Standing at the entrance of the night market, Ning Yiru couldn't see the end at a glance.

"It's so long here?"

Excitedly pulling Yin Jin to rush in.

The rampant young girl warmed up the cold-faced boy little by little.


From the street to the end, Ning Yiru patted her stomach in satisfaction.

"Are you full, are you going back?"

"You're such a disappointment, don't you think we're in love now?"

The intimate couple on the opposite side had the same posture as them; but Yin Jin's expression was much colder, "Don't reject me in a hurry. People who don't know us must think that I am a beautiful little flower stuck in your pile of cow dung. Come on; everyone is mourning and sighing for me, how can there be such a cold-faced person like you, how can there be such a spoiled person like you."

Ning Yiru piled up a lot of words of praise for herself.

Yin Jin listened expressionlessly, forgetting the words after hearing them.

"You're right, I'm a spoiler; so, I'm taking you home now. You say we're a couple, and if you struggle, they'll dismiss you as a naive kid. You don't want yourself Your reputation has been damaged, right?"

Yin Jin followed Ning Yiru's example of threatening him.

"Yin Jin, why did you learn so badly?"

Ning Yiru was furious, and said in a coaxing tone, "Yin Jin, you are already an adult, you have to make your own judgment on things; how can you learn everything? It's like a stranger's snack, not everything is fine food."

"You are very suitable to be a teacher."

"Stop, shut up." Ning Yiru hates children the most, "I'll go home with you, let's go home now; but, I have one request, don't say such spoiling things. I have no body For the teacher's sense of mission, if you do it tough, it will only delay the children. No one would want a person who has rebelled once to be their child's teacher."

Ning Yiru said deeply.

Yin Jin felt that she had a story. Ning Yiru was not what she appeared on the surface, she was not a rebellious girl, and she was not just for Ning Zhu's benefit; she was a different kind of person, but she hid this kind of herself.

"go home."

Yin Jin said lightly, this time she didn't say anything offensive.
The car drove fast in the middle of the night, Ning Yiru stared at the phone the whole time, giggling all the time.

"You just kept looking at me, don't you wonder what I'm looking at?"

"I'm not curious about other people's lives. My mission is to take good care of you and send you home."

"What a boring person. Why are you so rigid? It's so different from the first time I saw you; did you make a special change to attract my attention? Actually, it doesn't need to be like this. Yin Jin just needs you to tell me , I understand you."

Ning Yiru blinked, with an expression that I understand you.

"What do you know, your most important task now is to study hard and get admitted to a university; don't worry your aunt, she is already working very hard now."

"I know. Don't worry, for something like a university, I can go up by flipping the palm of my hand."

Ning Yiru jumped out of the car and slammed the door, "Your task is done, you can go now; don't worry, I'm already home, so I won't run away."

"Your aunt asked me to watch you tonight."

Ning Yiru shrugged indifferently.

Does she seem so disturbing? ——
Yin Jin followed Ning Yiru into the villa, and the housekeeper had already packed everything up and waited at the door.

"You are Yin Jin, Miss Ning Zhu has already told me that your room is next door to Yiru's; Yiru, Miss Ning Zhu asked me to tell you that if you have any questions at night, you can go to Yin Jin , he is a high-achieving student in the school, and he will definitely be able to answer your questions."

"Ning Zhu really said that?"

Ning Yiru couldn't believe it.

Ning Zhu would be so relieved to hand her over to others?
What about high-achieving students? People who study well have arrogance; these people think highly of themselves, and they will definitely not take it seriously when they find out that they are just handymen.

The butler nodded.

"That's it, I see; you go to rest, as long as there is Yin Jin here."

After the housekeeper left, Ning Yiru tilted his head to look at Yin Jin.

"Did you hear that? You are just my nanny. Ning Zhu hired you to be my nanny; if you don't like it, you can leave now. I will explain it to Ning Zhu for you."

"The first job for a college student is not easy. I would like to be i's assistant."


How could anyone be willing to serve others?
Ning Yiru smiled, "Well then, my room is upstairs; I'll take you to your room."

While going upstairs, Ning Yiru introduced each room in this building to Yin Jin.

"In the past, this villa was still very lively, which is more lively than you can imagine; now it is so deserted, sometimes I wonder if one day I will open my eyes and find that I can see ghosts. Yes With these ghosts, the villa will return to its previous appearance; unfortunately, there is no yin and yang eye in the world, and I can’t see ghosts either.”

Yin Jin saw another side of Ning Yiru again.

Getting along with this bear child is like opening a blind box, you never know what surprise will come next.

"This is your room. This used to be my study room, and then my parents died; I moved to Ningzhu's villa, and it was slowly abandoned, and then it was changed into a small room. Show those People who live with me, but you are the first to live in."

Ning Yiru wandered around the room, his eyes full of nostalgia for the past.

"Do you know why you were the first?"

"Because those high-achieving students are proud of their talents. They think that I am a waste who can't support the wall, and there is no future in taking care of me."

Ning Yiru smiled relievedly, "Actually, I also think that I have a bright future. If you really want to do an internship at Ning's family, I can help you find a professional job for you tomorrow."

"No, it's good to take care of you; I think you are a person with great potential. Their eyes are high and their hands are low, and they can't see the good things in you. When others give up on you, don't give up on yourself. Ning Yiru actually has you shining point."


With such a moving atmosphere, Ning Yiru laughed mercilessly, "If you want to comfort me, Yin Jin, I will accept your comfort; but, don't expect too much from me, I am not such an excellent person as you guys .It's getting late, don't bother you, let's rest."
When Ning Yiru left, he closed the door very politely.

The room was well-equipped and there was a map on the wall directing him to the bathroom.

Remembering the map, Yin Jin took the disposables and went to wash up.

The sound of wind chimes on the balcony makes the villa even more empty and lonely.

At this moment, he understood why Ning Yiru did this.

If it was him, maybe he would be more resistant and rebellious, right?

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