"No problem. It's just that this matter has passed for a long time, and some details may not match the original facts."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember clearly. As long as it's yours and I tell you, I will believe you."

Li Juehong's mellow voice made the long and boring stories vivid and interesting.
Li Juehong, who was in high school, became more and more steady and reliable; the once lively and cheerful boy seemed to be just an illusion.

With a superior face, family background, and unattainable grades; Li Juehong has naturally become a man of the moment on campus, and has become the object of many people's favorite and secret contests.

Li Juehong is a calm and cold-faced school grass, and Mi Fang is a lively but a little unreliable little sun.

The two are not in the same class, and they seem to have no intersection; the restless adolescent girl has made up a lot of drama in her head.

Once after school, Li Juehong was accidentally kidnapped.

At that time, he had been seriously injured, and the probability of a successful resistance was very low; he was already ready to be kidnapped and threaten Grandma Li.Just at this time, Mi Fang passed by.

The hot-blooded little sun saved Li Juehong.This is how the friendship between the two began.

Getting along with the lively and cheerful Mi Fang has become Li Juehong's only arrogance in his efforts to take responsibility.

Li Juehong completed his freshman and sophomore studies in China.

During the first semester of freshman year, Mi Fang and Gu Wan got together; the activities of two people together turned into activities of three people together.

While out camping, they encountered a landslide.

The rain was so heavy that he couldn't open his eyes; Li Juehong stayed up late the day before to read the documents, his expression was in a trance.

His feet slipped and he almost rolled down; it was Mi Fang who pulled him back with all his strength.

When Li Juehong slipped and fell suddenly, Gu Wan was frightened and panicked even more.

The rain was getting heavier, Li Juehong only cared about himself, and didn't notice what was wrong with Mi Fang; when they ran to a safe place, Li Juehong found out that Mi Fang was dying.

After being sent to the ambulance, Mi Fang lost his heartbeat.

The last words left were, "Don't regret it, help me protect Xiao Wan."

Afterwards, Li Juehong learned from Mi Fang's parents; Mi Anxin had lung problems since childhood, and had already made an appointment with a doctor for the final treatment. After that, Mi Fang should have become a normal person.

Although Mi Fang's parents didn't blame him, Li Juehong's own self-blame choked him time and time again.

After dealing with Mi Fang's matter, Li Juehong was sent to a foreign school.

Gu Wan was also sent to the other side of the ocean.

They are all far from sad.
After listening to Li Juehong's narration, Min Qili was also brought into this sad and depressing atmosphere.

"Sorry for making you sad."

Min Qili was not a witness to the incident, so she is not qualified to comment.

"It's all over" is easy to say.But if you are not a person who has experienced it personally, these words are just scratching the surface and meaningless.

"It's okay, you are my wife, you should know these things; if you have time, I'll take you to see him. We once said that if you have someone you like, you must tell each other as soon as possible."

"However, Gu Wan and I had such conflicts before, wouldn't Mi Fang not want to see me?"

Min Qili was confused.

At the last moment of his life, Mi Fang was still planning for Gu Wan; his feelings were no longer liking, but true love.

Loved one hates guy, would you really like to meet?
"Brother Mi Fang is a person who can tell right from wrong. What he likes is the former Gu Wan, but the current Gu Wan has changed; it is no longer what we remember. Such a person is not worthy of Brother Mi Fang's liking. Qili, You don't have to worry about that."

Li Juehong held Min Qili's hand, telling her not to worry.

"Then I'm relieved. Mi Fang will be relieved to see that you have such a beautiful friend as me."

"Yes, Mi Fang will definitely feel at ease." Li Juehong suddenly realized something, "Qi Li, what do you mean?"

"Literally, Li Juehong, I'm testing you, and it's not over yet; let me ask you again, how did you handle Su Qi?"

There was a water dispenser in the room, and Min Qili got herself a glass of water, drinking it while watching him; there was an attitude that if you didn't satisfy me with your explanation, we'd all be finished.

"The Su family doesn't really want to be engaged to me. If they give them what they want, they won't force it; Su Qi doesn't like me. She is a very strong and domineering person. We are not suitable from the beginning to the end. Besides, I wouldn't fall in love with anyone else without you."

Li Juehong's preference is like a stream of sweet springs, and Min Qili is very useful.

"You speak so smoothly, don't you have rehearsed it long ago? Don't think that you can be fooled so quickly this time. There are still many tests you have to go through to spend the rest of your life."

"Okay, I promise you all of these."

Li Juehong's tone was somewhat doting.

In his heart, Min Qili is already his wife; these petty tempers due to insecurity are all due to the sweetness between their husband and wife.

They are destined to be together in the future.

"Why do you feel like you are coaxing a child?"

Min Qili frowned slightly.

"You are my baby!" The greasy words were expressed with emotion, and both of them were stunned after speaking.

Min Qili then let out a burst of laughter.

"Li Juehong, with your serious face, can you stop saying these greasy words; it really doesn't match you, and it's also greasy. Do you know those greasy things? If you become like this in the future, I will I really will throw you away without hesitation."

Min Qili's deterrence quickly took effect, and Li Juehong immediately sounded the alarm.

"Where are you going to leave me? I won't give you that chance."

"Then you have to behave well. Li Juehong and I have very high standards for my partner." Min Qili looked at him teasingly.

"Then I will definitely get my highest score according to this standard." Li Juehong said firmly, the seriousness on his face was more serious than in previous negotiations.

Looking at his expression, Min Qili regretted what she said just now, and at the same time began to be restless, what kind of breed does she have in her body that is worthy of Li Juehong's doing this?

Before that, he was the President Li whom everyone looked up to; he was the "God" in the Nine Heavens, which everyone could not match.

It is right in mythology to prohibit love between gods and immortals.Immortals descend to the earth and fall in love with the mundane world; they are evil and capable of overturning the "world".

"Li Juehong, don't be like this, you can't help but let me drag you to remarry immediately."

Min Qili crossed her feet to block Li Juehong's amorous eyes and his handsome face.

"Qi Li, I won't let you make a decision when your mind is confused; I will wait for you, think about everything, and let's fix the date together. With all the good wishes, we will go back to our beautiful life."

This rejection also made Li Juehong suddenly realize.

He rushed all this too quickly, he didn't consider Min Qili; people who have been injured must be afraid of repeating it again.

Not everyone can bear the cost of repeating the same mistakes.

Every time she repeats, she reminds Li Juehong: In the past, you were really bad.

If you can't empathize, you can't force it.

Wait, time will give all the answers.

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