"It seems that Li Juehong has nourished you really well, and your face is flushed." Yan Jiaruo hugged herself sadly, "Min Qili, is it so happy to be married to someone you like?"

"Of course. In my first marriage with Li Juehong in the past, Li Juehong was forced to marry me. Everything was my wishful thinking; as you can see, I not only lost myself, but also very Unhappy. We got divorced. After the divorce, we returned to the original point; we slowly established a relationship in the later getting along. However, we have also experienced many things when we got to the stage of marriage. Because we have failed, we have Getting along and correcting mistakes little by little, we came together."

Yan Jiaruo was silent.

"I didn't expect your experience to be like this. Min Qili, who do you think is better, Lawyer Song or Lin Mu?"

"Your title has already explained your answer. In my opinion, these two people have their own strengths; Lawyer Song is calm and introverted, very reliable, and a trustworthy person. Lin Mu is outstanding in the professional field, but he is a bit small. Humorous, and a calm and reliable person." Min Qili glanced at Yan Jiaruo, and changed the ink that was touched by mistake.

"Lin Mu likes you; Lawyer Song cares more about you than ordinary friends, so he probably likes you too. No matter who you choose in the end, as your friend, I will support and understand you."

Yan Jiaruo painted the first stroke on the canvas, "Min Qili, if I don't choose; will you not consider me a friend?"

"What are you thinking about? If our friendship is so fragile, then we wouldn't know each other in the first place."

"Now that I think about it, I was really immature. At that time, I rushed up to find you. Thank you, you are willing to accompany me when you come to find you so suddenly."

Yan Jiaruo folded her arms and looked at Li Juehong who was at the door with a smile, "The husband of the house. I didn't expect to see you with such a side. Are you and Min Qili happy?"

"You came to look for Qili before?" Li Juehong grabbed the "strange" place.

Married men are different, Yan Jiaruo folded his arms and became vigilant, "It was a long time ago, at that time Min Qili was still your ex-wife; even if you want to stand up for her, you shouldn't be holding on to such an ancient thing, right? "

"It was my fault at the time; in the future, you will have no chance. I will protect Qili and not give you a chance."

Yan Jiaruo was angry and laughed at the "dirty things" coming towards him.

"Li Juehong, you'd better be like this. There are many people who like Min Qili; if you give up the opportunity, many people will come up to you."

Li Juehong's face turned livid, "Don't worry, this kind of opportunity has never been successful in the past, and it will never happen in the future."

"Then I wish you a happy union and happiness for a hundred years."

Yan Jiaruo was not envious, "Min Qili, I'm leaving, I'll see you next time."

"Goodbye, I hope you are having a good time too."

Coming out of Min Qili's studio, Yan Jiaruo's mood became much lighter.

I vaguely heard Li Juehong's complaining voice, "Qi Li, stay away from this kind of person from now on."

The following content could not be heard clearly, Yan Jiaruo was a little angry and envious at the same time.

When will I meet my own prince in the stories I heard when I was a child?
Prince Yan Jiaruo will not be able to meet for the time being.

There is a "witch" holding a poisoned apple in the house, ready to kill her at any time.

"What do you want to do?"

This time the posture of the three-room trial brought Yan Wei.

Yan Jiaruo ignored Yan Wei's helpless and troubled expression, and stared at Xu Ying who looked impatient.

"Yan family, if you gave me Xiaokui what to eat, why are you so vicious? He is your own brother, but he is your relative. Are you so vicious to your relatives?"

What a big hat.

Yan Jiaruo almost hunched over.

"Then tell me, what did I feed him? What did I do? It's so vicious; if it's vicious, I'm not as good as you. In order to frame him, I even have my own son; I can't raise him." Teach, it’s my father’s fault. You set a good example and go astray in the future, can you bring it back?”

"Okay, I know you little bitch has no good intentions." Xu Ying sat down angrily, pulled Yan Wei by the collar, and let him join the team.

She looked like a crazy woman, "Look at Yan Wei, this is the good daughter you raised, she is going to kill your only son, she is cursing your only son; this is your only son, if you come out It’s over, what should we do next?”

only son.
Yan Wei really didn't like these words.

Isn't Yan Jiaruo his only daughter?

"That's enough, Xu Ying, shut up. You know better than me how this really exists. I recognized him, not to embarrass my daughter; if you continue to mess around, then I will take this The matter is announced. Although I am old, I am not dead yet; my contacts are still available. Don't show off your stupid [-] IQ to me, how should you stay here, you should know how to stay here."

Seeing Yan Wei's indifferent look, Xu Ying knew that he was really angry.

It didn't matter how much he messed around before, but this time he touched his bottom line; if the Yan family is a daughter, why can he surpass her son's position in his heart?
Is a son really inferior to a daughter?

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