The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 113 You Want to Help Me Warm My Hands

Chapter 113 You Want to Help Me Warm My Hands
Lin Miaomiao picked up this time: "Do you have anything else to do? Hang up, I don't want to talk to you now."

Ye Xingchen: "I was just joking, where are you, I'll go find you."

"Why are you looking for me? I'm not at home. We are all at my grandma's place. It will take a long time."

"Then let's find a place to gather, it's so boring to be at home, come out and play together."

"Where are you going to play? My mother probably won't agree." Lin Miaomiao was a little worried about her mother.

"It's okay, you sneak out, if your parents hold you accountable, you will blame me." Ye Xingchen continued to bewitch.

"is this okay?"

Lin Miaomiao was obviously a little moved, she also wanted to see Ye Xingchen now.

"Of course, that's fine. You probably won't be able to get a taxi when it's Chinese New Year. I'll pick you up. You can open the location of your wristband."

"Aoao." Lin Miaomiao directly shared her location in a few clicks.

"It's not far, and it takes only 10 minutes to take a taxi. You wait in the community, and I'll be there soon."

Lin Miaomiao wanted to say a few more words, but Ye Xingchen hung up the phone directly.

"Ah, I'm so angry. Why are you in such a hurry? Wait until someone finishes talking."

But thinking about seeing Ye Xingchen in a while, his mood improved a lot in an instant, which was quite contradictory. He obviously made him angry, but he still wanted to see him.

Seeing the blue dot on the projection getting closer and closer to me, I felt more and more looking forward to it.

After waiting downstairs for about 10 minutes, the induction bracelet lit up.

She knew that Ye Xingchen was not far away from her, and she could vaguely see his figure in front of her in the dark night, Lin Miaomiao ran towards him excitedly.

"Slow down, you're not afraid of slipping. Hey, Miaomiao, why are you beating someone?"

Originally, Ye Xingchen thought that Lin Miaomiao came up to give him a big hug, but who knew it was a violent beating.

"Let you forget me, let you forget, I will kill you." The more Lin Miaomiao thought about it, the more angry she was. A girl called him on her own initiative, but he actually said that.

"No, didn't I apologize just now?" Ye Xingchen was hiding around at this time.

"If an apology is useful, what do we need the police for?" Lin Miaomiao was still chasing Ye Xingchen to fight.

You were chasing each other on the two snow fields, but suddenly Lin Miaomiao slipped and fell backwards uncontrollably.

Lin Miaomiao was so frightened that she closed her eyes and prepared to suffer the pain she was about to face, when a pair of big hands caught her.

Lin Miaomiao slowly opened her eyes, and what came into view was a smiling face.

The two stared at each other in the air for a long time.Finally Lin Miaomiao couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted to escape from Ye Xingchen's arms, but Ye Xingchen would not let her run away so easily.

Ye Xingchen exerted a little force with his hands, hugged Lin Miaomiao tightly, and then said in her ear: "Didn't you ask me if I miss you? How do you feel it?"

"En!" Lin Miaomiao's voice seemed to come from the nasal cavity, and she couldn't hear it unless she listened carefully.

Slowly, Lin Miaomiao also hugged Ye Xingchen's waist from behind with both hands.

Ye Xingchen felt Lin Miaomiao's movement, and exerted a little strength on his hands, making the two of them stick closer together.

Lin Miaomiao said at this time: "Ye Xingchen, you hurt me."

Hearing what she said, Ye Xingchen let go of his hand.

After fleeing, Lin Miaomiao squeezed her shoulders, and said to Ye Xingchen with some blame: "Why are you working so hard, I won't run away."

"I... miss you so much, so I couldn't hold back." Ye Xingchen said.

Lin Miaomiao laughed when she heard the answer, but then changed to a serious expression: "Hmph, idiot. Why are you still standing there stupidly? Didn't you say you want to take me to play?"

"Oh yes, let's go, I'll take you to a good place." Ye Xingchen took Lin Miaomiao's little hand and strode forward.

The two of them walked for a long time and came to a park. Ye Xingchen stopped on the seesaw.

"Are you going to take me to play this?" Lin Miaomiao asked in disbelief.

"This is fun." Ye Xingchen cleaned the snow off with his hands and let Lin Miaomiao sit on it.

"It's so naive." Although Lin Miaomiao said so, she still sat on it.

Ye Xingchen ran over there, and you might not believe it, two high school students played a seesaw in the park.

"It's too boring. I won't play anymore. It's not fun at all." Lin Miaomiao felt that the two of them were mentally retarded.

"Don't worry, you go back now?"

"It's no fun at night, and my hands are almost numb from the cold, why don't I go back." Lin Miaomiao rubbed her little hands to raise the temperature on her hands.

Ye Xingchen ran over to grab Lin Miaomiao's little hand, and found that it was really cold.

"Forget it, let's die." Ye Xingchen struggled for a while, and finally seemed to have made up his mind.

"What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen as if he was going to die.

Ye Xingchen grabbed Lin Miaomiao's hands and put them under his clothes.

"Hiss!" The icy chill stretched from his stomach to his head, and Ye Xingchen couldn't help shivering.

"How's it going, is it warm?" Ye Xingchen said, resisting the coolness.

"Ye Xingchen, you are really nice..." Lin Miaomiao found out that Ye Xingchen used such a stupid method to keep herself warm, and she didn't react for a long time.

"He's so handsome, isn't he?"

"So stupid."

Ye Xingchen: "..."

"Aren't you cold?" Lin Miaomiao couldn't help asking.

"What do you think ( ̄~ ̄)?" Ye Xingchen gave her a blank look.

"Then you are still like that."

"I'm afraid you'll be cold." Ye Xingchen said.

"Fool, my hands are not cold anymore, take them out quickly." Lin Miaomiao urged.

Ye Xingchen: "No, it's still very cold, let's warm it up for a while."

Lin Miaomiao was a little worried: "Then what should you do if you have a cold stomach, and you will have a stomachache."

"It's okay, I have a good physique, so I won't get stomach upset so easily. If you're really worried about me, then you can help me warm up too." Ye Xingchen said with a smirk.

"You, don't even think about it, you know that you are uneasy and kind."

Lin Miaomiao's worries disappeared instantly after he said this.

Ye Xingchen: "But it's not fair at all. If I warm your hands for you and you don't help me, isn't it a bit unreasonable?"

Lin Miaomiao: "I asked you to help me?"

"I don't care, my hands are also cold." Ye Xingchen started playing the little rogue.

"Then put yourself in your clothes to warm up."

"No, yours hasn't warmed up yet."

"Then let me go, I don't need it anymore."


Seeing Ye Xingchen's appearance, Lin Miaomiao struggled in her heart for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

"Tell me in advance that you are not allowed to move around. If you move around, I will be rude to you."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!" Ye Xingchen didn't expect that Lin Miaomiao would agree and nodded excitedly.

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(End of this chapter)

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