Chapter 549

"Qi Li, let's eat."

Tired of crying, Song Yuqing came out of Min Qili's arms, sobbing and wiping her tears.

Min Qili took out a tissue and wiped away Song Yuqing's tears while sobbing.

"it is good."

Neither of them are in good condition.

Sitting at the dining table, looking at the table full of dishes full of color and flavor, and still exuding heat; Min Qili couldn't control her tears again.

While wiping, he laughed at himself for being spineless.

"Why do I cry so much, I'm fine."

Song Yuqing looked at her, her sobs began to accelerate.

Cong Shang silently handed over the tissues. According to the degree of crying, it was likely that there was a lack of water, so he poured a glass of water for them and put them in front of them.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore, I ran away suddenly, being a coward, and leaving everything behind; these three months, you have worked hard, and then I will deal with it with you, no matter what happens I will face all difficulties with you. I will not escape this time."

With big tears in Min Qili's eyes, she spoke intermittently, sobbing.

Hearing Min Qili's words, Song Yuqing pouted and snorted softly.

"Qili, is that why you don't trust us? We are a family, and we have been friends for more than ten years. I know Qili, and I understand Qili; this matter is not Qili's fault at all. It is Lingsi and the others' problem, Qili, you are too hard up"

Song Yuqing cried very hard, talking nonsense.

After years of getting along, Min Qili easily understood her deep meaning.

Cong Shang also added at this time.

"Qi Li, we all believe in you and understand you; this matter is not your fault. We are not vegetarians either. During the three months since you left, we have already dealt with the matter. Now, there are no more Xu Qinglai, Ling Ling, etc. Si, Feng Man; you can say goodbye to everything in the past. They will never revive again."

You can follow everything in the past and never see you again.

Min Qili's hands trembled slightly.

The tears couldn't be stopped again, and fell down with a splash.

I don't know whether to cry or to smile happily.

"Brother, Qingqing, I"

Everything is silent.

Can read without speaking.

Without saying a word, he walked behind them and hugged the two of them in his arms.

"I am your brother, we are all family members, these are what I should."

Min Qili was silent, shedding tears silently.

Song Yuqing finally couldn't hold back anymore, and burst into tears with a "wow".

"Congshang, why are you so touching? Of course I am family."

There will inevitably be friction among family members, but in the end we will support each other, help each other overcome every difficulty, and walk to the end together.
The emotions finally calmed down, and everyone's eyes were as red as rabbits.

After suppressing her emotions for three months, Min Qili was finally released, and her mood returned to calm.

Satisfied and grateful to see the feeling of "home" at this moment.

Crying took too much effort, Song Yuqing went upstairs to rest after eating.

Min Qili helped clean up the table and put the bowls and chopsticks in the dishwasher; Cong Shang poured a glass of pomegranate juice for Min Qili, "Qili, actually, we can finish these things in three months, thanks to one more person."

A person?

From Cong Shang's eyes, Min Qili saw this person's name.

Who else but him?
"I know, brother. In the past three months, he has taken good care of me; he likes me, but I don't like him anymore. I can't respond to his feelings, and I don't know how else to repay him. "


Min Qili laughed at herself, took a sip of pomegranate juice, leaned on the cabinet and looked at the scenery outside.

"Perhaps, there is really a bad relationship between us. In the end, I may still choose him; it's a strange feeling, there seems to be a thread guiding me in the dark."

An illusory feeling that cannot be described or grasped.

After speaking, he shook his head negatively.

"No, it should be my illusion. I'll go upstairs to rest first."

Drink the pomegranate juice in one gulp, rinse the glass and return it to its original position.

Min Qili also went upstairs.

Too many emotions erupted today, Min Qili was tired and weary.

want to rest.

He tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw Li Juehong taking care of her for the past three months.

Li Juehong was really too kind to her.

He personally proved how he made up and redeemed.

Coupled with Cong Shang's words, Min Qili felt a sense of indebtedness in her heart.

Roughly reviewing the details of the three months, I really couldn't sleep in the end.
For three months, with Li Nuannuan and Gao Cen, the company was still running efficiently.

At the first meeting back to the company, Li Juehong felt a little boring and dull.

He was bored listening to his subordinate's report, but his mind wandered to Min Qili.
What is Qili doing? ——
Did Qili think of me?
Qili, Qili, Min Qili is all over her head.

The phone vibrated.

【Do you have time tonight? Can I treat you to dinner? 】

Li Juehong's withered tree is in spring, and he is full of energy in an instant.

[Yes, as long as it's you, I have time anytime.There are some things I want to tell you. 】

[Qili, have you booked the restaurant yet?If not, I'll book a restaurant; I know a really nice one that you'll love. 】

Li Juehong, who replied to Min Qili's message, became alive.

The person who reported saw Li Juehong's dramatic emotional changes, and the voice of the report gradually became smaller, waiting for Li Juehong to speak.

Li Nuannuan frowned slightly, indicating to continue reporting, and someone walked up to Li Juehong and pulled him out.

"Go, I'm here; you've given me the company for three months, and I don't care about the extra month. It's a pain to keep you if you don't care about the company."

Li Nuannuan crossed her arms and looked at Li Juehong mercifully.

"When will the meeting end?"

Li Juehong looked at the time, and silently began to make plans in his heart.

Li Nuannuan rolled his eyes mercilessly as he looked at his pretended reserve.

"The flower peacock with the screen on, go, it's okay. In the past three months, has your IQ gone? Did you forget that the summary meeting will be held very late?"

"Oh, yes; aunt has worked hard on you, and when these things are over, you don't have to work so hard."

Li Nuannuan pulled out a smile and tossed her long hair.

"Believe in you and you're a ghost."

Li Nuannuan went back to continue the meeting.

"Flower Peacock" Li Juehong went home to "dress up" and prepare for the appointment.
Li Juehong was wearing casual clothes and looked a few years younger; he straightened his back nervously, like a student who made a mistake.

"Qi Li, let's eat first."

Min Qili nodded.

Exquisite meals are placed on exquisite plates.

There is something on the mind, and everyone has no appetite.

"Have you anything to say to me?"

The scene was a bit embarrassing, Li Juehong's eyes were too hot, and Min Qili was a little embarrassed and flinched.

"Qili, how do you feel? Are you still used to it after returning to China?"

"This is a place I've lived in for 24 years. What's not to get used to? It's you who stayed with me for three months. How is the company?"

"There are aunts in the company, so there is no chaos."

The topic ended, and there was a lot of embarrassment again.

Min Qili's invitation was too late, and Li Juehong didn't have time to book the room; compared to the noise of the people around them, the relationship between them seemed even colder.

"Li Juehong, I've thought about something many times and it's been circling in my head. I want to hear your opinion."

After drinking a glass of wine to embolden herself, Min Qili uttered all her words through the breath of alcohol.

"You treat me very well, and I can feel your fierce liking for me; I don't seem to be indifferent to you as I imagined, and I don't hate being with you. Maybe, we really and Cong Shang them As you say, a match made in heaven.”

Li Juehong's heart started beating.

Will it be what he expected?
"Li Juehong, do you like me?"

(End of this chapter)

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