Min Qili was sent to the intensive care unit, her whole body was wrapped tightly.

Song Yuqing stood outside with red eyes.

"Wu Ziyu, why is it Qili?"

"It's okay, as long as Qili is fine. The driver who was brought in with Qili has also left the emergency room. His injuries are lighter than Qili's. When he wakes up, we may be able to get some useful clues."

Wu Ziyu also blamed himself for this incident.

Last time when Min Qili was kidnapped, he promised that he would take good care of Min Qili; however, they were all here and made Qili suffer such harm.

He would rather be himself lying in it.

"We've known each other for many years, and Qili has always been strong. The people of Min's family treat her so well, and she can still maintain a pure heart. If it were me, I might go crazy or have a crooked look."

Wu Ziyu turned and looked at Li Juehong, "Perhaps Qili liked you very much before, but you are not worthy of her liking. Neither of your family is worthy of her, why does your grandma come to Qili again and again Today, if she hadn't come, Qili wouldn't have suffered such an indiscriminate disaster."

"You are all divorced, why can't you stay away from Qili? She is already keeping her distance from you, Li Juehong, do you like Qili?"

Does he like Min Qili?
Li Juehong didn't know the answer to this question, wasn't sure, or wasn't sure.

"You don't need to answer, because it doesn't matter; thank you for coming today, it must be very hard to lose a child. You can digest this feeling yourself, and you don't need to tell us. Qi Li woke up and knew that her pain is no less than yours."

"The child flowed out of her body, and she actually suffered more damage."

"Li Juehong, if you really feel uncomfortable, or care about Qili, please stop pestering Qili, okay? We are all in the same city and at the same class, so we will inevitably encounter each other; even if we do, just laugh it off, okay?" ?”

After the sad emotions pass, the whole person will be extraordinarily calm.

Wu Ziyu looked at the machine in the intensive care unit, without any ups and downs in his eyes, and said calmly.

"I'm sorry about this matter, I will go back and explain it clearly to grandma. But, I will not treat Qili as a stranger."

"Then you like Qili?"

"Even if you're divorced, you can still be friends."

Li Juehong hasn't explored and understood his own heart yet, so he dare not jump to conclusions.

Knowing that Min Qili had an accident, she suddenly felt a sense of something being broken.He desperately wants to see Min Qili, knowing that she is safe, just seeing her is enough.

For this reason, he would rather abandon the people who assembled the conference room, and almost rushed to the hospital in violation of the traffic law.

But he wasn't sure the feeling was liking.

It may also be that they have been together for three years and regard her as a family member, and they are worried about her family.

"Only a scumbag can say this kind of thing, Li Juehong, are you a scumbag?"

After learning about the driver's situation, Cong Shang came over with lunch.

"Boss Li, you're still here. I thought you were gone, so I didn't buy yours. Wu Ziyu, let's have lunch first. I'll watch over here."

Cong Shang forcefully stuffed him with lunch, and pushed him out without giving him a chance to refuse.

"Why don't you leave, worried about Qili?" Cong Shang leaned loosely against the wall, raising his eyebrows.

Li Juehong glanced at him and continued to look at the situation inside.

"Have you been with Qili all this time?"

"This is not something you should worry about. One of the reasons for Qili's car accident is because of your grandma. I ask you to take care of her and stop looking for Qili. You are divorced, ex-husband and wife; is it because the property is not clearly divided? You Knowing that behavior is disgusting."

"Not to mention Qili, it's because she is sensible and doesn't want to hurt the old man's heart. But I'm different," Congshang shrugged fearlessly, "I don't know you well, and your grandma; I can take care of you once or twice, understandably, But if there are too many, you will turn your face."

Cong Shang showed his standard smile.

"I see, I will tell grandma; take good care of Qili, and I will continue to investigate."

His eyes and tone were chasing customers, Li Juehong would be making himself miserable if he stayed here any longer.

Taking a deep look at Min Qili in the ward, she turned and left.

Wu Ziyu was sitting in the corner, desperately picking up the lunch box, and saw Li Juehong leaving, and walked over curiously with the lunch box.

"I told him so much just now, but I didn't leave; what did you tell him?"

Cong Shang took out a tissue and handed it to him, "You've said enough, I'll add fuel to the fire; his self-esteem may not be able to take it anymore, you eat slowly, there will be milk tea in a while. Qili, let's do this Get ready for a protracted battle, the competition is about to start; I’m leaving, you’re the only one left, you must take care of yourself.”

"Don't worry, I will definitely find out the people behind the scenes; Qili will be fine too."

"Let's eat. Let the family members of the driver know more about the situation after eating."
Taking a quick glance at Min Qili in the intensive care unit, Song Yuqing wiped away her tears and ran to Song Qin.

Sitting in the office, watching Song Qin take away his food while eating.

"Brother, something happened to Qili, can you find out who hurt her?"

Song Qin shook his head and poured the vegetables together.

"The police are already investigating. Li Juehong has found someone and sent additional police force; it will definitely be soon, and I will let you know as soon as I have any news."

Song Yuqing was holding on to the pattern on the cup, still preoccupied.

"I'm really worried about your matter? I know it even if you don't tell me. I was slandered for no reason and affected my work. Anyone else would not be in a good mood. This matter is being investigated by Wu Ziyu and Cong Shang. Don't worry. You'll be back to work soon."

"No, it's another friend I met on the set. Her family members treated her very badly, and because the family members are still not awake, they have been in a coma for almost half a month. How can I make them admit that they did something wrong? Are you sorry for not knowing?"

Although Song Yuqing filmed two films, she suffered a small setback in the crew; her essence is still a little princess in a greenhouse, and she doesn't know the sufferings of the world.

How can those people who have been struggling in society for many years bow their heads so easily?

Even if you really did something wrong, your face won't allow it.

"What is their reason for not admitting their mistakes?"

"The family members are very good. We have been eating and drinking the same food since we were young. We didn't do anything wrong at all."

"Watch two more family ethics dramas, and you will know; Qingqing, the social relations in our country are very complicated, and human beings are also very complicated. Some things can be done if we think about it. Which hospital is your friend at now? Because the family member was injured, are you taking care of her now? Qili is injured, and you can't get away, so transfer her to us, it will be easier to take care of her."

"I see, I'll go back and discuss it."

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