Chapter 109 Ye Xingchen is Jealous

"You two, the concubine loves you and me, and you are a gangster, like dogs of a feather."

"Wait, that's not how the last two words are used." Ye Xingchen interrupted her.

Deng Xiaoqi smiled and asked, "Why not? It's a perfect description of you two."

"Xiaoqi! See how I deal with you." After Lin Miaomiao realized it, she attacked Deng Xiaoqi.

"Stop making trouble, class will start later."

"No, I'll let you talk nonsense." Lin Miaomiao persisted and continued to tickle Xiaoqi.

Ye Xingchen just watched from the side with a smile and didn't speak. After all, the two girls were fighting, and the picture was absolutely beautiful, which couldn't be missed.

Because Lin Miaomiao's glasses were broken, Ye Xingchen was afraid that she wouldn't get used to it, and this tiger girl was a little worried because she ran wildly to the cafeteria, so she stayed at school to eat.

In addition, Deng Xiaoqi and the three of them were walking on the road, which attracted the attention of many students. After all, almost all the legendary figures in the New Year's Day party were all there, and only Jiang Tianhao and Qian Sanyi were missing.

At this time, a tall and thin boy suddenly stopped and said to Lin Miaomiao, "You are Lin Miaomiao, can you give me a contact information?"

"Ah, are you talking about me?"


"Well, me, me, where did I write it?"

Lin Miaomiao was obviously at a loss when someone asked for her contact information for the first time.

"I brought a pen, you can write it in my hand." The boy took out a black carbon pen from his pocket and handed it to Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao took it and wrote her penguin number on his hand.

Ye Xingchen, who was talking and laughing just now, looked at Lin Miaomiao and that boy expressionlessly.

There was an air of indifference from the inside out, which made Deng Xiaoqi next to her palpitate.

"Why is the weather suddenly cold? Brother Chen, are you cold?" Deng Xiaoqi asked.

"I! No! Cold!" Ye Xingchen said clearly word by word.

"Well, Brother Chen, are you jealous?" Deng Xiaoqi instantly understood what was going on when she saw him like this.

"I didn't!!" Ye Xingchen could hardly bear the impulse in his heart now.

"Hehe, it's fine if you don't have it." Seeing Ye Xingchen like this, Deng Xiaoqi quickly took a few steps back to keep herself away from Ye Xingchen who was on the verge of fury.

After Lin Miaomiao finished writing, she returned the pen to the boy
"Thank you Lin Miaomiao, actually you are quite cute without glasses."

"Thank you!"

She felt a little embarrassed when the boy said that.

"Bye bye, please agree when you get home."

"OK, all right."



The two waved goodbye, Lin Miaomiao was overjoyed, she didn't expect that one day someone would take the initiative to ask for her contact information.

"You...what's the matter?" Lin Miaomiao turned her head and looked at the two of them, feeling that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

"I'm hungry, I'm going to eat first." Ye Xingchen's tone was cold and he didn't wait for them, he turned his head and walked quickly to the cafeteria.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Ye Xingchen was a little unhappy.

Lin Miaomiao was a little confused, so she asked Deng Xiaoqi: "Did he take the wrong medicine again? Or did you say something wrong just now?"

"Stupid boy, are you really stupid or fake? You can't even tell?" Deng Xiaoqi nodded Lin Miaomiao's forehead.

"What are you doing, Xiaoqi? What's wrong with me?" Lin Miaomiao covered her forehead with her hands and looked at Deng Xiaoqi dissatisfiedly.

Deng Xiaoqi lay down on Lin Miaomiao's ear and whispered.

Slowly, a smile appeared on Lin Miaomiao's face, she looked at Deng Xiaoqi and said, "Really?"

"Really, why did I lie to you. I see, Brother Chen is really angry. You don't know what you did just now, it scared me to death." Deng Xiaoqi patted her chest, looking like she was alive after a catastrophe.

"Let's go to the cafeteria quickly, I have to explain to him quickly, otherwise I don't know why he is crazy." Lin Miaomiao anxiously pulled Deng Xiaoqi to the cafeteria.

"Slow down, you won't be afraid of tripping if you don't wear glasses."

Lin Miaomiao would not listen to Deng Xiaoqi's complaints.The two came to the cafeteria to search for Ye Xingchen.

"Don't look for it, it's over there." Deng Xiaoqi was afraid of Lin Miaomiao's shoulder.

"Where? I can't see clearly." Lin Miaomiao narrowed her eyes and was still looking around. Without glasses, everything was blurry.

"Forget it, let me take you there."

Deng Xiaoqi pulled Lin Miaomiao to line up behind Ye Xingchen.

Lin Miaomiao poked Ye Xingchen with her finger, but the other party ignored her.

She looked at Deng Xiaoqi, who also gave her an encouraging look.

Lin Miaomiao mustered up her courage again, this time she patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder and said, "Well, I can't see anything, please help me find what I usually like to eat."

Ye Xingchen was angry with her now, but he still didn't speak.

"Ye Xingchen, did you hear that?" Lin Miaomiao shook his arm again.

"Yeah!" Ye Xingchen didn't say anything unnecessary.

When it was his turn, he ordered two copies of the same meal, both according to Lin Miaomiao's recipe.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help feeling warm when she saw it, because Ye Xingchen often pays attention to some small details, just like this time cooking, although he was a little unhappy, he still made two copies according to Lin Miaomiao's preference.

Lin Miaomiao happily took it, came to an empty place and beckoned the two of them to come here.

"Well, Ye Xingchen, you're not jealous because someone asked for my contact information, are you?"


"If someone asks me, I have to give it to me, otherwise I will lose face."


"I promise I will make it clear to him when I go back. I have someone I like. And others want me to reject them all. So, can you stop being angry." Lin Miaomiao's tone was a little pleading .

Ye Xingchen is not the kind of person who makes trouble without reason, seeing that Lin Miaomiao has said that, he is not very angry.

"It's not an example."

Seeing him speak, Lin Miaomiao immediately raised her paw to declare: "There will never be a next time, I swear!"

Looking at her, Ye Xingchen still couldn't hold back his laughter and said, "Okay, let's eat quickly, I'll be going back later."


"Tsk tsk tsk, it's reconciled so quickly, I haven't seen enough." Deng Xiaoqi kept watching the interaction between the two.

"What else do you want to do, single dog?" Ye Xingchen didn't get used to it at all, and went straight to the point.

Lin Miaomiao: "..."

Deng Xiaoqi: "..."

"This, isn't this too much?" Deng Xiaoqi wanted to cry, she felt that she had been insulted.

"Hmm... He is indeed right." Lin Miaomiao also said in a bad mood.

"It's annoying not to eat with you two."

She picked up her meal and sat down in a deserted place.

Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao glanced at each other, and then both laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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