Chapter 108
Deng Xiaoqi: "Hurry up and drink vitamin C, you won't be choking just eating."

"Hey, I knew you were the best for me."

"Okay, let's eat."

After Deng Xiaoqi thought about it, the relationship between the two returned to its original state.


After the New Year's Eve party, Ye Xingchen became even more popular.

But there are basically no people who gave him love letters.After all, at the New Year's Eve party, Ye Xingchen made it very clear that he already has someone he likes. Although he didn't say it clearly, normal people can understand the meaning in his words.

Lin Miaomiao was added to the school's celebrity list, which made her a starlet in the school and gained many loyal fans.

One day, Lin Miaomiao was chatting with her classmates in the corridor, when Sun from the next class ran over to make friends.

"Miaomiao, I'm here to learn from you. How did you arrange that dance? I'm going to follow the comedian route like you." Sun said with a hippie smile.

Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes at him and said loudly to him: "comic star, comedian, your sister!"

Because Lin Miaomiao doesn't like others to mention this to her, after being an "Internet celebrity", she always wants to wash her bottom and rely on elegance.

Sun Chuanchu was not angry.Everyone could see that he treated Lin Miaomiao differently.However, the way he behaved was very different, so different that Lin Miaomiao couldn't stand it.Like a domineering president, he ran directly from the No. [-] class to Lin Miaomiao's seat between classes and ordered: "Stretch out your hands, hold them up!"

Lin Miaomiao stretched out her hand ignorantly, and Sun Chuan took out a bag of melon seeds hidden behind her, and poured it full for her: "Just eat it, brother, there are still here after eating!" The whole class laughed.

It's not a secret that Lin Miaomiao ate melon seeds secretly in class. It was also a fancy eating method. She quietly stuffed a melon seed into her mouth, soaked it with saliva, and then dared to bite it silently.This is underground work, how dare you brazenly blatantly talk about it!Lin Miaomiao has always cherished things and would not get along with delicious food, because it was her favorite caramel melon seeds, so she resisted the urge to slap him in the face.

Another time, while doing eye exercises between classes, Sun Chuanchu slipped out and stood in front of the window of the liberal arts class, ready to talk to Lin Miaomiao again.

But Lin Miaomiao was doing eye exercises seriously, so he secretly took Lin Miaomiao's glasses.

After Lin Miaomiao finished, she found that her glasses were missing, so she hurriedly looked for them.

"Xiaoqi, have you seen my glasses?" Lin Miaomiao asked anxiously.

Seeing her anxious appearance, Deng Xiaoqi quickly comforted her: "Didn't you put it on the table just now? Look carefully and don't worry."

"I also thought about putting it on the table, but I don't know why it disappeared."

At this time, the little black fat man put on his glasses and said solemnly from the window: "Miaomiao, there are actually many similarities between us! You love food, and I love food, and we both like Mayday songs. What a coincidence, I They even have the same degree of myopia!"

"Why are you so annoying, I don't have time to talk to you now, so get out." Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but swear.

Sun Chuan said: "Miaomiao, look at your eyes, I wear them quite well."

Lin Miaomiao couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed to snatch her glasses, but the glasses had plastic frames and were easy to break, and this snatch directly broke a leg.

Sun Chuan stammered: "I... I don't mean any harm, in fact, you don't wear glasses... you look better..."

"It's good to see you big-headed ghost! Everything I see now is hazy poetry!" Lin Miaomiao blushed with anger.

Ye Xingchen came back from the office at this time and saw Lin Miaomiao's angry look, so he asked, "Miaomiao, why are you so angry, who messed with you?"

Just now because of the New Year's Eve party, Ye Xingchen was called by the teacher to talk again.

"Ye Xingchen, you are becoming more and more bold now, openly saying that you have a puppy love, and completely ignoring school rules and discipline." Zhao Rongbao said seriously while tapping his fingers on the table.

"Teacher, when did I fall in love early? I just said that I like someone again, so it's okay? Who didn't have many people they liked when they were students?" Ye Xingchen retorted logically.

"I'll tell you Ye Xingchen, don't think you're not wrong, do you know how much the reputation of the elite high school will be damaged if this matter gets out?" Zhao Rongbao also knew that Ye Xingchen was right, but absolutely You can't agree with his words, otherwise this kid won't float to the sky.

"It's not that serious. I'm just stating a fact. When we were students, we got along day and night. It's normal to develop feelings. And I also said at the time that I would never fall in love in high school. The theme is clear and the content is substantial. I won't guide students. On the road of no return." Ye Xingchen still insisted on his point of view and did not admit his mistakes.

"Okay, let me tell you that this matter is over. Don't think that the school can do whatever it wants if it doesn't hold you accountable. If you don't get a result in this Mathematical Olympiad, come back and see how I deal with you."

Ye Xingchen also fully understood that calling himself here today was an opportunity to threaten him with good grades.

"Good teacher, make sure to complete the task."

It's not just coming back from the office to see this scene.

"Did Sun Chuan wear my glasses with my permission and even broke them?" Lin Miaomiao said aggrievedly.

"It's not Brother Chen, I didn't do it on purpose." Sun Chuanchu said tremblingly when he saw Ye Xingchen's murderous eyes.

"Did Sun Chuan tell you that you have no place to go, and you are a bitch in a liberal arts class? Is your skin itchy again?"

Sun Chuanchu also knew that he was doomed. After all, Brother Chen was known as a calf protector, and he might have really confessed his more than 200 kilograms of meat here.

"Listen...listen to my explanation."

Seeing his cowardly appearance, Ye Xingchen didn't go too far: "Bring me 200 yuan for the spectacle frame this afternoon, get out, I don't mind scratching it for you next time I'm a bitch."

"Brother Xie Chen, I will compensate you for the Miao Miao glasses frame."

"Okay, hurry up, I'm annoying just looking at you." Lin Miaomiao's anger obviously hasn't subsided yet.

"I'm leaving."

Sun Chuanchu quickly took this opportunity and ran back to his classroom.

"Bring me your glasses and let me have a look."

Lin Miaomiao handed him the temples and glasses: "I can't fit them anymore, I can only make do with it this week."

"Then I'll take it back for you to have it repaired at noon, and I'll accompany you to pick out the glasses frames on Saturdays and Sundays." Ye Xingchen looked at it and found that there was really no way to fix it, so he could only stick it with something when he went home.

"That's the only way. By the way, what did the teacher tell you to do? It can't be about the New Year's Eve party." Lin Miaomiao asked.

"That's right, not quite. It's okay, Lao Zhao is reluctant to punish me. Besides, I didn't do anything wrong."

"Heh, singing and confessing in front of the whole school, the whole school is the only one." Deng Xiaoqi said beside her.

"Who did I confess to? If you have no name or surname, don't frame me. Be careful that I will sue you for defamation."

Seeing Ye Xingchen refused to admit it again: "Miaomiao, who do you think Brother Chen confessed to?"

"I, I don't know, don't ask me." Lin Miaomiao said with a red face.

(End of this chapter)

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