Li Juehong's new fiancée.
"Qi Li, I haven't figured out what happened to Li Juehong's new fiancée; didn't he say he likes you the most? You also said that he would remarry you. What are you going to do now? You and Su What about Qing's relationship?"

"I will continue to be friends with Su Qing. No matter what the relationship between her and Su Qi is, it is enough for me to be friends with her. Let him handle Li Juehong's affairs by himself; I don't expect us to be friends. They will remarry. Qingqing, let's not talk about these things anymore, okay?"

There is an untouchable existence in everyone's heart, and Min Qili is a fragile person who needs protection.

"Qi Li, I'm sorry, I don't ask; you must be happy, I'm going to shoot, you take care of yourself."

Song Yuqing reported Min Qili and went to shoot.

Min Qili sat in the rest area, cleaning up the last rubbish.

After packing up, an unexpected person stood in front of her.

"What's the matter with you?"

Flow glanced at Min Qili, and snorted coldly, "Can't you come here if you have nothing to do? This is a common place for the crew, has it become your private property?"

You will never be able to reason with a bastard, Min Qili slightly hooked her lips.

"I didn't say that. Why do you think so? Could it be that you want to occupy the common property of the crew as your private property?"

"What are you talking about?" A trace of panic flashed across Liu Liu's face, "I came to you to see your little porcelain vase; I have the same one, but unfortunately it's broken, can you show it to me? Someone buy a new one."

"Porcelain vase? What porcelain vase, I don't know what you're talking about."

Min Qili played dumb.

At the small auction in the group yesterday, Min Qili saw the value of this small bottle of medicine.

Although Li Juehong gave it to her casually, it is not worth mentioning to them; but in the eyes of some people, it is a thousand gold.When going out, it is better to be careful with strangers.

"Really, you don't have a small porcelain bottle; that may be because I read it wrong, sorry to bother you. I also apologize for my rudeness to you before, I hope you can forgive me, adults don't remember villains."

"I've never been angry with you, and you don't have to worry, I'm not the kind of person who cares about everything."

"Hehe, is that so?" Flow laughed dryly, "I'll have a scene with me later, so let's go first."

"Go slowly and be safe."

Min Qili looked at the back of Liu Leaving, and clutched the porcelain bottle of ointment in her pocket tightly.

"What the hell is she going to do?"

The feeling of being watched came again, and Min Qili subconsciously chased after her.

I saw the panicked back of a staff member.

"Is it the staff?"

Min Qili's heart sank slowly, and she continued to wait for Song Yuqing's filming to end.

Throughout the whole process, Yan Jiaruo rested his chin and looked at the tablet leisurely.

"It's so late, don't you go home yet?"

Yan Jiaruo shook his head, "I don't want to go back yet, and the film crew; most people don't have a chance. Since I have the opportunity to come today, I must not let this opportunity go. Min Qili, do you think the scenes I shot today will be cut into it?" How many?"

"I've read the script, and the plot of Goddess is still very important; your scenes are all streamlined by the director, and there should be no cuts in this part."

There will be no deletions.
Yan Jiaruo happily put away the tablet, dragged his chin, and began to imagine infinitely.

"Then will I get angry at once? Will being surrounded by people disturb my work; Song Jinyi won't ask me to pay compensation and fire me? But this is beyond my control , I don’t want to be so attractive.”

"The horoscope hasn't been written yet, can you stop thinking so much."

Min Qili's head was full of black lines, and she didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Among the people she knew, except for Song Yuqing, it was she who had some kind of fantasies about the entertainment industry.

Now it looks like it should be obsession.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Yan Jiaruo nodded, "Just ask, Qili, what do you want to ask me?"

"Why do you have to enter the entertainment industry? Those young ladies don't like this industry; your father is an investment boss in the entertainment industry. You should have known from an early age how deep the water in the entertainment industry is."

"How should I tell you about this?"

Yan Jiaruo pondered for a while, "Min Qili, in fact, I should be obsessed with this circle."

"My mother is an actress in the entertainment industry, but she is not famous; when I was young, I often heard their love stories."

"I've always known the cruelty of this circle, but this is the place where my mother used to stay. I want to know what it's like here. I'm not familiar with it. I can only rely on my father's dictation to imagine everything."

"In particular, I know my father is not who I remember him to be."

Since we met, Yan Jiaruo has always been positive and youthful; seeing her unhappy side for the first time, Min Qili held her hand.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you about this. I don't know how to comfort you."

"What I have experienced is completely different from your experience; our emotional experience is somewhat similar, I can only tell you: we can only see a part of the matter, and the rest of the filling is all based on our imagination You and your father are not incompatible, you go back and ask him; the thing may be that you are wrong, your father is still the way you remember."

"Then have you asked, Min Qili; have you found out that these things have become the same?" Yan Jiaruo asked with a smile.

"Of course it's different. There are some changes that we haven't noticed." Min Qili replied with a smile.

Yan Jiaruo put away her smile and hugged Min Qili tightly, preventing her from seeing her sadness.

"Min Qili, you should be happy too."

Just as the two injured people were getting closer to each other for warmth; a sharp voice suddenly sounded beside them.

"Which thing without eyes stole my ointment?"

A grumpy opening from an actor, followed by a cordial greeting.

There are many people in the crew, even if they really can't understand each other, they will act politely; when they heard the man's irritable greeting, the two looked at each other in confusion.

This is the first time for such a dirty thing.

The crew is live radio.

The actor's irritable output made this filming successfully scrapped; the actor's word-of-mouth strength and traffic coexist, and he has a lot of fans from passers-by, so the director dared not provoke him.

The director endured the anger of having to work overtime and walked to the actors.

"what happened?"

"My ointment is gone, a small porcelain bottle of ointment; I bought this ointment for only eight figures, and I just went to take a shot and it was gone."

Eight figure salve.

The instructor's pupils trembled violently, "Then what do you want to do?"

"Find out this thief, and then I will send a Weibo notification; our crew can't have such maggots, and the director, you don't want to have accidents in the future publicity, right?"

This drama has heavy responsibilities, and everyone in the director can't afford to mess with them. They are all big figures with heads and faces.

"Yes. But, can you wait for this shooting technique, I will definitely find it out for you."

"Yes," the actor was very generous, "just during this time, give this thief a chance; if you bring it back to me, I can forget about it."

The words "let the past go without blame" made him look like a god in the nine heavens.

Consider yourself sacred and inviolable.

The director broadcast the incident over the loudspeaker, and the actor returned to the RV to wait for the thief to return the item.

The crew returned to the normal order of filming.

The episode of stealing things did not leave much weight.

"Little porcelain bottle, is it a small porcelain bottle like yours?"

Min Qili touched the bottle in her pocket, "Maybe. This ointment is not custom-made, they always film movies, and the pay is very high. It is reasonable to prepare some of this ointment."

"I also think it's okay, but look at the way he's pulled [-] to [-] yuan; I just want to hate him," Yan Jiaruo took a sip of water and moistened his throat.

"If he grows up like this and can become a traffic, he really doesn't eat any good ones. The marketing is heavenly; if I had his marketing, I would have spiraled to heaven. I should really show his appearance just now, like a desire Disgruntled shrew."

"Wake up, please be merciful; be careful that his fans know about it, put on the opposite vest for you, and start partnering to talk about you."

Min Qili has experienced it several times, and tried to dissuade the people around her from repeating the same mistakes.

"I don't care. Besides, the old man will help me; I'm his own daughter, even if I have broken up with him unilaterally, he will still help me. "
The filming ended and the actor got out of the trailer.

"The medicine bottle has not been returned. It seems that the thief is really not afraid at all; in this case, everyone don't leave. I have asked my bodyguards to seal all the intersections. If I can't find my ointment today Come out; I'm sorry, we can only meet at the police station."

After the filming finally ended, Song Yuqing was tired and sleepy, and heard the actor chattering here.

"What is louder than birds in trees."

"His things are lost, it is said to be a small porcelain bottle, who knows what it is?"

If the Yan family was full of malice towards the actor, he no longer cared about it.

"A small porcelain bottle?"

A notification sound came from the phone, and Song Yuqing clicked on it, "It's a picture like this."

Show it to everyone.

"This? Everyone who orders the ointment has a bottle like this. There must be more than one person in the crew. Can he be sure that the ones in other people's hands must be his?"

"It's not for us to worry about this matter, and we can't come back now; let's sit on a chair and rest first, it's over for a while, go back and have a good rest."

Tens of millions of things were lost, everyone looked around curiously, and jokingly asked, "Is that you?"

"How could it be me." "Yeah, it can't be me, I didn't even know there was such a good thing." "."

Most people take this as a joke.

The actors were very serious and started searching one by one.

The next one is traffic.

Liu looked at the actor's miserable face, focused his eyes on himself in his eyes, and began to perform pitifully.

"Brother, if I tell you, others will hate me; but I am a party of justice, and my sense of justice makes me have to speak out. It may offend some people, or I will tell you in a low voice."

"No need. Everyone has been body-searched, which means that they are all open-minded people"

"Then I'll say it," Liu said hesitantly, biting his lower lip, "I really said it, some people don't blame me, I'm for everyone too."

He subconsciously glanced at Min Qili.

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