Winter goes and spring comes, and it's winter again.

Today is Christmas, and it is also the day of the postgraduate entrance examination.

During the days of preparing for the exam, the problems between Li Juehong and Min Qili were resolved bit by bit; although they have not yet become regulars, the future can be expected.

Regardless of whether Min Qili's postgraduate entrance examination is successful or not, their relationship will go further.
25-year-old Min Qili is taking the exam again after three years of leaving school.

I was so nervous the night before that I couldn't sleep.

The sky turned white, and Min Qili let out a long sigh, looking at the hazy scenery outside the window.

"Qi Li, can't you sleep?"

Song Yuqing hurried back from the set to accompany Min Qili to the exam.

"I don't know either. In fact, the teacher has found a good school for me abroad, and I can continue my studies no matter whether I succeed or not; but I still chose to stay in China. Maybe there is also a reason for Li Juehong."

"Are you ready to remarry him?" Song Yuqing yawned and looked at her with her chin in her hand.

"This matter is kept secret for the time being. I will tell you the result when the dust of the postgraduate entrance examination is settled."

Song Yuqing was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open after several nights, she spoke vaguely.

"Remember to let me know the result."

Hearing the sound of Song Yuqing's even breathing, Min Qili sat up from the bed, went to the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror, took a handful of water, and splashed it on her face.

Water droplets slowly flowed down her forehead, Min Qili looked at herself in the mirror, and lowered her head again.

"It's been a year of review, and there will be absolutely no accidents. Mistakes will only happen if you are not prepared."

After a quick wash, review the essence of the summarized knowledge points again.

The lengthy endorsement ended, and it was already six o'clock.

Pushing open the door, Li Juehong was already preparing breakfast.

Compared to Min Qili's nervousness, Li Juehong's face was calm and calm.

After getting the information from the examination room, the two lived directly next to the examination room; Li Juehong cooked on time every day, seven days a week, trying not to repeat the dishes every day.

In the reserve army for the postgraduate entrance examination, Li Juehong did his best.

After a peaceful breakfast, I checked my tools one last time.

"Qi Li, I'll wait for you outside, don't be afraid."

Li Juehong handed the checked stationery bag to Min Qili.

"With you as a full-score reserve army, I will be fine."

The uncertainty in Min Qili's heart dissipated a bit, and the corners of her lips curled up watching Li Juehong.
After the three-day exam was over, Min Qili walked out of the exam room, feeling that the weather was much clearer.

Looking at Li Juehong standing at the door, he opened his arms to meet him.

"Li Juehong, let's go out to play. You have always loved to accompany me and accommodate me this year; now, I will accompany you."

"Qi Li, what do you mean?"

Li Juehong's chest was thumping, and his full love came out in one mouthful.

Seeing Li Juehong so excited that he couldn't hold back, Min Qili smirked, "Are you refusing? Then I'll go and go home to rest. My nerves have been tense. I really need a good rest."

"No, I'm excited. Qili, where do you want to go?"

"I'm here to accompany you, fool, you choose."

Min Qili's tone was full of pampering.

"Where to go, are you willing?"

"Where are you taking me?"

Min Qili looked at him suspiciously.

"It's nothing, Qili, let's go."

Li Juehong's shy smile made Min Qili feel that something was wrong.
Min Qili looked at the Civil Affairs Bureau and understood the meaning of Li Juehong's smile.

"You want to remarry me so much, can't you wait?"

"No, I want to."

"Not even a proposal, Li Juehong, do you think I can be caught up so easily? And the ring, you said you repainted it."

During the year of preparing for the exam, the two have a more thorough understanding of each other; obstacles are slowly being eliminated, and the two hearts are getting closer to each other little by little.

Min Qili has already figured it out.

Since they want to be entangled together, Li Juehong is sincere to her; if there is someone who loves you like this, why not be together?

The last marriage was a hasty start.

A bad start will create a gap in the future; they need a unique and unforgettable memory.

When they are in their twilight years, when they are on crutches, they will only recall the sweetness that is too much, and there will be no regrets and regrets that are not unfulfilling.

"The ring has actually been made, and I have been wearing it; I was worried that you would reject me, but now, I know, Qili, I will definitely let me have a complete memory."

"I'm a person who has a high opinion of surprises, so you must prepare carefully."
Time flies, and it's New Year's Eve again.

This year Min Qili still lived with Song Yuqing's family.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Min Qili came out of the hotel; Min Qili was surrounded by children in Tang suits and Hanfu one after another.

After the children finished speaking auspicious words, they ran away shyly.

Following the children's running track, Min Qili saw Li Juehong.

At this time, snowflakes began to float in the air.

This year's snow came very late, and it's only now; it came late, but it seemed to make up for all the money lost before, and the snow was getting bigger and bigger.

Items on the ground were immediately covered.

In an instant, the world was white, and there were only the two of them.

"This is the marriage proposal you prepared for me. It's nothing new."

"After thinking for a long time, I can't think of any unforgettable words, and I don't want to come up with anything beyond the routine; I can only give you my best things, so that you can become a happy and worry-free person."

Li Juehong took out the ring and half knelt in front of Min Qili.

"This ring was polished by myself. The pattern on it is a dark rose, and its flower language is that I just want to be with you."

"I made the ring, and I hope to hold me close to you; you can give me a chance to take care of you, accompany you, and protect you."

The clock strikes midnight, and the new year is here.

Saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new,

A gust of cold wind blew away the snow from their shoulders.

The cold wind swept Li Juehong's expression more clearly and vividly.

Min Qili's heart started beating wildly, the time has come.

Their immaturity in the past has become a thing of the past; as this year is leaving the old and ushering in the new, they will usher in a better future.

"Your ring is a bit rough, but I am willing to hold you tight, so don't run away."

All of this, everyone is looking forward to meeting relatives and friends after dawn; Li Juehong has also successfully become Min Qili's relatives and friends, and the ring has locked him in Min Qili's relatives book.

Li Juehong was ecstatic. In this snowy sky, they reached the most sincere vows to each other.

"Qi Li, I'm so happy."

"Yes, I also feel very happy; fiance, we are so happy, shouldn't we also pass on this good news?"
The marriage proposal was successfully completed.

The engagement was chosen on Hemei's Lantern Festival.

The formal wedding is scheduled in the summer when the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant and the vitality is the most prosperous.

They choose summer because they look forward to a future life that will always be colorful and vibrant.

"Min Qili, you are already very good-looking, but now you are still letting others live like this; you and Li Juehong must be happy, otherwise I will come to snatch you."

Yan Jiaruo looked enviously at Min Qili in the mirror.

"You may not have a chance in this case. How are you and Lawyer Song?"

"Today is a good day for you and you. Can you stop talking about this kind of spoiler. What he likes, what he likes, has nothing to do with me."

Yan Jiaruo looked at the diamond on it with a lonely look.

The wedding dress was full of real diamonds, and Li Juehong really gave Min Qili everything he had done.

Yan Jiaruo felt uncomfortable and found a reason to leave the room.

She thought she was happy and lucky, but it turned out that she was a bubble that could easily break.

The father who loved me since I was a child, and the person I fell in love with for the first time.

The wedding process did not give Yan Jiaruo too much time to grieve.

Today she is Min Qili's bridesmaid, not a supporting role; don't disturb the main character's major affairs, fix her makeup, and start the process.
Qi Lanchang took Min Qili's arm and handed her over to Li Juehong.

"I'll trust you again, if you still let me down; our Qi family will not let you go easily."

"This time, even if there are mountains, rivers and seas to stop me, I will not let go of Qili's hand."

With firm eyes, Li Juehong held Min Qili's hand, increasing his strength bit by bit.

With everyone's blessings, Li Juehong and Min Qili completed their wedding.

After the wedding, it was a plain and warm daily life for the two of them.

Getting rid of the previous bumps and bumps is the beginning of real happiness.
After two years of postgraduate study, Min Qili chose to continue to be a traveling painter.

Li Juehong accompanied her, and the two traveled around the motherland, experiencing various customs and customs; while Min Qili was painting, Li Juehong was handling the affairs of the local company.

They are happy and happy.

(End of text)

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