Chapter 114

"Then you can put it in, but only through the clothes."


"Ah what, I don't want to forget it."

"I would like to!"

Ye Xingchen thought to himself: Put your clothes through your clothes, anyway, she won't be able to stop her after a while.

"Then you...let it in." Lin Miaomiao blushed and could see that she was still a little bit resistant, after all, it was too intimate.

"Then I came in?" (The dog's head saves his life)


Ye Xingchen slowly stretched his hand in.

"Hmm~" Lin Miaomiao groaned.

"What's the matter, is it cold?" Ye Xingchen asked with concern.

"A little bit, not particularly cold."

"Then I keep it?"


I don't know if the two of them are lucky or not, the snow that had stopped originally started to fall again.

Snowflakes fluttered in the air like silver flowers, like a silver curtain, dividing the sky into two, very beautiful.

"Ye Xingchen, it's snowing." Lin Miaomiao said, looking up at the snowflakes falling on Ye Xingchen's head.

"Well, it's snowing."

Lin Miaomiao took his hand out of Ye Xingchen's arms and knocked off Ye Xingchen's evil little hand, then caught the snowflakes falling from the sky.

"It's so beautiful, Ye Xingchen, look at it."

"Hmph, it's not pretty at all."

Ye Xingchen muttered at this moment, feeling very dissatisfied in his heart, he was not in the mood to look at Xue at all.At first, the little hands were warm and warm, but it suddenly snowed, and then... nothing more.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's dejected look, Lin Miaomiao secretly laughed. She thought it was fun to tease Ye Xingchen like this, who made him often bully her.

"Chen, your academic performance is so good, can you write a poem to describe the scene at this moment?" Lin Miaomiao looked up at the sky, opened her hands, and let the snowflakes fall on her.

Ye Xingchen looked up at the snowflakes in the sky and thought for a long time, finally he chose a poem that was romantic and regretful in his previous life: "If we are drenched in snow today, we will live together in this life."

Lin Miaomiao turned her head to look at Ye Xingchen, under the mutual radiance of the street lamps, his black eyes as bright as stars seemed to be shining with countless secrets that were difficult to pry into.

"Ye Xingchen!" Lin Miaomiao called him suddenly.

"Huh? What's the matter." Ye Xingchen withdrew his thoughts just now and asked.

"Did you... have someone you liked before?"


"Don't lie to me, tell the truth."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's serious look, Ye Xingchen turned his head and continued to look at the sky, then said:

"Does it matter?"

"Very important!!" Lin Miaomiao's tone was very firm.

"If you mean in this world, then the only person I like is you." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

"Ah?" Lin Miaomiao was naturally flattered when she heard the answer she wanted.

But Ye Xingchen didn't finish his sentence, he paused and continued: "If it was another world, I did have someone I liked very much before you."

"What... mean?" Lin Miaomiao couldn't understand what he meant by another world.

"It's like the parallel world. By the way, I forgot to tell you, but I actually traveled here." Ye Xingchen said to her with a smile in a joking tone.

"Hehe, Ye Xingchen, you are really a naive ghost, and you still travel through time. Why don't you say that you are a superman, the kind who came to save the world." Lin Miaomiao didn't believe Ye Xingchen's nonsense, she thought Ye Xingchen was teasing She is playing.

"Oh, you silly girl, you still don't believe the few truths." Ye Xingchen thought to himself.

"If you don't believe me later, just take it as a joke, but what I said earlier is true."


"That means you are the first girl I like in this world, and of course you will be the last." Ye Xingchen tidied up his clothes and said in a very serious manner.

"Who knows if you were on a whim." Lin Miaomiao said in a low voice.

"Hey, Lin Miaomiao, besides being with you all day, which girl do you see me playing with all day, and you basically keep the phone with you, don't you know if there are other girls chatting with me?" Ye Xingchen Some were aggrieved and defended themselves.

"Okay, okay, I'm just kidding? Don't be angry, what should you do if you lose your temper?" Lin Miaomiao hurried forward to laugh with her.

"No, my soul has been greatly traumatized, and you must make it up to me."

"Then what do you say so that you don't get angry? I'll just listen to you." Because after all, I said the wrong thing first, and Ye Xingchen really felt a little guilty when he said that.

Ye Xingchen rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Well...warm my hands."

Lin Miaomiao: "..."

"Aren't you going to listen to me?" Ye Xingchen stretched out his hands and cast his gaze at Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao gritted her teeth and stared at him fiercely, but Ye Xingchen pretended not to see him, and stared at him whatever she wanted.

In the end, Lin Miaomiao agreed to this Wu's request, because he knew that Ye Xingchen was a rascal and was very persistent. If he didn't agree, he would follow her all the time.

Lin Miaomiao warned one last time: "Don't move around."

Of course Ye Xingchen agreed, she said what she said.

Well, it's still so warm.

But fortunately, everyone is having New Year's Eve dinner at home at this time, and it is still snowing, and there are not many people on the entire park and road, otherwise it would be a bit bad to be seen by others.

After a while, Wang Shengnan called.Lin Miaomiao originally wanted to take out Ye Xingchen's hand, but this guy refused desperately, so he had to give up.

After picking up the phone, Wang Shengnan's voice came out, and he could hear the worried tone in his tone.

"Miaomiao, where have you been?"

"Mom, I'm outside."

"Oh, it's snowing outside, why do you go outside, besides, you are a girl's house, what should you do if you are in danger."

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Ye Xingchen, who nodded to her.

"Mom, I'm with Ye Xingchen, don't worry."

"Xiaochen, why is he here? Didn't he go back to grandma's house for the New Year? Besides, how far away is his house? How did he come here?"

At this time Ye Xingchen said: "Auntie, my grandma's house is very close to here, only 10 minutes away, so I took a taxi and came here to play with Miaomiao."

"You kid, you still run around after Chinese New Year, and now it's snowing outside, what should you two do if you catch a cold?"

"Well, I got it, Auntie. I'll send Miaomiao back later and I'll go home too."

"That's ok, you can come up to have a meeting later, just in time, we can talk together, your class teacher is here too."

When Ye Xingchen heard this, he quickly refused: "No need, Auntie, I won't bother you when it's Chinese New Year. After sending Miaomiao back later, I'll go back too. I'm afraid we'll be anxious to wait at home."

Seeing this, Wang Shengnan didn't continue to invite: "Well, you two, take it easy and come back early."

Lin Miaomiao saw that her mother had committed an old problem again and hurriedly said: "Oh, I got it, Mom, I'll go back in a while, that's all, bye."

Then hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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