"If you rob, you're playing hooligans, and you don't want me to call you, do you?"

Ning Yiru shook his head and looked at her proudly.

In Yin Jin's eyes, his complacent look is like a shameless brat; Yin Jin has always had nothing to do with the brat.

"I don't look at your phone, can you change it back for me?" Yin Jin's tone was almost pleading.

Ning Yiru thought for a while, then shook his head and refused.

"You can have it if you want it, and don't want it if you don't want it. How can there be such an easy thing in the world? Yin Jin, you are an adult, how can you think so naively?"

bad boy.
Yin Jin smiled, "Your aunt has arrived."


Suddenly becoming serious, Ning Yiru didn't react for a while.

Turning around, she looked at Ning Zhu who was wearing a formal suit with a serious face; Ning Yiru looked back at Yin Jin and made a face at him.

"Yin Jin, I remember you."

"Ning Yiru, who do you remember?" Ning Zhu strode over in high heels.

"What are you doing here? I didn't expect our busy Mr. Ning to take time out to care about a small shrimp like me." Ning Yiru said rebelliously.

Ning Zhu has dealt with a day's work, and now she is physically and mentally exhausted; but she didn't go to rest, and ran to school to take Ning Yiru home again.

"Ning Yiru, stop making trouble; be obedient, go home."

"Go home? Which home? Do I still have a home now? I don't know you well, don't get close to me; this is very close to the police station, if I call the police, they will dispatch the police very quickly."

Ning Yiru folded his arms and said indifferently.

"Don't you want to go home tonight?" Ning Zhu asked wearily.

"Of course I'm going home, but I'm just going back to my own home." Ning Yiru's eyes sparkled.

Just as Ning Zhu was about to speak, a phone call came in, and she went to answer it first.

"Ning Zhu, why are you like this?"

Ning Yiru watched her leave suddenly, stomping on the spot angrily.

"Do you think Ning Zhu is too much? He came to see me to go home, why did he suddenly answer the phone with someone else? Am I not as important as work?"

Yin Jin looked into Ning Yiru's eyes and asked belatedly, "Are you asking me?"

"Is there anyone else here I could talk to?"

"If you haven't assumed this responsibility now, you will naturally not understand your aunt; when one day, you are in her position, you will know how difficult it is for her and how powerful she is?"

Ning Zhu is amazing.

This is something Ning Yiru has known since she was a child. She has always been top-notch in mathematics. In order to pursue her dream, she resolutely chose liberal arts; and went abroad to study alone.

During the years of studying abroad, my academic performance has always been A+.

If nothing happened to her parents later on, and her grandparents didn't get sick; now there should be Ning Zhu's name in the literary world, right?

"Of course I know, I need you to tell me." Ning Yiru said angrily.

After Ning Zhu answered the phone, he casually asked a question.

"Are you sure you don't want to go home?"

"I have my own home, why should I go back with you; Ning Zhu, do you not understand Chinese?" Ning Yiru said angrily.

The expected persuasion was not heard.

I saw Ning Zhu throwing a key to Yin Jin, "Here is the key to the house. I will trouble you to accompany this young lady home today; I will send you the location of the house in a while. Your task is to keep an eye on her and talk to her at any time." I report."

"Ning Zhu, you threw me to a stranger?"

After explaining the matter, Ning Zhu tapped the reply message on the screen with his finger while walking back.

"Don't you want to see me? I meet your request, miss, are you still not satisfied?"

Ning Yiru choked.

"Are you happy? Send me back."

Ning Zhuyou devoted himself to work, and turned a deaf ear to Ning Yiru's reaction; it was meaningless to rebel again, and Ning Yiru gave up struggling.

"You're so good, are you sure you won't make trouble?"

The bear child is suddenly obedient, there must be a bigger storm brewing; Yin Jin didn't believe that Ning Yiru just went home obediently.

Ignore him, "It's fine if you don't leave. Anyway, this is a university town, and you can stop a car by standing on the side of the road. At that time, no one cares about me where I go to play~"

Ning Yiru said while observing Yin Jin's reaction from the corner of his eye.


no response?
Ning Yiru quickened his steps.

Don't care about her, just leave it alone.

She was totally childlike, a child who craved attention.
One taxi after another passed by the side of the road, but Ning Yiru didn't even get in.

"Why doesn't Yin Jin come to me? Does he really care about me?"

"This is the job Ning Zhu gave him. He is slack in his work like this."

"But this job has no performance, and no one but me and him knows what the status of this job is."

Ning Yiru was so sad that she wanted to cry.

She just wanted Ning Zhu to care about her more, and let Ning Zhu recall the youthful years from her body; don't be so lifeless all the time, but have a little vitality.

Without vitality, no matter how young you are, you will be entrusted to be old.

Squatting in place, holding a fallen leaf and drawing circles on the ground.

After drawing a few circles, Ning Yiru felt that it was getting dark.

"I'm sure no one cares about me anymore. I take care of myself. It's not like I haven't taken care of myself before."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a luxury car stopped in front of him.

"Miss, let's go at last?"

"Yin Jin, why are you here? This car is yours?" Ning Yiru couldn't believe it.

"Your aunt told me to let me take you back when your anger is over. Is it over now? It's not over. I can go back and wait for you."

"Is this what Ning Zhu told me?"

Ning Zhu understood himself, and Ning Yiru was secretly happy; then he realized that he had been manipulated by Ning Zhu.

"Is what you say is what you say? Now let me tell you, Ning Zhu was wrong; I'm not angry, I'm just thinking about what to eat later."

"Okay, okay." Yin Jin laughed, he had nothing to do with this brat, "Miss, have you decided what to eat tonight?"

"Seafood, your treat will be counted on Ning Zhu's account."


In Yin Jin's helpless smile, there was a hint of imperceptible pampering.
Seafood restaurant
"What kind of seafood do you like to eat? The seafood here is all fished out of the deep sea, and it's delicious; you must not have finished your meal, so please don't be polite."

"No, I'm not hungry."

Yin Jin sternly refused.

"Since you don't want it, I won't force you, so I won't be polite."

The seafood on the table seemed to be a lot; Ning Yiru had eaten all of it, but he didn't feel full.

"Why am I not full at all?"

Yin Jin looked at the seafood shells she had piled up into a hill.

I thought to myself, what you throw away is ten times what you eat in your stomach, if you are full, then there will be ghosts.

Although the tone is humble and respectful, the content is not polite at all.

"The little animals in the dump today are lucky."

"Yin Jin, I heard that there is a night market over there; let's go and have a look, you must be hungry. I can't abuse you, I'm not an inhumane boss."

"You want to eat it?"

"Does it matter, aren't you hungry?" Ning Yiru asked indifferently.

Yin Jin was defeated.

He is indeed hungry.

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