"My answer has always been clear. I'm not your kind of person who gives people false hopes."

Seeing her determined look, Ling Si burst out laughing; while shaking her head, she walked back.

"Don't lie, Min Qili, if your answer is always clear, why is Li Juehong still by your side? You say that I am a person who gives people hope, but in fact, you have done more than me; Min Qili , you are the real bad guy. Bad guy who doesn't know it. Why can you give Li Juehong a chance, but not me."

Gritting the teeth, the words passed into Min Qili's ears one by one, and hit Min Qili's heart.

"My answer to everyone is very clear, it's just that you can't understand. I'm going to enter the door, please leave my house."

Instead of retreating, Ling Si put her hand on the door to prevent Min Qili from entering.

"We haven't finished our business yet, what are you running away from?"

"I didn't run away. I just simply didn't want to talk to you, didn't want to see you; Ling Si, you haven't improved at all for more than ten years. Your child is about to be born, and all your accounts have been sealed; You don't prepare for your child, you and Feng Man's future, and come here to waste meaningless time with me. You are a coward who escapes and will never take responsibility."

Feng Man, why is it always Feng Man?
Ling Si's hand resting on the door slowly slid down.

"Why are you all talking about Feng Man? I just married her, and she has my child; it made me look like Chen Shimei, who wanted to abandon her at any time."

"Isn't it? If you recognize your heart, some problems will be solved; you won't bother me because of inexplicable things."


Ling Si stepped aside, and Min Qili went in.

Sitting on the steps of the door, recalling what Min Qili said just now.

Feng Man?

What was he like to Feng Man?

Looking at the red that has faded, there is still pain left on it.

The wound is gone, but the scar is still there.

For so many years, Min Qili has been like this to herself; why is she not like this to Feng Man?
They entangle each other and hurt each other.
Cong Shang took Song Yuqing back from exercising and saw Ling Si still at the door.

Looking at him with a bad tone, "Why are you still here? Why do you want to harm Qili? Don't you think Qili is not miserable enough?"

Ling Si lowered her head, immersed in her own world and grieved.

Ignoring herself, Song Yuqing was about to step forward to break up with him; Cong Shang pulled her back, "Go ahead, in case there are paparazzi around here to shoot you, I don't care about you."

She is still a public figure, Song Yuqing glanced angrily.

"You must tell him well."

"Do not worry."

After Song Yuqing went in, Cong Shang walked up to Ling Si.

"Let's talk."

Ling Si followed Cong Shang to the nearby park.

It was getting late at night, and there were more and more people in the park.

"What are you going to say to me?"

"Just chat." Cong Shang had a faint smile on his face.

Ling Si's face slowly turned cold, "I don't think we have anything to talk about."

"Tell me, what if we share similar interests."

Ling Si snorted lightly, "What are you trying to excuse Min Qili for?"

"I didn't want to excuse Qili, I just wanted to tell you that there is still time, as long as you are willing to help us identify Xu Qinglai."

Identify Xu Qinglai?
Xu Qinglai has not been completely checked and balanced, he has a lot of black information about Ling Si in his hands.

If you help them identify Xu Qinglai and wait until Xu Qinglai comes out, he will be unlucky.

Dormant for so long, will fall short.

"Am I any good?"

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