A few days later, Yan Jiaruo's article went viral.

With a reading volume of 100 million, many bloggers forwarded it, and some bloggers even specially made videos for it.

As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind.

Sure enough, the gust of wind came.

The profile picture of the account is Yan Jiaruo's casual selfie; some people picked up her private information just by following a photo.

If the Yan family is too troubled.

"What's the matter, is someone harassing you?" Xi Mingshu asked with concern, "I know a great lawyer, and I can recommend it to you if you need it."

"no need."

A strange call came in again.

Yan Jiaruo usually doesn't answer calls from strangers, but this call keeps coming. Could it be something urgent, or someone they know?

Here in the hospital, nothing will happen.

Yan Jiaruo answered the phone.

As soon as it was connected, there was a creepy laughter, and occasionally the voice of a chainsaw maniac.

The background music is horror sound effects.

Coupled with the full air-conditioning of the hospital, it really feels like a horror movie.

Clutching his throbbing chest, Yan Jiaruo quickly calmed down.

"Although I don't know how old you are, but this kind of pediatric technology; you must not be fully developed, so you can say what you want to say directly in person. Such a small trick will make you laugh out loud."

The opposite person ignored Yan Jiaruo's words, and the terrifying sound effect continued, trying to break through her defenses without sleep.

Looking into the reason, besides that article, what else is worth being so boring?
Yan Jiaruo hung up the phone and took out the SIM card.

"Doctor Xi, didn't I scare you just now?"

"It's okay, a patient didn't agree with my treatment plan before, thinking that I treated him wrongly, and threatened me." Xi Mingshu didn't have too much expression on his face when he recalled the unpleasant memories.

"Later, I called the police; they begged to reconcile with me, saying that they were drunk and let me let them go."

"Then did you let it go?"

"I'm a doctor, and my mission is to cure the sick and save the sick. I can save one more patient if I don't bother with them. Ignore them, and then call the police. Only the best way to deal with these people; if you want to make this account Go on, this is something to learn."

Xi Mingshu's face was extremely determined.
Coming out of the hospital, Yan Jiaruo received a business card from Xi Mingshu.

It's Song Jinyi.

Song Jinyi was the only person who could be praised by Xi Mingshu.

Life is like a web, weaving them together.

[Thank you, Doctor Xi. 】

【You're welcome.Lawyer Song heard what happened to you, and he said that he would do his best to help you. 】


Did Song Jinyi know about her?
【Okay, thank you, Doctor Xi. 】

Yan Jiaruo didn't expect Song Jinyi to care about her at all.

Song Jinyi made it clear at the beginning that he didn't like her; if he didn't like a person, he would clearly reject him, and he wouldn't give her hope at all.

People have already made it clear, do you still have to fantasize about daydreaming?
Yan Jiaruo is considered a half-celebrity now, and someone recognized her on the road.

He took out his mobile phone to shoot at her, and some people even surrounded her directly.

Suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out from the crowd, pulled Yan Jiaruo and started running wildly.

"Hey, who are you, I can sue you for kidnapping if you do this; let me go, who are you."

The other party ignored her at all, and after running past an iron pillar, Yan Jiaruo hugged the pillar directly.

While the other party was relaxing, he ran towards the man in police uniform.

"Someone wanted to kidnap me, took my hand, and kept running with me; I asked him everything, but he ignored me. I can be sure that I am normal now, and I don't know the other party."

Yan Jiaruo held up his ID card and proved it to the police.

"Madam, don't worry, who is that person, can you show me?"

Following Yan Jiaruo's guidance, the policeman saw the unknown person; walked towards the unknown person, "This sir."

Yan Jiaruo kept staring at the man.

As long as you feel something is wrong, run immediately, and never let yourself be threatened.

After the police talked with that person, they returned to Yan Jiaruo.

"Miss, this gentleman said to take you away because he saw that someone was going to hurt you, and he wanted to protect you."


Yan Jiaruo didn't believe that this was protection, so he sneered and looked at the man who didn't go away at all.

"Mr. Police, there are some dangers. It's not that they say no; but thank you very much."

A car came head-on, just blocking the realization of Yan Jiaruo and the man.

Yan Jiaruo took the opportunity to run wildly, avoiding the man's sight and creating a safe zone for himself.

There are some fog bombs that only you can detect.

Only you can protect yourself.

Yan Jiaruo ran all the way, and almost collided with a car without paying attention to the road at a corner.

"so close."

Yan Jiaruo patted his chest and was still in shock.

A person got off from the opposite car, and if the Yan family saw it clearly, they would turn around on the spot.

"Stop!" Yan Wei saw that he almost ran into Yan Jiaruo, and his whole soul almost flew out.

Just such a precious daughter, what if something happens to him?
"Yan Jiaruo, you saw how I left; why don't you want to see me so much?"

"Mr. Yan, do you like to see me so much? How many days have the gauze on my eyes been? Have you ever protected me? Have you ever said a word for me? That woman and her mother are about to become the empress dowager of the family." Now, is my home still my home?"

Yan Jiaruo was filled with anger and grievances.

"It doesn't matter what they do, this home is still yours; Xiao Ruo, you can go back anytime, don't care about them."

"That's what you said when you lied to me when you came back. I have always believed in you and liked you since I was a child; I thought my father was the best person in the world, but I was wrong. I know you are not wrong about this, but, I have no home, who can I turn to?"

Yan Jiaruo backed away while talking, "I will move out. I'm tired. When I went out today, they were still thinking about how to punish me."

Retreating to the intersection, Yan Jiaruo ran away from the path.

"Don't come to me till you've taken care of these things; it's you who said a good man won't make a girl cry."

Yan Jiaruo became more and more wronged as he ran, and his eyes became more and more uncomfortable.

When he couldn't run anymore, Yan Jiaruo stopped immediately, supported his knees, and breathed evenly.

"Why did it become like this, obviously they should leave."

If you are tired from walking, just find a rest chair and sit down.

"The cruel words have been released, do I really want to leave home? Is it so easy to get my wish?"

The tears met the medicine, and the eyes were sore; Yan Jiaruo rubbed his eyes, feeling more and more wronged.

"Maybe I should listen to Lin Mu, why should I grow up?"

I don't want to let the tears flow down, but the tears are uncontrollable.

Tears came out, Yan Jiaruo couldn't restrain his emotions.

"Is that what I taught you?"

Crying to the saddest point, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the top of Yan Jiaruo's head.

"Yan Jiaruo, if they bullied you, can you return it? There are so many means of revenge, and there is always one that can defeat the enemy with one move."

Song Jinyi is always so ruthless and disappointing.

Yan Jiaruo held back his sadness, and stretched out his hands to wipe away the tears from Ye's cheeks expressionlessly.

"Song Jinyi, if you can't comfort me, don't talk sarcastic here; how do you just know that I haven't tried hard? Why can you deny me with a fluffy word? Who are you, who are mine, you It's too arrogant. I admit that you are an excellent lawyer, but you are not a qualified person. I liked you at the beginning, and I was really blind."

The strange emotion in Yan Jiaruo's eyes made Song Jinyi very hurt.

He obviously didn't mean that, why couldn't he understand him?
Looking at her situation, no matter what Song Jinyi said, Yan Jiaruo probably wouldn't listen to her.

"Your current situation is very unstable, you need to calm down; I will tell you these things after you have fully figured it out."

"That's no need. My friend will be jealous. I have pursued you, Lawyer Song, and I don't want him to misunderstand me. You don't want to be the bad guy who breaks up other people. You have done that There are many cases, you should know, right?"

Yan Jiaruo's heart is dead for Song Jinyi.

Even if I knew who he was, when I faced these things, disappointment and sadness were always uncontrollable, hope and disappointment appeared at the same time, this feeling was really uncomfortable.
Looking at the back of Yan Jiaruo's decision to leave with disappointment and sadness, Song Jinyi felt something quietly leaving.

"If the Yan family has worked with me for so long, don't you know what I'm thinking?"

"If I don't care about you"

Song Jinyi replied to the message rationally and clutched the phone tightly.

It was his promise to Xi Mingshu that he would definitely help Yan Jiaruo deal with this matter.

"It doesn't seem to be necessary now. There are better people to help you."

"You'll come to me and you'll know I'm the best."

Song Jinyi has the information on how to deal with this matter, and with his strength, he will be able to solve this matter smoothly.
"You're going to be sad. Lawyer Song is really fine as a friend; however, being a lover and being a family member has to go through a lot of things. Don't you like Lawyer Song?"

Min Qili comforted her.

"Your words are not consoling at all." Yan Jiaruo looked at the paint tray in her hand, "Is your graduate student just this boring? You paint every day, Min Qili, what's the point of reading this?"

"Reading must be useful. You don't need it now, but it will definitely be useful in the future."

"I don't understand your fallacy." Yan Jiaruo's state is like a sad puppy, "but I know that recognizing a person in advance can prevent a lot of trouble."

"Is it troublesome to know Lawyer Song?"

"It's a big trouble," Yan Jiaruo nodded affirmatively, "If I didn't know him, and I didn't fall in love with him blindly, my life must be very happy. My happiness is beyond the comprehension of a married woman like you." .”

Mentioning "married woman" Min Qili was stunned for a moment, the paint in the brush was blurring on the canvas.

"You are right; but you do not understand my happiness either."

Min Qili playfully gave a wink.

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