The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 102 The major forces are preparing

Chapter 102 The major forces are preparing

"Everyone, don't be impatient."

Then he looked at the boy.

"Are you sure they got the two of them out of the class?"

"It's true."

"Then did you find out what they were performing?" Lin Miaomiao continued to ask.

"It seems to be a cross talk!"

"It's weird for these two people to perform cross talk! Ye Xingchen, what do you think?" Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen slightly and asked, and had to say that the eldest sister was full of fan.

"I'm sitting and watching, how else can I watch, how tired I am standing watching."

"I'm asking what you think."

Lin Miaomiao was completely speechless towards Ye Xingchen's cynical attitude. If he was not needed to perform on stage, his attitude would have been pulled out and chopped.

"In my opinion... I think cross talk should be ruled out first. Qian Sanyi's character would never perform such a boring thing. For singing, Jiang Tianhao's voice is fine. My opinion is for reference only, but it's not true when it comes to cross talk. must."

Ye Xingchen knew the plot, but he still made a riddle here, because he was afraid that if he revealed that the other party would dance in a group, Lin Miaomiao might have to give up the group dance she designed.

When I first watched the drama, I especially liked this clip, because he felt that Lin Miaomiao in this place was very cute.

Deng Xiaoqi clasped her hands together, and said softly, "They can't... really want a duel, right?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Although your analysis makes sense, we still have to be careful. We can't touch language programs. They follow the idol school, and we take the side of the sword..." She winked at everyone slyly, and slapped Snap your fingers, "I have a clever plan!" He waved his hands, motioning for everyone to listen to her, and listen to her hints...

The students were blown up when they heard it, so excited!

Ye Xingchen laughed when he heard it, thinking that it was indeed so.

Lin Miaomiao asked Deng Xiaoqi: "What do you think of this show?

Deng Xiaoqi looked distressed: "Ah, it's not really going to be like this, is it?"

"Of course! Absolutely!" Lin Miaomiao's eyes lit up, "Just relying on this bombing, if we don't mess around, we will be seniors next year!"

The students all agreed: "Absolutely eye-catching! Explosive design! Hard to surpass!"

Seeing that Ye Xingchen just smiled and didn't speak, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help asking: "Why are you smirking, do you have any opinions on my settings?"

"Don't dare, I think it's pretty good, you guys work hard! I'm going to prepare the song I'm going to sing too."

"It's absolutely mysterious."

Lin Miaomiao didn't continue to care about him but went on talking about her own thoughts.

Deng Xiaoqi: "Well, I still have a solo dance to prepare, so I won't participate in the group show. Lin Miaomiao, are you in charge of the class show?" Her solo dance "Moonlight Night on the Spring River" won the first prize in the city middle school students' art meeting in summer The award has been designated as the finale program by the party preparation team.

Lin Miaomiao snapped her fingers again, expressing acceptance of the task, and began to exercise power immediately: "Boys step aside, all female students come on stage!"

During the rehearsal, some girls were laughing and laughing. Lin Miaomiao put on a sullen face and repeatedly emphasized: "Everyone, don't underestimate this show, one minute on stage and ten years off stage!"

Every lunch break, she took a group of people to the rooftop to secretly rehearse.

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to go and watch, but was ruthlessly locked out of the door.Reluctantly, he had no choice but to choose his song, but what should he choose? Soon he had the answer. Ye Xingchen looked up at the blue sky and white clouds. He wanted to make up for the regrets of his previous life. Either he didn't do it or it would shake the world.

At this time, the No. [-] Scholar class was also mysterious, and the curtains were drawn all day long in the classroom to hide the secrets from others.The scouts wandered around their class, and immediately someone came out to bombard them.All I know is that Qian San ran to the dormitory every day, and Jiang Tianhao and everyone in the dormitory were lifting dumbbells to support the plank, and the little fat children were almost disabled.

In order to avoid muscle training, Sun Chuanchu hid in the toilet and played online games on his mobile phone, but was caught by the teacher.What a pig teammate, after a few trials, Jiang Tianhao confessed the goods.Jiang Tianhao was immediately called to the principal's office, and heard the principal go crazy: "Be honest, where did you hide your phone?"

Jiang Tianhao said innocently: "I gave it to Teacher Li a long time ago!"

Principal: "You handed in a Nokia! Where did you hide the 6P you usually use?"

Jiang Tianhao patted himself, feeling aggrieved: "How can there be 6P?"

Principal: "Whether there is, we will find out immediately."

While the principal was admonishing him, the life teachers raided the Grand View Garden.As soon as Li Daokui entered the dormitory, he went straight to the balcony, took out Jiang Tianhao's 6P from his jacket pocket, and sent it to the principal's office.

Principal: "There are people with stolen goods."

Jiang Tianhao muttered: "This is my private property, how did it become stolen goods?"

The principal coughed to show his dignity: "Who gave you the password of the school network?"

Jiang Tianhao: "I broke it myself."

Principal: "It's really smart! It can be deciphered. Who did you pass the code to?"

Jiang Tianhao remained silent.

Principal: "Children of your age can't tell what is righteousness and what is Tao. If you use righteousness incorrectly, you will hurt your friends..."

Jiang Tianhao immediately put on a bad expression: "Qian Sany, I told Qian Sany the password!"

Principal: "Don't make mistakes again and again, and dare to drag the champion into the water! Do you know how many school rules and disciplines you have violated this time?"

Jiang Tianhao was a little dissatisfied when he heard this, and felt slightly impulsive: "Then Qian Sanyi and Ye Xingchen have brought their mobile phones, and Ye Xingchen also brought the cat, don't you care?"

Principal: "Don't change the subject, now we are talking about your problem of deciphering the campus network password."

At this time, Jiang Tianhao didn't care about the brotherhood: "I just asked, is the prince's crime the same as that of the common people?"

The principal smiled: "Jiang Tianhao, you are now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and you can't protect yourself..."

This copy inspection of Grand View Garden has yielded a lot for the school.Originally, Lin Miaomiao thought that she was the only one with great supernatural powers, but only after seeing the confiscated spoils did she realize that the tunnels in each village had their own tricks.Those things that were taken away by the life teacher at the beginning of the school year have only increased and never decreased, but fortunately Ye Xingchen forgot to bring his mobile phone to the dormitory today, otherwise he would not be able to explain why he was taken away.

Jiang Tianhao knew that he was embarrassed to sell Ye Xingchen this time, so he ran over to apologize to Ye Xingchen.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry, I was also short of breath."

Ye Xingchen said that he would not care about these things: "It's normal. School is not so fair. There are many such things in college, so you have to work hard yourself. I don't care, I just want to Just to remind you."

"Really Brother Chen?"


"Haha, I'm actually quite sorry." Jiang Tianhao scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it, I don't have so many things to do. Besides, I'm a commuter student, and the school can understand it. That's enough. I'll go prepare the party show first, so you can get busy too." Ye Xingchen patted Jiang Tianhao on the shoulder.

Jiang Tianhao nodded and went to practice his own program.

(End of this chapter)

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