Chapter 112 Holidays
"Ye Xingchen!" Lin Miaomiao looked at the two angrily.

"The minister is here."

Ye Xingchen immediately knelt down on one knee, just like an ancient general being summoned by a king.



"Hahahahaha, I can't do it anymore, you two are going to laugh me to death, haha." Deng Xiaoqi watched the interaction between these two people be funny and warm.

Lin Miaomiao may have been dazzled, and said directly to Xiaoqi: "What are you laughing at, you single dog, still laughing."

Deng Xiaoqi: "????"

Ye Xingchen: "????"

As soon as Deng Xiaoqi said this, her laughter stopped abruptly, followed by question marks all over her head.

"You two are too good...I won't play with you anymore, goodbye!"

It looked like he was really stimulated.

Ye Xingchen also ignored Deng Xiaoqi, and looked at Lin Miaomiao with incredulous eyes.

"What are you looking at, and then I'll dig out your eyes." Lin Miaomiao said viciously.

"I said, are you overbearing? My eyes are mine. I can see them as I want."

"Then you see, goodbye!" Lin Miaomiao didn't bother to talk to him, now there was no one in the classroom, so it would be better to stay any longer!danger!risk!
Lin Miaomiao quickly packed the books, picked up the schoolbag and ran towards Xiaoqi.

"Uh...why run so fast, I don't eat people." Ye Xingchen was a little puzzled.

If Lin Miaomiao heard this, she would definitely look disdainful, and if she doesn't eat people, I think she cannibalize people without spit out the bones.

Half of high school life has passed, and Ye Xingchen will also spend his second year here.

After returning home, Ye Xingchen lay on his bed and turned to see the hourglass beside the bed.I didn't pay attention to it before, I just thought the structure of this hourglass is amazing.Now it seems that this hourglass is of the same level as a bracelet.

At least the current technology is not up to it. The most important thing is that it is still an ordinary hourglass in appearance, and even the tiny gears inside are not without power. When it is reversed, the sand still flows in that direction. science.

With this question in mind, Ye Xingchen planned to visit the master again when he had time, he must know something.

The first thing Lin Miaomiao did when she returned to her home was to report Ye Xingchen's safety, and the second thing was to ask for her own 3000 yuan.Seeing Lin Miaomiao's progress again, Wang Shengnan did not violate his promise, and gave Lin Miaomiao all the 3000 yuan, which made Lin Miaomiao a little unbelievable.

According to the original words of Wang Shengnan 1: "From now on, I will give 10 points for every 500 points I grow. The more I grow, the more I will give. I will definitely not deduct a point."

After the holiday, everyone is busy preparing new year's goods at home, and it can be seen that every household is very busy.

Ye Xingchen's family was no exception. Mu Ying directed the family to clean every corner and corner, preparing to go to grandparents' house to have a New Year's Eve dinner together.

Because Yun Qianyue's parents are abroad, Ye Xingchen's grandfather suggested calling her to his home.

After everything was ready, Ye Xingchen's grandfather asked, "Chenchen, did you hear your parents talking about friends?"

"No, we are confirming our relationship in preparation for the end of our senior year." Ye Xingchen explained with a smile.

"What does that little girl look like?"

Mu Ying came out of the kitchen at this time: "It's quite cute, you must like it after seeing it."

Yun Qianyue also put down the mobile phone in her hand and plugged in: "I've seen it too, the little girl is pretty nice, lively, cute, smart, and a good match with Ye Xingchen."

"Qiaoyue, you are so old, why haven't you found a boyfriend yet?"

Seeing Yun Qianyue talking, Ye Xingchen's grandma asked suddenly.

"I'm not in a hurry, and I don't have to worry about finding it." After finishing speaking, he began to reply to messages.

"Sister, who are you chatting with?"

Ye Xingchen checked his cousin's phone, but she immediately turned off the screen and refused to let him look at it.

But still let Ye Xingchen see that the boy opposite is called Qian Sanyi.

"Haha, grandma, you really shouldn't be in a hurry about cousin, after all, it's against the law to kidnap and sell minors."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Qianyue covered his mouth when he came over.

"Abducting and trafficking minors? Chenchen, what do you mean by that?" Ye Xingchen's grandma asked worriedly when she heard the words abducting and trafficking minors.

"It's okay, he's just joking." Yun Qianyue said with a smile, then turned her head and gave Ye Xingchen a look.

Ye Xingchen saw the threat in her eyes, so she chose to shut up.

"Okay, let's eat first, the dishes are ready." Mu Ying greeted everyone to sit down and eat.

"Let's go eat first. Xiaochen will play a game of Go with grandpa after dinner. Let me see if you have improved. As long as you beat grandpa, grandpa will give you a big red envelope."

"Okay grandpa, then I will accept the money."

"Hahaha, this kid."

At the same time, Lin Miaomiao's side was also extremely lively.

During the New Year’s dinner, apart from the red envelopes from grandparents, my aunt Wang Dingnan also gave Lin Miaomiao a lucky red envelope. Just as Wang Shengnan was about to intercept her in the air, Tang Yuanming declared to his aunt with a smile: “Sister, this is our special reward for Miaomiao.” She has made great progress this semester! Her grades are going up in a straight line. As long as she keeps this trend, she might be a champion in other places." Tang Yuanming is Lin Miaomiao's little uncle.

Wang Shengnan told Lin Miaomiao anxiously: "You can't spend money indiscriminately! Write down all expenses for me!"

Lin Miaomiao took the red envelope, found a chance to sneak into the bathroom and took it out, and it was another 1000 yuan. In this case, she already had 4000 yuan, and with Ye Xingchen’s two thousand, the total was 6000 yuan. Half a million households.But right now, we can't be too complacent, because Wang Shengnan gave himself a progress award, and the 1000 yuan is very likely to be lost, so we have to find a chance to hide it.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone sat together chatting and playing cards.Lin Miaomiao took out her mobile phone and ran outside to call Ye Xingchen.

"Hurry up, hurry up!!" The two hadn't seen each other for many days, and now Lin Miaomiao couldn't wait to hear his voice.

It took a while for the call to connect, and Ye Xingchen's mischievous voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "Hey, Miaomiao, what are you calling, do you miss me?"

"I miss your size, why did you answer the phone?" Lin Miaomiao's tone was slightly dissatisfied.

Ye Xingchen: "I was in the house just now, and I ran outside to pick it up. You haven't said anything yet, do you miss me?"

"Think about it! you miss me?" Lin Miaomiao waited for the answer over there.

Ye Xingchen turned his eyes and started to die again: "Not at all. I almost completely forgot who you are."

"Asshole, go to hell."

Lin Miaomiao almost had a heart attack when she heard Ye Xingchen's answer. She hung up the phone angrily, and kicked the snow on the ground vigorously in the community, as if Ye Xingchen was under her feet.

After a while, Ye Xingchen called, and Lin Miaomiao hung up directly.Not long after hanging up, Ye Xingchen called again.

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(End of this chapter)

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