Chapter 236 Decent
"Since the management is not good, return the company to me; I have contacts and can make it better."

"Running a company is not as simple as you imagined, you have to go through a lot of things; moreover, you didn't study this major in university, so no one may be convinced of you." Ling Si said it sincerely, and those who didn't know would be deceived by him up.

"Jane is not easy, don't you know it once you get started?"

"Why my university is this major, you know better than me; no one will convince me, will they convince you? I remember which school you went to, you donated a building to enter; the result is always [-] Floating, and the same for other subjects. Do you think you might graduate without a teacher picking you up?"

"Compared to you who seem to have a crippled IQ, why not me? My surname is Min, and this company was founded by my mother; even Min Wanxing is a gangster who picks fruits. You don't need to tell me here, I should eat peaches Or pick pears?"

"Lu Yiyi regards yours as the only one, do you think I am?"

Min Qili smiled sweetly and looked at him innocently.

"Don't think about it if you can't figure it out, let's go quickly."

Operate the electric wheelchair to leave.

"Qi Li, are you okay; if you get angry, I'll beat him up."

"It's okay," Min Qili smiled, "I just saw these people affect my mood this morning. Let's hurry to the next stop and find some fun things to change our mood."

"I'm familiar with fun things, Qili believes that I'm right."

Song Yuqing patted her chest and promised.
Ling Si looked at Min Qili's back in doubt.

It was like eating gunpowder suddenly, did someone tell her something?

There were still people watching around, Ling Si put on her clothes and left immediately.

Drive home.

"Well, did you find anything new?"

Pregnant at an advanced age, Ling Qiuyu's body has already experienced various discomforts; he collapsed on the sofa and looked at him excitedly.

"Mom, please slow down;" Ling Si worriedly helped Ling Qiuyu back.

"Qi Li, you have a bad attitude towards me; I don't know why it is like this."

"Is it a failure?" Ling Qiuyu's tone was displeased.

She thought that people who had a crush on her would always be more tolerant; or would they be returned?

But it's no wonder that Min Qili's eyes are higher than the top, she thinks she is high, she thinks she is everything, but in fact she is a poor bastard who has nothing.

"It's okay, then go to the company to accompany your dad, he needs you more than me."

Suppressing the disgust in her heart, Ling Qiuyu sent Ling Si away gently and kindly.

In order to conceive this child, Ling Qiuyu endured a lot of unknown hardships.

Both he and Min Wanxing were in their fifties, and it was difficult to conceive, and it was even more difficult to keep him.

The pain of an elderly pregnant woman is for the sake of the child, and for the property after the child is born; even if he loses half his life, he will give birth.

Ling Si didn't try to persuade Min Qili, but just caused her some trouble; let's get busy and suspend the investigation?

Send a message to your mistress.

Looking at the reply, Ling Qiuyu raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction, ate the freshly washed fruit by the nanny, raised her feet, leisurely like Lafayette.
We ate and stopped all the way, and went to a vegetarian restaurant at noon.

After eating, Song Yuqing swiped her phone and looked at today's hot spots.

"Qi Li," Song Yuqing suddenly said seriously, and handed her the phone, "The crew said that they discovered that the monitoring had been tampered with, and that the crew was attacked."


The filming of this crew was really troubled.

Min Qili watched the outrageous news, dipped in salad dressing and ate a mouthful of cabbage.

"Take care of this, and we may be able to solve your predicament quickly."

"Can you do it?"

"You're an actor in the crew, and it's not good for you except for anything; the crew has shut down now, and it needs help more than us. We have the resources and technology to help the crew solve it; you understand."

"I'll go talk to Wu Ziyu," Song Yuqing said while holding the phone, with a smug look on her face.

Min Qili ordered another plate of small tomatoes, and watched while eating.

Suddenly, another message entered her phone.

The person who sent it was Li Juehong.

[Lu Yiyi applied to go abroad. 】

[Is this reasonable? 】

[They found someone. 】

[I see, thank you. 】

The other side is still typing something, looking at Moments casually and waiting patiently; maybe he has a solution.

Gu Wan's circle of friends announced that she and her aunt joined the variety show.

The selling point and main feature is family affection.

Gu Wan's attitude towards her aunt was obvious to all, but she couldn't understand it.

It has nothing to do with her either.

[Grandma wants to see you, would you like to let her come? 】

[Autumn changes seasons, and it is easy to get sick at this time; at this time, let grandma still take good care of her body, and want to see me in the future. I have time whenever I want. 】

Min Qili's answer rejected them in disguise.

There is no input on the opposite side.

A few minutes later, Li Juehong replied.

【You also take care of yourself. 】

Looking at this content, she felt mixed feelings.

In the past, she was the beggar, but now the two of them have turned back to being strangers.

It is more about the emotion of right and wrong, and there is not much emotional throbbing anymore.

"Qi Li, Wu Ziyu has already agreed; I will tell the director now." Song Yuqing was elated.

"Okay, if you need my help, come to me at any time."

The small tomatoes in the vegetarian restaurant are plump and juicy; after eating the tomatoes, Song Yuqing has happily contacted her.

"The director told me just now that the person who was attacked was partnered with the male protagonist. They were very CP, and they knocked them out a lot. After the accident, many people wailed and were still wondering if they were right. Many people have already been listed. into suspicion."

"Among them, everyone is most suspicious of Ni Huan. However, Ni Huan just issued a statement, absolutely nothing to do with her. She will do her best to help the crew investigate this matter as soon as possible."


The director called everyone up to investigate one by one, but found nothing; the popularity of this drama is rising now, if there is no way to deal with it quickly, it will be over. "

"Is it possible that it's the right one? This drama has such a good reputation now; everyone has pink eye disease, and they are doing some tricks during filming. The market share is so big. If you are ruined, I will have a chance to eat your cake."

"It's possible." Song Yuqing looked around and carefully approached Min Qili, "Actually, there are some little things you don't know. The reason why they feel that way is because it's true; An upright gentleman, what he likes most is to tease others. He even approached Qiqi before, but I avoided it skillfully. Do you think it might be a relationship problem?"

"It's decent to break up. Could it be that she stalked her to death, and then..."

(End of this chapter)

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