do you want to quibble?"

"Yiyi didn't do anything wrong. Min Qili thought she was very powerful, wronged Yiyi, and sent Yiyi in; do you know how much impact it will have on Yiyi? She did something wrong, but she is still young, as for this?"

Where did the three views go?

Cong Shang glanced at Li Juehong, "Do you have anything to say?"

"Qi Li has never asked me to do anything about this matter; if I knew that you would do this, I would definitely not take Qi Li into consideration and act directly. If I did, she would not be like this now."

"Qili is my wife, and the child in her womb is also my child. If she hurts my family, I will never let her go."

After listening to Li Juehong's words, Cong Shang said, "I really hope that your mouth is as tough as what you do."

"Because Qili sent Lu Yiyi in, you are angry, and people hurt Qili, don't you?"

"How can there be people like you?"

"Let's go, Li Juehong. It's a waste of time for these people to talk to them."

Cong Shang took the red wine from Li Juehong's hand, "This brand is actually an obsolete product. If you like it, I can give you a bottle of genuine product; forget it, and be careful not to harm your body if you drink it."
"Why did you leave like this? Don't you want to investigate clearly and give Qili justice?"

"People who are dull-minded will never admit their mistakes. Reasoning with foolish people, you can only be angry with yourself. If you want to be angry with them, I can send you back right now. You are still the president, really. "

Cong Shang shook his head in disgust.

Accelerate forward and soon arrive at the company.

"How, have you found anything?"

Wu Ziyu looked at them.

Cong Shang shook his head.

"What do you think foolish people can say? Before there is any favorable evidence, everything is false."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the field froze again.

The lights in the emergency room finally dimmed.

"Where are the patient's family members?"

"I'm here."

Li Juehong was the first to catch up.

"Sorry, I didn't keep the baby. The patient is very young now, and she will be pregnant in the future. You have to be confident. The brain injury is serious. After the patient wakes up, you must pay attention to your emotions. You should also pay more attention to the fracture of the body."

(End of this chapter)

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