"Master Yin, what's the matter with you?"

Yin Jin's voice of lecturing stopped abruptly, Cui Mosheng looked at him in a daze, and looked at the screen of his mobile phone.

It is the photo of Min Qili's wedding sent by Song Yuqing.

Min Qili got married, and Yin Jin was completely broken in love.

"Master Yin, are you okay?"

"Master Yin, don't be sad. This flower has withered, and there are other flowers blooming; Miss Min Qili married someone else, and it's not your problem that she didn't choose you."

"You are still very good, there are many people chasing you; yesterday, we."

Yin Jin turned his head and gave him a deadly look.

"You don't seem to be comforting me, but you look a little gloating. Are you happy?"

Cui Mosheng said loudly in his heart, "Of course, I don't look at yourself; the first half of my life was smooth and smooth, and I got what I wanted, and I was only wronged about Min Qili."

After finally finding a point, how can it be done if you don’t laugh at it?

"Master Yin, why would I laugh at you? We grew up together, don't you believe me?"

Cui Mosheng tried his best to make his expression look sincere.

"When you were in primary school, the first time you cheated, I was the one who helped you; I know exactly how you lied. Just laugh if you want to, I won't be angry."

"That's what you said, Young Master Yin, please don't be angry."

Yin Jin nodded.

After receiving the guarantee, Cui Mosheng burst out into laughter.

The laughter continued for several minutes.

"are not you tired?"

Cui Mosheng quickly suppressed his expression, "Master Yin, I'm tired."

How can it be tiring to laugh at Yin Jin?

However, his expression was too terrifying, and Cui Mosheng was afraid; if he had to rely on him to give a lecture to himself, he couldn't offend him first.

Cui Mosheng successfully became Yin Jin's junior in the last college entrance examination.

Although he has repeated his studies for several years, Cui Mosheng barely passed the university; he still needs to work hard for a long time to meet the teacher's high standards.

"I'll give you an extra hour tonight, you can choose a gift with me now."

"Choose a gift?"

Cui Mosheng took a serious look at Yin Jin, "Master Yin, Miss Min Qili is married, and he is very happy now; destroying other people's happiness is not against the law, but it is immoral. You must not become such a person , otherwise we can break off our friendship now."

"Didn't you just say, do you understand me?"

"Everyone is blind in front of love, and you, Young Master Yin, are just a mortal."

Cui Mosheng spread his hands and looked at him with an expression of "Isn't it?"

Hearing Cui Mosheng's explanation, Yin Jin was silent for a while.

Then, echoed.

"You're right, I'm also a layman. Didn't you keep telling me to get drunk? Today, I'll give you a chance to drink me down."

"Master Yin, I can promise you; but, if you can't drink, don't force it, your body is still important; you will find out later: Miss Min Qili is not the only one, you will meet someone you like more." Cui Mosheng Concerned.

"I know, don't worry, I'll be fine. What you should care about is your drinking capacity. If you can't hold on, you can surrender."
Yin Jin didn't go to the private room, just sat down outside and ordered a lot of wine.

Drinking one glass after another, Cui Mosheng wanted to help him stop the drink, but found that he couldn't finish it at all; his stomach was starting to fill up, and there was still a lot of wine on the table.

Yin Jin is like drinking water, pouring down cup after cup.

"Master Yin, you've already drunk so much, stop drinking." Cui Mosheng couldn't bear to dissuade, "Master Yin, you have class tomorrow, you don't want to be late, right?"

Yin Jin picked up a glass of Margarita, "For three years in college, I have been a student with good character and academics; it doesn't matter if you are a little late, the teacher will understand. However, there is only one indulgence; Cui Mosheng, do you really want to stop me?" me?"

Hearing the slightly choked voice, Cui Mosheng's heart trembled.

They are brothers who grew up, good brothers who would ridicule each other; he would feel bad if a good brother broke up in love and bought drunk.

"It will be uncomfortable when you get drunk. I'll buy you an anti-alcoholic medicine. You wait for me here."

Cui Mosheng said that he wanted to see Yin Jin's downcast appearance, but when he actually saw it, he still felt uncomfortable.

Yin Jin is the proud son of heaven, and should hang in the sky forever; fairies should not descend to the earth, and if fairies descend to earth, "mortals" will suffer.

When Cui Mosheng came back from buying anti-alcohol medicine, he saw Yin Jin surrounded by several hot beauties.

Yin Jin gave them mathematics in it?
When I was in school, I was not as serious as I am now.

They stared at Yin Jin's face.

At this time, the little lamb Yin Jin had no idea of ​​the danger around him, and was still doing math in a serious manner.

"Hehe, ladies and sisters, he's drunk; he's a bad character. When he's sober, if he finds out what you've done to him, he'll be very angry. Then the situation won't be as simple as it is now. "

The beauty ignored Cui Mosheng, "You are his friend, why am I not sure?"

"Ning Yiru, I caught you."

Ning Zhu's voice came from far and near, seeing the crowd scattered and about to lose the target; he quickly ran over and grabbed the target.

"Why are you absent from school, what are these things? If you like to hang out with these rubbish, give me back the money I spent on you. No more, no less, 1000 million. If you have the ability to return me 1000 million During this time, you will still spend my money; when do you think you will be able to pay back the money?"

Listening to Ning Zhu's persuasive lectures, Ning Zhu rubbed his ears irritably.

"I'm so annoyed by saying these things every day; Ning Zhu, when my parents died, how much did you calculate the property, can't you just deduct it from here?"

Ning Zhu was sullen, and took a deep breath, not to let himself be angered.

"I won't move those things, so don't worry about them; I will return them to you exactly when you become an adult. However, if you go astray in the future, these are my names, Ning Zhu. You The 1000 million returned to me was earned by you with your own hands; instead of relying on others, relying on others to grow, don’t think about it with me.”

"I finally heard your true words."

Ning Yiru was so angry that she wanted to lose her temper and smash things.

Looking around, I saw an empty wine glass on the table; while throwing it, I screamed.

"Ning Zhu, Ning Zhu, you wait for Ning Zhu."

Crackling, one after another.

Such a violent action attracted the attention of many people in the bar; Yin Jin was woken up, looking at the half-empty table, still wondering.

"Is this drinkable?"

"Kang Dang"

The pillow in Ning Yiru's hand was thrown crookedly, and Yin Jin was injured by mistake.

Cui Mosheng, who was eating melon, looked over in a panic, worried that the drunk man would go crazy.

"what are you doing?"

Yin Jin stood up holding the pillow, "Going crazy and going outside, there are so many empty glasses on the ground, and you smashed my wine?"

Looking at the bartender standing outside, "Please report the damage and discuss with this lady about compensation; and my wine, this lady, please compensate."

Ning Yiru hated seeing this face now, if she hadn't looked at him, she would have run away long ago.

"No need, I've ordered this table of wine."

As he spoke, he picked up a cup and put it in his mouth.

Ning Zhu was shocked and snatched the wine from her hand.

"You are still underage, what are you drinking? Please hurry up and fix the damage, and come home to me in a while."

"Underage?" Yin Jin laughed with sarcasm, "You should drink milk well if you are underage, and imitate how grown-ups drink."

He took out a black card, "Don't ask for compensation with this underage little sister, just swipe my card."

"Who do you look down on? What's your name, wait for me, don't let me meet you."

"Yin Jin."

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