Chapter 222 Cousin Gu Wan
"Feng Shui turns around, you go and sing Errenzhuan."

Cong Shang came over with a beating expression on his face.

"The results of the competition will be released during the National Day, it will only be an exhibition; I will go back tomorrow."

"Here, Qili and Qiqi need your care, combining work and rest; Wu Ziyu is checking information, and their family also needs to deal with it. I can't help you at any time, and I will definitely be out of contact when the time comes. Although Li Juehong hates it , but he is indeed a good helper. You must not be stingy, you know?"

"Understood, don't worry, why did you suddenly become so wordy."

If wordiness can avoid risks, Congshang is willing to be wordy anytime and anywhere.

The original plan for the final was that he and Min Qili were together, but now he is alone again.

The teacher probably didn't know, and he didn't know how to explain it after he went back.

"Of course it's to care about you, you have no conscience. Treat me to a meal, and I won't come tonight. I'll pack up my things, prepare materials, and prepare for tomorrow."

Song Yuqing took half a step back, "I don't know you. You sell hundreds of thousands to millions of paintings, do you need me to hire you?"

"The big star still cares about me, a little painter, I really misjudged you."

"Okay, please."

From the innocent expression, it looks cheap.

There are fast food restaurants near the hospital. After walking two streets, I chose a seafood restaurant.

"The hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake are ready recently, why don't you treat me to some crab roe."

"Yes, you can eat as much as you want."

Ordering was all done by Cong Shang, Song Yuqing didn't look at the menu the whole time.

After ordering, Song Yuqing crossed her legs and looked around.

"Are you finished?"

"Don't worry, no food will be wasted."

Song Yuqing, who had been looking left and right, froze, her brows began to frown.

Gu Wanhe was alone.

Going upstairs one after the other, Gu Wan looked very unhappy; the man was smiling all the time.

"What did you see?"

"If you have something to do, you must make an appointment here. Is the house I found for you not big enough?"

Gu Wan threw the bag on the table and looked impatiently at the few people who had been laughing.

This little bitch, A Mei, exposed her information when she was on the phone with her family a few days ago.

As soon as the family showed off, news of the small place spread quickly; her uncle and aunt came to the door very quickly; the nickname was long time no see, and they came to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together.

He gave them a sum of money and helped them find a house; he threw the things he hadn't given away to them, and they acted as if they had seen Bao.

Thinking that Gu Wan still has affection for them, she wants more.

The insatiable one will continue to eat even if he is about to die of hunger.

"Xiao Wan, my uncle and aunt invited you here to help your brother find a job; you see that you have been mixed up in such a complicated entertainment circle, so it must be no problem to help your brother find a job in the film crew casually. .He has a lot of experience in acting, just give him the second male and the third male; or, you can cooperate with him in the next play, and the family will be popular together."

The creases on Uncle Gu's face are frightening to death.

Cousin Gu has a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek and a beer belly. I don’t know if he thought he was pregnant; if such a person is sent up, is it a clown or a joke.

"I don't have that ability, so you better stop dreaming; I've given you enough money these days, so go back quickly. I heard that the autumn harvest is coming at home, so hurry up and collect it."

"You don't have to worry about it. The house was closed in August; when we came, we specially took care of the house. You don't have to worry about it."

"I didn't expect Xiaowan to miss her family so much." "Yes, yes."

Uncles and aunts whispered to each other.

"You are here to invite me to dinner, so order."

These vampires also took their own money; Gu Wan didn't feel bad, and only wanted the most expensive ones.

Uncle Gu and Aunt Gu looked at the menu, their eyes almost popping out.

"Do you have any comments, or say, what do you want to add?"

It was the first time Tang Ge came to such a high-end place, he waved his hand to call the waiter over, and chose a few dishes he wanted to eat.

These dishes add up to five figures; Uncle Gu is in pain.

The money in hand has not been warmed up, so I can't fly.

"Xiao Wan, you are a big star; you always pay attention to your figure, order so much, can you finish it?"

Gu Wan heard the "intimate" question and answered it patiently.

"There are some of yours among them. I know these are delicious, so let's take them."

The vampire is bleeding profusely.

After the dishes were served, Gu Wan ate a few mouthfuls and found an excuse to leave.

They settled the bill with tears in their eyes.

This time I came to look for Gu Wan, because cousin Gu was getting married, and his wife insisted on a house in the city; they had no money, so when they saw Gu Wan, they wanted to get some from their niece.

Unexpectedly, this niece was quite generous, and she gave almost seven figures one after another.

I thought that a small villa was stable, but I didn't expect that half a suite for a meal was gone.

The family wanted to eat the table and make money back.

Brother Gu suddenly had a stomach upset because he ate too much seafood, so he ran to the toilet.

On the way back, I passed by Song Yuqing and the others, and saw that Song Yuqing was pretty; she was also well-mannered, imitating the scene where the prince and princess met by chance in the idol drama.

"Hello miss, may I have the honor to have your contact information?"


With such an old-fashioned plot, Song Yuqing thought she was filming a spoof movie; she searched around for a camera, but couldn't find it.

"Are you just talking to me?"

"Of course." Cousin Gu thought he was handsome.

Song Yuqing almost shook the crab roe out of her hands.

"I have to ask my son. He just went to the bathroom. You can talk to him when he comes back."

Cousin Gu was shocked, the first one to flirt was a married woman, bad luck.

"You have a son?"

"Of course, my son is getting married soon; I'm going to be a grandma soon, am I taking good care of myself?" Song Yuqing looked at him proudly.

Cousin Gu left unhappily and bumped into Cong Shang; looking at such a handsome man, he felt instantly shorter.

Seeing him sitting in the position just now, he almost exploded with anger.

Song Yuqing looked at his back, "Cut~"

"Who made our eldest lady angry?"

"A man tried to tease me, and almost cost me a crab roe; do I seem to be so easy to be teased?"

"No, maybe you have a sense of deception when you eat."

After eating the crab, Song Yuqing took out her bank card, "This is my brother's card, I hope it will be fine."

After paying the bill, they went back to their respective homes.

Song Yuqing arrived at Wu Ziyu's company, lying on the desk and watching Wu Ziyu who was busy and serious.

"Time is really fast. You who used to play with me are now starting to take care of yourself; do you have any new discoveries about these things?"

"No, the surveillance blind spot, the only witness is still awake; if Qili can wake up, she can also help."

(End of this chapter)

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