The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 103: First behead and then play, royal power chartered

Chapter 103: First behead and then play, royal power chartered

This is when Ye Xingchen suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a fire in Jiang Tianhao’s dormitory in the original drama. One point, don't use some small things that can focus light, it is easy to cause a fire under the sunlight."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and returned to his classroom.

Jiang Tianhao scratched his head and didn't quite understand what Ye Xingchen meant by saying this to himself.No matter what, anyway, it’s right to remind myself kindly, and then I returned to my classroom.

Because of Jiang Tianhao's problem, Ye Xingchen was called by the old master Zhao Rongbao to talk.

"Ye Xingchen, do you often bring a cat to school? Didn't you know that the school doesn't allow pets?"

"Well, this kitten is very clingy, and it won't eat unless I'm around it, so I brought it to class, but don't worry, it won't bark, and it will definitely not affect the normal class."

"It's not the same thing about him. Although you study well, bringing pets to school is definitely against the school's rules and regulations, and it's not something that affects your studies."

"Is there no other discussion on this matter?" Ye Xingchen tried to see if the matter had turned around.

"Well, it's not like there isn't one."

Originally thought that Zhao Rongbao had no room for discussion, but he suddenly changed his words.

Ye Xingchen saw that there was a turning point in the matter and hurriedly asked: "Teacher, what can you tell me, as long as I can do it."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen took the bait, Zhao Rongbao took the opportunity to tell his real purpose: "Our school has two places to participate in the National Mathematical Olympiad, and Qian Sanyi naturally has one. If you can participate and get good results, I'll let you bring it to school. If you don't attend or don't get good grades, then no."


"Why don't you speak, what kind of eyes do you have?"

"No, teacher, did you beat around the bush when you asked me to participate in the competition?" Ye Xingchen asked with a speechless expression on his face.

"I don't think so. You will participate. Although you have excellent grades, you don't participate in any activities. Your homeroom teacher has been doing your work. You say you don't have time." Zhao Rongbao said.

"Well, let's say it in advance, if we get good grades, you will allow me to bring the cat to school." Ye Xingchen confirmed again.

"Of course, the teacher means what he says."

"Can I carry on now?"

"Yes, as long as you agree to sign up."

"No problem, I'll just fill out the form."

"That's right."

Under Lao Zhao's coercion and lure, Ye Xingchen filled out the form, which meant that the two strongest academic gods in the elite middle school were all released, and Lao Zhao's heart was full of joy.

Ye Xingchen came out of Lao Zhao's office and stood at the door for a long time. He felt that his mood had changed a lot. He used to not understand why the protagonist in the novel had the ability to reach the sky and why he had to keep a low profile. Now he understands. As long as you know what you want, there is no need to deliberately show off your knowledge and knowledge. Invisible pretense is the most deadly.

Ye Xingchen, who had the royal decree, no longer had to hide the kitten under the desk all day long, he took the cat out and put it on his shoulder.Lin Miaomiao clung tightly to Ye Xingchen's shoulder, yawned in a daze, and changed into a comfortable position before taking a nap.

After Lin Miaomiao came back, she saw Ye Xingchen blatantly taking out the snowball and asked worriedly, "Ye Xingchen, even if the teacher turned a blind eye, you wouldn't be so bold, would you?"

Ye Xingchen slowly raised his head to look at her and said calmly, "Cut first and play later, the imperial power specially needs it."


"Well, you won't be "clicking", ah! It hurts!!!"

Before she could finish speaking, Ye Xingchen mercilessly gave her a headache.

"Ye Xingchen, you've beaten me stupid and you're raising me?" Lin Miaomiao said to Ye Xingchen angrily, covering her head.

"Hehe, you are already stupid enough, how stupid can you be?"

"Can you say that again!"

"It makes a difference how many times you say it. What can you do? With so many people around, you can still bite me." Ye Xingchen made a childish grimace, as embarrassing as he wanted.

"You, wait for me." Lin Miaomiao returned to her seat aggrieved.

Just now, his face was still full of displeasure, and suddenly a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Xingchen looked at that smile and suddenly felt a little cold. He didn't know if it was an illusion or what.

These days, students can always see a handsome boy with a cat on his shoulder standing in the corridor and chatting with others.From a distance, it looks like the male protagonist who walked out of a comic, and the scene of his interaction with the cat was photographed by many students and posted on the school forum, and there are also short videos posted on the platform, which made Ye Xingchen a little popular a handful.

Of course, there are all kinds of people in the comment area, some praised him for being so handsome, some said he was pretentious, and some directly said that cats are not allowed in school, which violates school rules and disciplines.However, the grade director had already told the propaganda department to delete the post.

Although the post was gone, the students were still arguing on the forum. Someone gave Ye Xingchen the earthy but appropriate name "White Cat Prince".

Immediately, an organization was established in the school out of thin air. There were more female members in this organization, called "The Most Handsome White Cat Prince Guard", and the leader of this organization was naturally our heroine Lin Miaomiao.Although Ye Xingchen often bullied her, which made her very unhappy, but Ye Xingchen could only bully her, not others.

And our protagonist Ye Xingchen never pays attention to these things, as long as the fire can't attract him, he won't care about these things.

Speaking of fire, Ye Xingchen reminded Jiang Tianhao two days ago that he didn't take it to heart. Jiang Tianhao made two convex lenses in the physics experiment class and showed off to his classmates: "I'm here to scout out the enemy's situation." Kepler telescope, secretly peeping at the girl's building in the dormitory.Facing the balcony over there, laughing and watching, watching and laughing.

Even Qian Sanyi, who was doing planks, couldn't resist the temptation. He grabbed the binoculars, and the boys in the dormitory lined up behind him to watch the peep show.

As soon as Sun Chuanchu touched the mirror, Jiang Tianhao took it away: "You've been slacking off. Finish today's training tasks, and I'll show you for 5 minutes."

Sun Chuanchu had no choice but to lie down on the ground and move to the window sill after everyone had dispersed. The simple telescope was already quite fragile after many people's hands.Resentful, he casually threw it on the window sill, and the telescope finally fell apart.

In the afternoon, Sun Chuan asked for leave to sleep in the room under the pretext of straining a muscle during class activities.

The convex lens was quietly crooked on the windowsill.

The winter sun shines obliquely.

The convex lens quietly focused the sunlight, and the draft paper on the window sill was illuminated with a small black spot.

(End of this chapter)

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