The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 111 The Food Protector Ye Xingchen

Chapter 111 The Food Protector Ye Xingchen
"Good-looking is good-looking, but I still agree with Auntie, you are not allowed to bring anything else."

"Why? Ye Xingchen, why are you on the same side as my mother?" Lin Miaomiao was very puzzled now why Ye Xingchen suddenly turned against her.

"Anyway, I can't. If I choose black for you, it's black." Ye Xingchen seemed to be hiding something strange.

"Why are you doing this? Have you been threatened by Wang Shengnan?"


"Then why don't you agree with me wearing other glasses."

"this and that……"

Seeing Ye Xingchen's eyes drift away, he muttered in his mouth but couldn't explain why.

"Huh? Tell me, why is the girl chirping all of a sudden." Seeing Ye Xingchen like this, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help laughing.

"You have been asked for WeChat by other boys like this. If you change your glasses to be more beautiful, there will be no more people who want them. Considering that you are too embarrassed to refuse, and you are afraid that the addition will affect your study, so you bring a black Glasses frames." Ye Xingchen expressed his true intentions.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen in disbelief, and then couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha, Ye Xingchen, you are so funny, are you still jealous?"

"I didn't. I was just afraid that they would disturb your study. Don't think that you can be proud because you have such a good grade in the exam." Ye Xingchen said arrogantly.

But obviously, no matter how Ye Xingchen explained, he couldn't cover up the fact that he was jealous.

"That boy is my fan. He lost a bet with his classmate, so he added my contact information, that's all. If you don't believe me, you can read our chat records." Lin Miaomiao took out her mobile phone, intending to let Ye Xingchen check it.

Although Ye Xingchen really wanted to see it, Qiangqiang still said arrogantly: "I don't care what you guys talk about."

"Well, since you don't care, forget it." Lin Miaomiao pretended to put the phone away after speaking.

Ye Xingchen hurried over to grab it: "You've already seen mine, I don't see if yours is too unfair to me."

"You just said you don't care."

"Just now, I want to see it now."

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen in front of her, but she didn't expect him to have such a playful side.

"Didn't you say you want to choose a black spectacle frame for me? Come and help me choose, remember, choose one that doesn't look pretty on me." Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen with a half-smile.

This made Ye Xingchen a little embarrassed. Ye Xingchen used to choose carefully. Although he said he chose glasses that could seal his appearance, he couldn't choose one that was too ugly.

After choosing and choosing, I finally decided on one, which looks stable and majestic, without losing the original cuteness and liveliness.

After Lin Miaomiao took it on, she found it was pretty good-looking, so she looked at Ye Xingchen with a smile and said, "That's all. I mean, you have a good eye. But isn't it good to choose a bad-looking one?"

"I'm not so selfish, okay? I can't let you go back to school with a toad mirror, and you can't be willing."

"I am willing!"

"Huh? What did you say?"

Lin Miaomiao said seriously: "As long as you choose me, I am willing. You can be more selfish sometimes."

"Eh..." At this moment, Ye Xingchen didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"Okay, that's it." Lin Miaomiao ignored Ye Xingchen who was stunned, and directly took the frame of the glasses to the boss so that he could polish the lenses for her.

"That's the choice, don't you want to choose again?" Ye Xingchen followed and asked.

"Well, the choice is made. Otherwise, if you hesitate to choose a more beautiful one, someone will be worried." Lin Miaomiao said playfully to Ye Xingchen with her hands behind her back.


Ye Xingchen instantly felt ashamed.

"Okay, stop joking, just give me the phone after reading it."


Ye Xingchen took the phone out of his pocket and returned it to Lin Miaomiao. Although he hadn't seen what the two of them were talking about yet, it was unnecessary to look at it like this.

After finishing the glasses, Lin Dawei invited Ye Xingchen home for dinner. Ye Xingchen originally wanted to refuse, but Lin Miaomiao agreed for him involuntarily. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and go.

I don't know why, Ye Xingchen is afraid of meeting Lin Miaomiao's parents now, after all, he explained everything last time, and every time Lin Dawei sees him, it's like meeting an enemy.

But fortunately, I went to Wang Shengnan to entertain myself warmly, and played a game of Go with Lin Dawei halfway.The rest of the time was basically spent in Lin Miaomiao's room.

Ye Xingchen kept telling Lin Miaomiao the math problems she didn't know. In the end, both of them were a little tired, so they turned on the computer and played games until night.

When Ye Xingchen saw that the time was almost up, he was ready to leave.

Wang Shengnan wanted to keep him for one night, but Ye Xingchen refused.

Ye Xingchen didn't hold back too much, so he went downstairs to make a call and went home.

After leaving Lin Miaomiao's community, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if he had escaped from the dragon's pond and the tiger's den.


After New Year's Day, the time seems to change very quickly, and before I even realize it, the winter vacation is approaching.

The teachers of each subject assigned their own homework for the winter vacation. According to them, it was just a test paper.

Lin Miaomiao was really overwhelmed by these assignments: "One subject per day, 7 subjects is 7, which is not much. My mother will definitely enroll me in cram school."

Ye Xingchen turned the pen in his hand and said casually, "What are you afraid of? Which one do you apply for? I'll go too, so you won't be bored."

"Why, you plan to become a teaching assistant again."

"That's right, why don't I go to tutoring? I don't need it. I'm just afraid that you'll collapse after studying and accompany you for a while, and earn some extra money by the way."

At this time, Deng Xiaoqi raised her head and asked, "Brother Chen, has your relationship reached the point where you can't be separated for a day?"

"Xiaoqi, what nonsense are you talking about?" Lin Miaomiao's face turned red.

"This, don't ask me, ask Miaomiao?" Ye Xingchen kicked this question to Lin Miaomiao, and he planned to hear Lin Miaomiao's answer.

"Ye Xingchen, don't be so narcissistic, okay? I don't ask you to become a teaching assistant in the past. If you have the ability, don't go." Hearing Ye Xingchen say this, Lin Miaomiao was so angry that her little face was even redder than before. up.

"The legs are growing on me, do you care about me?"

Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha, you two are really happy friends, a natural couple."

"Cut, who cares!" Lin Miaomiao speeded up packing her schoolbag, she didn't want to deal with these two psychopaths now.

"Brother Chen, do you have anything to say?" Seeing that Lin Miaomiao ignored her, Deng Xiaoqi turned to look at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen frowned and said, "I don't think what you said is quite right."


"We are not Huanxi friends." Ye Xingchen paused for a while before continuing, "But it is true that a couple is born."

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(End of this chapter)

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