Chapter 575 Do You Want To Say?

With such an obvious gaze, everyone could see that she was looking at Min Qili.

The actor received the traffic signal, skipped the screening of the traffic, and went straight to Min Qili.

"Can I check your stuff?"

"Check? Are you sure you mean check?"

The actor looked at him angrily, with determined eyes; Min Qili looked at him suspiciously, and snorted coldly with folded arms.

"Then are you sure you're not a thief?"

"Why should I steal your things? Do you think your things are rare for others?"

"I see," the actor raised his eyebrows, unabashedly examining Min Qili's figure.

"You look really good, but I don't like you; my fans don't allow me to fall in love. If you want to use this method to attract my attention, I can only let you down. The bridge of this idol drama The paragraph is out of date. Get the stuff out."

The big joke of slipping the world.

Min Qili looked at the idiot's eyes, "What nonsense are you talking about, you are not my hero, don't be too confident."

"Then you questioned it and didn't show it." The actor decided that Min Qili took it away, "Then I can only do it myself."

The bodyguard restrained Min Qili, and the female assistant began to rummage through her pockets.

After Song Yuqing used the ointment, she put it in her pocket; naturally, the female assistant found a bottle and handed the ointment to the man.

The man looked at the pattern on it, and cast a disdainful glance at Min Qili.

"Is this thing yours?"

"Is it yours to take something out of my pocket?"

Min Qili broke free from the bodyguard's restraint, "You are like this, I have every reason to call the police and arrest you."

"Do you think the police would believe a statement made by a thief?"

"Thief? You took my things, and you said I was a thief; then you used bodyguards to control me and took away the things in my pockets, and I called you a robber. Do you think the police will believe your statement?"

Min Qili looked at the man and smiled mockingly.

"You are a traffic star, you should pay attention to your words and deeds; if you are like this, is it bullying amateurs?"

"Since you think I took your things, then you can prove that this thing is yours. I will also show my proof. If you wronged me in the end, you have to apologize to me; otherwise, so many Many pairs of eyes are watching, I don't know whose mouth will miss it."

The actor closed his eyes and thought for a while, then agreed aloud.

"One more thing, whoever is the thief publicly apologizes."

Min Qili was not guilty, and readily agreed.

"Deal, let's all be a witness together."

The medicine bottle was handed over to the director as a notary for the arrest.

Min Qili spoke softly and forcefully, "Let me first prove that this ointment fell on the ground a few days ago, and there was a long and shallow crack at the bottom of the bottle."

The director flipped to the bottom of the bottle, and there was indeed a long and shallow crack on it.

"Crack exists."

"Cracks can also be faked on the spot. I have a proof of purchase, and I bought it from a genuine channel, which is absolutely true."

The actor holds out his proof of purchase.

Indiscriminate disaster, meaningless farce, several times down; no one can prove who this thing belongs to.

"It's deadlocked now, can my things be returned to me?"

"My things are lost, why can't they be mine?"

The actor did not change his attitude, and still firmly believed that Min Qili stole it, "And those friends who helped you prove it may have perjured up with you."

Min Qili was amused.

This meaningless farce really doesn't make sense.

Things were deadlocked, but Li Juehong's voice successfully broke through.

"I know who this thing belongs to."

Li Juehong and the honest staff came over with the projector.

A projection was played, and the above video proved that Min Qili and the actor used the ointment at the same time, and there was no case of stealing it.

"This video can prove that this lady didn't steal it; why did she take what she had. Moreover, it's still so little."

Li Juehong walked up to the actor and took the ointment.

"It can be seen from the video that your ointment is very low; but there is still one bottle of this ointment. Excuse me, there is such a big difference in the amount. Why do you think it is yours?"

The actor panicked for a moment, but quickly calmed down.

"Who stipulated that I only have one bottle?"

As he said, he took out the bottom, "This bottle is about to run out, so I took a new ointment; I didn't expect the new ointment to be lost on the first day. It's never happened before."

"In this way, a new problem arises. You said that yours is a new ointment; this bottle has obvious traces of use. Is it you?"


"I can now ask professionals to collect fingerprints on the spot, and I can find its owner immediately."

The people on the court were amazed by Li Juehong's determination and clear mind.

"Why are you sweating? My assistant has already sent for experts, let's continue watching now."

After watching all the projections, Min Qili's suspicions were all cleared.

"Restricted by the blind spot of monitoring, I can only see the trajectory of Miss Min's actions; however, this can also prove that Miss Min did not do this. As for other things you make, the director will take care of it. You have violated Miss Min. and wrongly and decisively judged her as a thief, you have to apologize to Miss Min and post it on the Internet."

Li Juehong punished every word; the actor's face was very ugly.

"Who are you, why should I listen to you, how can I be sure that these things are true or false?"

"I'm an investor in this movie, do you think I'm qualified?"

Li Juehong said as he took off his hat.

"In a financial magazine, you should have seen me. I am Li Juehong; I just want to observe and see if my investment is correct and whether I want to invest more. I didn't expect to encounter such an oolong. Excuse me, can I let Do you apologize to this lady?"

"Of course. Miss, I'm sorry, please forgive me; I shouldn't have searched you so arbitrarily, thinking you are a thief, and still not listening to your explanation. Please forgive me, you also know the value of this thing, Losing something is too anxious, and I don’t know where to go.”

Under the pressure of Li Juehong, the actor had to bow his head and apologize to Min Qili; he was still not convinced.

A shrewd actor in his life fell into the hands of this woman.

The actor bowed and apologized, and everyone on the set was looking at her, waiting for him to agree to apologize.

"I reject."

"Why?" There was broken anger in the actor's voice.

The people around are also condemning with their eyes, Min Qili doesn't know how to praise; people have lowered their noble heads, don't be ignorant of how to praise.

What does this matter have to do with knowledge of flattery?
"I would like to ask, if there is no proof from this Mr. Investor today, will I be accused of being a thief in the end? With such an arbitrary and skilled trial, how many people have been wronged by you before? How many are real bad people? I'm not holy enough to let you give everyone due, but your insincerity, I can't forgive you."

Min Qili has her own pride.

The male actor is a mad dog that bites, and she is a lucky passer-by, but she is already scarred.

Ignoring the past and not caring about anything, she was not so relieved.

"If you don't forgive, don't you want to use hype?"

Flow stared at Min Qili, with a confident look as if he knew her.

"I want to hype, I won't find this kind of person; you reminded me of one thing. Before he found out that something was missing, you came to me out of nowhere to apologize and said you wanted to see my vial ; We haven't had any communication before, and we haven't gotten to know each other to this extent, so you won't be waiting for me here, are you going to frame me?"

"Why should I frame you, this matter does me no good?"

Flow lied without panting, "It's just a bottle of ointment, I want as much of this kind of thing as I want; give you back your words, you have to be too arbitrary."

"Really? Since this is the case, I have a video to watch."

Cong Shang's assistant held up a USB flash drive, "I'm the secretary to the chairman of Dicheng Film and Television. The chairman made a private visit to inspect the work today; I heard that there was a story about a thief, and I investigated some monitoring. Everyone can make a fair judgment."

More panoramic monitoring, exclusive internal monitoring data.

After reading it, everyone has a judgment in their hearts.

Really wronged people.

It is clear at a glance whether a dog eats a dog or commits perjury.

"The matter is clear at a glance, this lady, and everyone can go; as for you two, please go."

That's the end of the farce.

Everyone dispersed.

The traffic and the actor have their own ghosts.
Upstairs, Cong Shang put on a mask and a voice changer.

"Is this the first time the two of you have worked together, or has it been many times? Your speech is related to whether the ending is decent. You should think about it before answering. I don't have much time to spend with you."

Flow looked at Cong Shang's ferocious face, his pupils constricted violently, and he fell off the sofa directly.

"I, I, don't care, I didn't do anything; I just saw that he lost something, and Min Qili was exactly the same. Who knew he searched, and I really had nothing to do with him before."

Flow was so frightened that he was about to cry.

Cong Shang's mask is terrifying without any expression.


Flow nodded, "Chairman, you can investigate me as you like, I really have nothing to do with him."

"Since you are so sincere, I will trust you first, and you go to the next door first."

The traffic was taken away, and the actor faced Cong Shang alone.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"You don't like to hear what I'm going to say, so I'd better not disturb your interest."

"I'm not interested at all, it's okay, you can interrupt as you like."

Cong Shang stared at the actor.

The actor avoided his eyes guiltyly, and made up a set of rhetoric in his heart.


Before speaking, Cong Shang told him to shut up.

"That female traffic is much more sincere than you. If you want to play tricks with me, then I can only block you and give you a long memory."

Being banned from the circle is the most serious punishment, which means that he will never have another chance in the future.

Dicheng Film and Television dominates the industry, as long as he speaks, his future will be over.

"Do you want to talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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