Hearing Feng Man's mocking tone, Ling Si raised her head, her falcon-like gaze made Feng Man stunned.

Randomly, holding his belly in aggrieved way.

"Lingsi, you really have no conscience. You forgot, how did I treat you before? I treated you wholeheartedly. You really have no conscience."

The appearance of Xuanran about to cry did not arouse Ling Si's pity.

Ling Si looked at her coldly, "Feng Man, don't go too far."

The phrase "don't go too far" brought Feng Man, who had been immersed in false tenderness these days, back to reality again.

This is the real Lingsi.

This is the normal way she and Ling Si get along.

In Ling Si's heart, Min Qili will always come first, and always be the most important.

Doing this by yourself is really pushing an inch.

It's really too much.

Feng Man looked at him desperately.

"Lingsi, the family account has been seized, and almost all the money is on it; I'm going to give birth in a few months, what should I do with the money, what about the child? You have to figure out a way for this matter; even if you If you like Min Qili, you should also be responsible for me and the child in my belly."

"I've made plans for all of this, so you can rest assured; I will definitely let you give birth to this child completely. I will arrange everything for you after that, and there is nothing you need to worry about."

"What about after giving birth. My child is absolutely impossible to live in a barren environment, and I will not allow him to lose the father's love he deserves."

Ling Si finally couldn't take it anymore, "Feng Man, don't you like me very much? If you like me, you should trust me; if you think I can't do anything, you should help me. Instead of just blaming me and doubting me here I."

Feng Man used to like Ling Si very much.

However, this love slowly disappeared in the marriage between the two.

Likes are caused by dopamine, and getting along with each other unpleasantly will slowly dissipate this dopamine.

"We are just husband and wife now, so what if I like you? You also said that liking is not a once-and-for-all thing. What I need is a husband who can fight side by side with me, not after encountering difficulties. I have come to help him every time. A person like you really wasted my love for these years. "

Feng Man's aura was fully open, and the two auras competed equally.

Standing up from the chair, giving Ling Si a look, she turned and left in disappointment.

Soon, Feng Man walked down slowly with his bag on his back.

"Where are you going?"

Ling Si couldn't control her anger, and grabbed Feng Man's arm forcefully.

"Does it have anything to do with you where I go? You like Min Qili, you should care about her and care about her. Why do you care about me, an outsider?"

Feng Man shook off Ling Si's hand, slammed the door and left.

Ling Si's hand hangs down feebly, "Outsider?"

Strange emotional fluctuations lingered in her mind, Ling Si clutched her chest, not knowing why.

"Why are you so unhappy?"

Their marriage was a conspiracy by Feng Man; Feng Man should be happy when he is gone.

Why exactly?
Could it be that he fell in love with Feng Man?
No, no.

What he likes is Min Qili, and he will only like Min Qili in this life; he can't betray his own, absolutely not.

Anxious to deny all this, Ling Si ran out and went downstairs to Min Qili's house.

After pressing the doorbell for a long time, there was no response, and I began to knock on the door vigorously; my hands were red and swollen, but no one came to answer the door.

"Qi Li, I like you, I only like you, I won't like anyone else."

Not seeing Min Qili, Lingsi gave herself psychological hints over and over again.
"Who's at my door?"

After exercising, Min Qili saw a figure squatting in front of her house.

Song Yuqing, who was tired like a dog, widened her eyes in an instant, trying to identify the shadow at the door.

"Is this Li Juehong?"

"It's not Li Juehong."

Although she didn't recognize who it was, Min Qili quickly denied that it was not Li Juehong.

"Not Li Juehong? Qili, how can you be so sure."

A few things surfaced.

After learning that Min Qili liked Li Juehong, Ling Si learned from Li Juehong in every aspect; after these years of influence, Ling Si and Li Juehong looked no different in some places.

Therefore, Song Yuqing was right to think that he was Li Juehong.

Unless it is someone absolutely familiar, it is impossible to recognize it so quickly.

How deep is Min Qili's feelings for Li Juehong?Can you recognize it so quickly?
After that, Song Yuqing's focus was not on who was at the door; she stared at Min Qili's side face, as if trying to see through her heart.

Go in and find out the exact location of Li Juehong.

"Don't rush over."

Congshang stopped Min Qili who was about to go, "This person is Ling Si, it is definitely not a good thing for him to appear suddenly."

"Even if it's not a good thing, so what? Could it be that we can't go in? Lingsi is looking for me now, just because of the Min family; after knowing him for so many years, he can't make any big waves."

For Lingsi, Min Qili has enough confidence.

Hearing her words, Cong Shang withdrew his caring hand.

"Qi Li, be careful in everything."

Min Qili gave him a reassuring look.

After watching her back go away, Song Yuqing stopped thinking and tilted her head to look at Cong Shang.

"Congshang, do you feel that there is something really wrong between Qili and Li Juehong?"

"They are a destined couple, don't think about it, be good."

Cong Shang put the sweat towel on Song Yuqing's head.

"Some things, our feelings may not be accurate; even if Li Juehong really works hard, if Qili is really unwilling, the red thread of destiny will be cut."

Cong Shang pulled her to walk in the opposite direction, "It seems that your exercise is still not enough, and you still have the mood to care about other people's affairs. Come on for a while."
"Lingsi, you are at my door, what are you going to perform?"

Min Qili's cold tone towards Ling Si is the same as Ling Si's tone towards Feng Man.

Ling Si looked at her with hurt eyes, "Qi Li, why are you treating me like this? Can't you treat me better? After liking you for so many years, you don't feel anything at all?"

"Why should I have feelings? I don't like you at all, just like you never liked Feng Man."

Feng Man, Feng Man, Feng Man again...

"Why is Feng Man everywhere?"

Ling Si clapped her red hand and showed it in front of Min Qili.

"Qi Li, look at me, this is when I was waiting for you, I knocked on the door and took a picture. I have been waiting for so many years in front of the door that I like you, why can't you give me a key?"

"My relationship with you is not familiar enough that you can wait for me; this is just your wishful thinking, don't let others give you a key for everything. Have you ever given Feng Man the key?"

"What about Li Juehong? Would you like to give him a key?" Ling Si questioned.

Min Qili avoided subconsciously, "This matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to know."

"Then Feng Man and I don't need you either. You just need to answer, me and yours."

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