Chapter 548 Family
She said, "Li Juehong, thank you, thank you for your love. If Min Qili meets you, you will be very happy. Now I am 24-year-old Min Qili, and I cannot respond to your love for me; Letting you take me out is taking advantage of your liking. You will make me feel guilty if you like me so much. Stop liking me. "

Li Juehong's true feelings finally got a response.

However, he still refused.

"It's okay, Qili, you liked it, I'm very satisfied."

Li Juehong spoke bitterly.

This incident made both of them feel very uncomfortable.

After coming out of the hospital, I spent the last day in the polar region; wearing heavy clothes for the last time, stepping on the soft snow layer, all eyes are white.
The plane landed slowly on the airfield, and Min Qili stepped down the stairs slowly.

At this time, the motherland has passed the hottest summer and is about to usher in a refreshing autumn.

Accustomed to the extremely cold and sudden heat; Min Qili was not used to it for a while, and didn't know whether to add more clothes or wear less.

"Qi Li, what's wrong?"

Seeing her hesitation, Li Juehong pulled his luggage and walked to her, asking her with concern.

The movements of her hands stopped abruptly, and Min Qili pretended not to care.

"No, no, let's go."

Looking at the more and more familiar scenery, Min Qili felt as if she had passed away; finally, she decided to take off her coat and put it on her arm.

Everything was familiar to her for 24 years, and Min Qili didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and quickly got used to it.

After leaving the airport, the special car was waiting at the gate.

Li Juehong put his luggage in the trunk and looked at Min Qili.

"Qi Li, are you going home or going to eat? I've already booked a restaurant, do you want to eat?"

From the moment she set foot on this land, Min Qili has made a decision in her heart—she will not run away again.

Looking at Li Juehong, he took his luggage out of the trunk.

"Li Juehong, I shouldn't run away. We shouldn't lie to ourselves. Now that I'm back, I'm ready to face all of this. Thank you very much for the past three months, except that I can't respond to your love for me. I can promise you anything."

Min Qili turned on the phone and swung it at him.

"Before boarding the plane, I have already charged the battery. I can't escape. There are some things that I must face. Li Juehong really thank you."

Min Qili took half a step back, and showed her the brightest smile this March.

In the next second, he turned around without hesitation.

Soon, Min Qili took a taxi and left.

Looking at the back of Min Qili leaving, Li Juehong tightly held the key in his hand.

The lines of the key printed deep marks on the palm of his hand, Li Juehong didn't seem to feel any pain; suppressing the surging emotions in his heart, he took several deep breaths to calm himself down.

Looking at the half-empty trunk, Li Juehong finally shed his first tear.

"Qi Li, you are really cruel; you are really cruel to me."
Li Juehong was heartbroken, while Min Qili was not in a very bright mood.

I'm about to face my friends who have been running away for three months.

Although, they know each other very well and have never been angry; but, not being angry does not mean that they have no temper.

Some things go too far, and anger is inevitable.

Opening WeChat with trembling hands, browsing the messages they sent.

From their anxious censure at the beginning, to their relief and understanding later, to their caring and waiting now.

Her friends have always been on her side, they understand her; they are always the closest family members, and they always care about each other the most.

Looking at it, Min Qili found that the realization became more and more blurred.

Douda's tears dripped down, and Min Qili finally stopped suppressing her emotions; she released her emotions to her heart's content, making herself like a normal little girl who could cry and laugh.

The driver drove around and around the viaduct.

Min Qili's crying still didn't stop.

In the end, the driver couldn't bear to slow down the speed and looked at Min Qili in the rearview mirror with concern.

"Girl, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Dividing her energy from crying, Min Qili shook her head, her voice hoarse.

"Go down at the next intersection, to your destination."

Grief will never stop, especially Min Qili has suffered so much grievance.

The adult tried hard to control his tears, and finally Min Qili stopped crying at the moment of getting off the car.

After recovering his voice, he stood in front of the villa and looked at the long-lost house.

"I'm back, everything is over, and I will work hard to face it all; it doesn't matter, I have a group of people who love me, and they will give me strength."

Min Qili cheered herself up.

Pushing the door open, the house is still the same as it was left three months ago.

The house was very quiet, Song Yuqing and Congshang's shoes were on the shoe rack, they didn't go out.

The living room was empty, and neither was the kitchen.

The entire first floor was empty.

Min Qili was very surprised.

Go up and go back to the room.

Everything is so normal, as if Min Qili just went out to play and just came back.

What happened three months ago was just a nightmare for Min Qili.
Li Juehong and Min Qili walked round and round on the viaduct.

The taxi driver was his man, and Li Juehong was always informed of Min Qili's latest status; seeing her crying so hard that he couldn't help himself, Li Juehong felt as if his heart was being torn apart.

No one can bear the sadness of the girl they like, but there is nothing they can do.

Finally, Min Qili decided to get off the viaduct.

After watching her get off the car, Li Juehong opened the group chat.

[Qili gets off the car. 】

【Qi Li cried before, be careful when you speak. 】

With one word from Li Juehong, Song Yuqing sent three thousand messages.

Looking at Song Yuqing's beating head, Li Juehong felt irritable and stared closely at Min Qili's back.

Slow down your breathing and control your breathing rate.

Heart hurts.
A second before Min Qili entered the door, they were still downstairs.

Before Min Qili entered the door, Song Yuqing suddenly became more attentive.Pulling Cong Shang upstairs, "deliberately" made Min Qili not see them at first sight.

"Qi Li left without making a sound, shouldn't she be punished? Let her know the feeling of her friend disappearing suddenly, and let her know what it feels like to be worried."

Song Yuqing's eyes turned red again as she spoke.

It's the worry about Min Qili, it's the sadness of waiting for this March.

Song Yuqing lived opposite Min Qili, and saw Min Qili enter through the cat's eyes.

"Hmph, why didn't you look for it?"

Wiping away the tears on her face, Song Yuqing opened the door and went in.

The two looked at each other without saying a word; in the next second, the suppressed tears poured out like a disconnected thread.

The two hugged each other tightly, holding each other tightly.

Cong Shang was also infected by this emotion, and silently wiped the tears from his face.

They have always been family members, and they don't need to say anything to each other; when they see each other's eyes, they know that this matter has been reconciled.

There is no gap between them anymore.

They are the closest relationship to each other in the world and nothing can distract them.

(End of this chapter)

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