Chapter 235 The company is very disturbed because of this incident
Black characters on a white background make up a hidden reality.

After reading the first document, Min Qili smiled lightly.

No wonder, when I was a child, I was so indulged by my girlfriend who bullied me like this; I was clearly my own, but I didn't receive the normal and deserved treatment.

The grass you pick up is nobler than you.

Laughing and laughing, tears flowed down.

The sadness in her heart made Min Qili couldn't help laughing.

The tears flowed more and more, and the vision was blurred; the more I wiped, the more the tears flowed.

She wasn't grieving for this family relationship, she had already disappointed these people; she didn't deserve it for her mother.

Being stabbed by the person you trust the most, when you die, do you know the truth and despair, or die in a daze knowing nothing.

She really wanted to ask, those promises he made were things he could use to deceive people, were they really without any sincerity?
"Is Qili all right in there?"

After Cong Shang pulled Song Yuqing out, the two did not go far; they lay at the door and listened to the movement in the room for a while.

Min Qili kept suppressing her crying, but they didn't hear them; they just assumed she was really tired.

Everyone has things in a bad mood, so you don't have to get to the bottom of everything; if you want to tell you, I will tell you.

"It's okay, we should be thinking too much; go back, I just booked a hotel, you go back and take a shower, relax, we will come back tomorrow."

Song Yuqing straightened up, glanced at the door worriedly; nodded, and left with Cong Shang.
Been seeing the morning.

Eyes are now dry from tears.

The amount of information tonight is huge, pushing the original her to another world.

Her friends are very busy because of her own car accident and Qingqing's being reported maliciously by the Internet;

This is a matter about my own family, and it is inevitable that I will be tied up when dealing with it.

The content of the document is only the tip of the iceberg.

I still need to recover as soon as possible and find out everything by myself.

Force yourself to forget these things and force yourself to sleep.

Throughout the night, Min Qili did not rest well.

All sorts of weird scene transitions, running and screaming all the time, nobody paying attention.

"Its daybreak."

Opening his eyes suddenly, he sat up.

The outside can be seen from the window of the ward; there are a few people in hospital gowns, accompanied by their families, exercising and walking.

Song Jin sent a message of concern early in the morning.

[Are you okay, if you need help, I'm always available. 】

[Thank you, Lawyer Song; I will investigate this matter myself after I recover.If you need help, I hope you will not refuse me then.Until then, I want this to be a secret; if you have any more information, feel free to let me know. 】

[Don't worry if I can't bear it, I can do it anytime. 】

After replying to the message, Min Qili gasped; Song Yuqing and the others were coming.

They didn't rest well last night, so they couldn't let them see the problem.

After a while, Song Yuqing's bright voice came from outside.

"Qili, have you woken up yet? I brought you this from the hotel. I tasted it this morning. It's delicious. I believe you will like it too."

The packaging is very tight, and there is still heat when you open it.

"What porridge, will the doctor let me eat it?"

Min Qili was a little eager, and at the same time showed concern.

"Don't worry, I asked the doctor, it's all right."

The sweet and greasy fresh porridge sweeps away the bad mood that has been suppressed all night.

After drinking a bowl of porridge, Min Qili was happy.

"Qi Li, let's go out to exercise; when I came here, I saw them all gone, so let's go too. Just now I went to borrow an electric wheelchair, and the nurse will bring it to you in a while; the battery is full, where do you want to go I will go with you."

"Okay, let's expand the scope today; come back after dinner, don't cheat halfway."

"No problem, trust me baby."

With Song Yuqing's company, the mood is getting better and better.

But, at the same time; inferiority and guilt arising from concealment also emerged.

There is no sun today, the weather is gloomy, with a refreshing breeze.

"Qi Li, why did you come out, you haven't recovered yet, what should you do if you run around and have an accident?"

Ling Si said with concern, seeing that she was wearing thin clothes, she had to take off her coat.

"What are you doing, who are you, does Qili need your attention?"

Song Yuqing stood in front and threw Ling Si's coat to him, "What kind of inferior perfume are you wearing? It's as inferior as your whole body. Stay away from Qili, we don't welcome you, you know?"

"You are Qili's friend, you don't care about her; I am worried about Qili's illness, is it wrong to care about her?"

"That's right, any stranger's concern is fine; but you can't, it's wrong to do anything you want to do. If you can't recognize your identity and position yourself, you're an adult. Do you want to pack green tea? ? What are you doing to show your presence?"

"Okay," Min Qili pulled Song Yuqing behind her.

"Never call a man who pretends to be asleep. Let's go."

"Qi Li, I really care about you; even if my mother did something that made you unhappy, there is no need for our relationship to be like this."

Ling Si's voice was very loud, and the people walking around looked over; if something good happened, they immediately started discussing it.

"No need? Let me ask you, why did your mother climb into my father's bed? It wasn't for money, was it for love? Did he have a stable girlfriend at the time? Are you confident?"

"Everyone can come over and comment. I don't welcome Xiaosan's children shouting in front of me. Is it my fault?"

Ling Si wanted to use the embarrassment of the public to deal with her, she would be a fool if given a chance.

From the materials I read last night, some words clearly appeared in front of my eyes; the corners of my mouth slowly retracted, and I looked at Ling Si coldly.

"Qi Li, what are you talking about outside, if you don't want to see me; I'll leave after I finish speaking."

Life experience is the last thing Ling Si wants to mention.

When he was a child, he was ridiculed for a long time because of his mother's misbehavior; later, Ling Qiuyu married Min Wanxing, and he claimed to be the son of the Min family outside, and only then did he earn some face.

Now that the scar was torn open again, Ling Si felt very embarrassed; the things that were about to be forgotten were recalled again.

"I want you to leave right now. I don't want to see any of you."

"Qi Li, before I leave, I want to tell you; we really didn't intend to hurt you, don't let people check us anymore. The company is very disturbed because of this incident, and many people have quit; You don't want the Min family to become like this, do you?"

"Who asked you to come, yourself or you as the representative? You have to find the reason for the company's turmoil. What does it have to do with me? If you make a management mistake, blame me? You will find a reason without elementary school students."

(End of this chapter)

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