Chapter 223 Min Qili wakes up

After listening to Wu Ziyu's words, Song Yuqing lay down on the table.

"Don't be discouraged. Give them a little time and they will definitely gain something."

"I can wait, but I'm not reconciled; it will be the Min's board of directors soon. Qili intends to use this opportunity to take over the Min's, but if something like this happens, Qili will definitely not be there; at that time, in case something goes wrong But what should I do? I believe that Qili can be foolproof, but Min Wanxing is a villain. Although I have already asked Li Juehong for help."

"If he is really willing to help, this matter shouldn't have any impact. Let's hand over Qili's matter to the police first, and talk about your matter." Wu Ziyu sorted out the printed materials.

"What's the matter with me? I'm going to be muddy before I'm red. After a few days, when Qili's condition improves, accompany me to pack my things, and I'll be back."

"Don't be discouraged, there is still a turning point."

Song Yuqing changed her posture and looked up at him, "What a turning point."

"Miaohui Ceramics. Through all kinds of teasing and yin and yang to you in the past few days, their sales have nearly halved."


Song Yuqing was too shocked to speak.

"After their young master was hacked by you, they recuperated for a few months, and went out to flirt again yesterday; although breaking the news can't change your image, it won't let them continue to make profits. What you did is acting on behalf of the heavens, netizen I know, I should have a better impression of you."

"But it might be worse," Song Yuqing said, taking a sip of Wu Ziyu's coffee.

"The nasty things he did must be known to others; I don't need to take it with me, the public will have time to forget, the truth will not be depressed forever, I have the time and ability to wait for this result."
The seven-day long vacation was fleeting, and Song Yuqing was lying in Wu Ziyu's office looking at the blocked road outside.

"I feel like I just watched the military parade yesterday. Why did it end suddenly?"

Wu Ziyu smiled and put the brewed coffee in front of her, "Try the taste you mentioned last time. You have been playing these days, and you will feel that the time is running upside down day and night. Miaohui Ceramics asked someone to think To reconcile, I hope we can clarify that everything was an accident."

"Accident?" Song Yuqing held her chin and turned to look at Wu Ziyu, "What do you think?"

"If you make a mistake, you must accept punishment. It is an eternal truth. It will not be clarified, and those who have been hurt will not want to let him go."

Wu Ziyu's action was very fast, and after he proposed this idea, it was implemented very quickly.

From the end of September until now, this son will still be dragged out to flog his corpse; Miaohui Ceramics has also been seriously affected.

They released the recording at that time, and the public opinion reversed for a while; then they threw out the surveillance video, and they were completely defeated.

After the driver fully woke up at the end of last month, he provided a strong clue; based on this clue, everyone's investigation circle was narrowed.

With the police and their unremitting efforts, the perpetrator has been basically identified, and they are now pursuing them with all their strength, waiting for further trials.

The cars downstairs that were about to form a line were finally unblocked. Song Yuqing took out her phone and looked at the news in the crew group.

There are still two and a half months to wrap up, can she still go to shoot?
Thinking of this, Song Yuqing lay down on the sofa unhappily; the soft and comfortable cushion swept away most of the restlessness, she grabbed the soft fur on it, and read patiently one by one.

Just then, a message came in on the phone.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

She is the nurse who takes care of Min Qili's department in the hospital.

"Miss Min is awake?"


The irritability was completely driven away, Song Yuqing turned over and sat up; "Are you sure?"

"Very sure, our doctor is checking Miss Min's condition, don't worry, pay attention to safety on the road."

There was a thunderous heartbeat in my ears.

"Wu Ziyu, the doctor said that Qi Li is awake."

Wu Ziyu, who had just entered the door, slipped the documents in his hand.


"Of course, let's go to the hospital."
Blood flowed from the body, and the feeling of life dissipated bit by bit.

When Min Qili opened her eyes, she still felt very deeply about this feeling.

Is she not dead?
The body was immobilized, and various testing instruments were inserted into the body; he was also wearing an oxygen mask, and his eyes were all white, with a strong smell of disinfectant.

She is in the hospital.

Mother Ling's vicious curse still echoed in her ears.

They must be very disappointed to know that they are still alive, right?
What time is it now?
Board of Directors……

An overwhelming number of questions flooded into her mind; Min Qili closed her eyes in pain, and her breathing became short of breath.

There was a layer of fog on the oxygen mask, and the passing nurse, habitually looking in, saw this scene.

Seeing that she woke up, she excitedly called the doctor and called to inform someone.

Just after waking up, Min Qili was very weak.

After the doctor's examination, "He's recovering well. Do you know where you are now? If you know, just blink."

Min Qili looked at the benevolent doctor and blinked twice.

After recording the data and completing the inspection, Min Qili mobilized all her strength and looked out the window.

There is still a cloud of fire today.

The Huoshaoyun shining in the house dyed everything in red.

Like her blood at the time.

The disappearance of a child, as a mother, is known.

Although no one had told her yet, she knew the baby was gone.

He is not Nezha, how could he survive such a serious car accident?
She is not happy now, and if she brings him into the world, he will not be happy either.

So fine.

Comforting herself like this, a line of clear tears flashed across the corner of Min Qili's eyes.

She doesn't lie.

I haven't opened my eyes for a long time, always staring in one direction, still with tears; slowly my eyes become sore.

Close your eyes and try to stop being sad.

She is still too weak now, and she is about to fall asleep again after closing for a while.

At this time, Song Yuqing's voice came from far and near.

Min Qili tried to smile and looked at her.

"I'm not. Nothing."

After not speaking for a long time, her voice was hoarse.

Seeing Min Qili like this, Song Yuqing was about to cry.

"Qi Li, you finally woke up; you don't know how long I've been waiting for you, I should have gone with you then. I can also help you share a little pain, do you know how long you have been lying down, my heart aches died."

"Min's people are really shameless, they took your position away; Min Wanxing is still the chairman, I'm sorry I couldn't keep it for you, let's get it back when you are well, okay, you hurry up stand up."

"I just informed Cong Shang that he will be back tonight. This competition was held perfectly. Your paintings have been well received by many people. Fans who like you are so happy to see you come back."

(End of this chapter)

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