After the divorce, Mr. Li, who had been cold to her for three years, knelt down and begged to remarr

Chapter 615 Yin Jinzhang: Meeting an Acquaintance During the Interview

Chapter 615 Yin Jin Chapter: Meeting an Acquaintance During the Interview


Ning Yiru looked at Cui Mosheng in bewilderment.

"Didn't you ask what his name is, I answered for him, his name is Yin Jin, yes"

Seeing that Cui Mosheng was watching the excitement was no big deal, and he wanted to report his household registration, so he hurriedly took him away.

"What school?"

Ning Yiru didn't hear clearly, but Ning Zhu's hearing and concentration were good, so he glanced at her expression quietly; he was sure that Ning Zhu must know.

However, she also has her own dignity.

After a quarrel just now, does she still want to lose face?

Knowing the name also narrows the scope a bit.

"Yin Jin, right? Okay, I'll remember."

After Ning Yiru finished speaking harshly, she wanted to leave naturally.

"You think I'm demented? Go home quickly, miss, do you still want me to do it?"

Ning Yiru poked his neck and replied proudly, "No, but Ning Zhu, do you think I'm so easily surrendered?"

"How do you want to resist? Ning Yiru, you have good grades; that kid named Yin Jin is from XXX University. With your grades, you can easily pass the exam. When the time comes to school, you can do whatever you want with him. Don't you want to Out of breath?"

I didn't expect to find out about Yin Jin's school so easily.

Ning Yiru restrained himself to rest, and said with a serious face.

"Ning Zhu, you've always taught me to be generous to others; now you're telling me to settle accounts with him. Which one of your words is true?"

"My words change at any time," Ning Zhu restrained Ning Yiru, "Don't resist, go home, the make-up teacher has already arrived; today your task is to finish the test paper and understand all the problems."

"Ning Zhu, this is kidnapping."

Ning Yiru was like a cat restrained by the back of its neck.

"Then you have the ability first, and you are resisting me."
"Master Yin, how do you feel, do you want to take some hangover medicine?"

Yin Jin retched, and waved his hand to reject Cui Mosheng's hangover medicine.

"No, these wines are nothing but water to me; don't worry about me, you drink a lot, you should eat."

"I've already taken it. These medicines are specially made for you."

Yin Jin took the hangover medicine and swallowed one.

"Master Yin, drink some water."

Cui Mosheng handed over a bottle of water.

Yin Jin took the water and sat on the side of the road, "I was actually drunk just now. It turns out that the articles I read were deceptive; even if there is something wrong in my heart, as long as the alcohol concentration is high enough, I will still be drunk."

"Qi Li just got married like this. In fact, I knew she would choose Li Juehong; but I just don't want to. I can be an excellent boyfriend, and I will definitely not make her sad, but why can't she see me? What kind of magical power does Li Juehong possess?"

Father, like son.

Yin Jin, Min Qili, Li Juehong, the three of them; although Cui Mosheng has never seen it, he has heard of it.

Have your own judgment.

"Master Yin, in fact, you are not as outstanding as you look; you are too young, and you are full of childish aura. Mature men like Miss Min and Mr. Li, who have been together for many years, will definitely be attracted by him; mature men Even if you are more attractive than naive men, don't feel inferior, you are now working hard in the direction of a high-quality man."

What Cui Mosheng said later did not encourage Yin Jin at all.

Yin Jin's head is now full of childishness.

He is a childish man.

Now this childishness, which can be called an advantage, is slowly disappearing.

Will he become an outstanding mature man like Li Juehong?

"Don't put a friend's filter on me, you judge me normally, do you think I will become a mature man like Li Juehong?" Yin Jin's questioning voice was full of indistinct paranoia.

After Cui Mosheng noticed it, he felt that he had made a mistake.

"Everyone's quality is unique. Why do you want to be like someone else? Is it because Miss Min likes it, or do you really want to be?"

Yin Jin thought about it for a long time.

"Because I don't want to be compared. Qili didn't choose me, I don't blame her; I blame myself, I don't have the ability to make others like me. But, you say I'm naive, I can't accept it; I will definitely become better than Li Juehong man."

"Yes, I will definitely be better than Li Juehong."

Yin Jin didn't know what had been decided, his eyes were shining brightly.

"I'll go back today, remember to ask me for tutoring tomorrow."

He stopped a car casually, and Yin Jin left Cui Mosheng behind.

Cui Mosheng, who stood in a mess in the wind, looked at the emptiness around him inexplicably.

"Yin Jin, you bastard."

How could he be friends with such a hurtful person? ——
After returning to the dormitory, Yin Jin pulled a roommate, "Look at me, do you think I am mature?"

"Master Yin, what's the matter?"

Roommate Monk Zhang Er was puzzled, "You look very young, not mature at all."

"Do I really look so childish?"

Yin Jin collapsed.

The roommate nodded.

look at others.

Nod along.

"Wrong, wrong, all wrong."

Yin Jin felt that there was a generation gap with them, so he took out all the clothes hanging in the closet and went to the bathroom to change them one by one.

Even if he puts on a suit, he still doesn't look mature.

On the contrary, it looks like a child who steals an adult's clothes.

He walked out of the bathroom with a calm face, and hung the clothes back in the cabinet.

Turn on the computer and search seriously #How to make a man look mature
After reading thousands of entries, Yin Jin came to a conclusion.

Work matures people.


After making half of the resume, I will decisively choose a company and start a sea investment.

It's about to be a senior year, and the students in the class have already started internships, and it's not too late for Yin Jin.

The introduction has been delivered, and we are waiting for a reply.

The whole set of actions is done in one go.

After finishing, Yin Jin felt much better.

"The clothes in my closet, if you like them, share them, and if you don't like them, throw them away."

Yin Jin only kept one suit, and distributed the rest to his roommates.
The next morning, Yin Jin received a call from Haitou last night, informing him of an interview in the afternoon and asking if he was free.

Yin Jin readily agreed that this was his first step towards becoming a mature man, and he must not be sloppy.

Putting on a suit that didn't match his temperament, he pretended to be serious and made an old city expression; everything was ready, and Yin Jin rushed to the interview site.

When he arrived at the interview company, Yin Jin saw the sea of ​​people in front of him, and realized how difficult it is to become mature.

Among them, there are also the seniors he has worked with in the group.

"Yin Jin, you're here too, are you here for the interview too?" The senior looked at him in surprise.

Yin Jin Laocheng nodded sternly.

I hinted to myself in my heart: He is a mature man, so he must not make childish expressions.

"Senior, what a coincidence."

"Yes, I'm graduating soon; Ying Yuan has made plans for his future, so the teacher recommended me to this company."

The senior has the maturity that Yin Jin couldn't ask for.

Yin Jin stared at him hesitantly, "Senior, are you"

The interviewer came out to call someone, this time it was a senior.

The senior was called away, and Yin Jin began to observe the people on the field.

Except for seniors, there are not many mature men.
Yin Jin was the last one.

When he entered, there was only one interviewer left.

"You're the last one, you know?"


Yin Jin sat down upright, and when he saw the person in front of him clearly, his serious expression cracked. "It's you."

(End of this chapter)

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