The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 115 As long as it is you, I will go to you

Chapter 115 As long as it is you, I will go to you

"Fortunately, I hung up quickly, otherwise she would talk endlessly." Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but praised her wit.

"Hahaha, is it so scary? I feel okay."

"That's because you are a child of someone else's family. You are so good in every way. What can she say? I am different. My mother compares me with you at home every day. Sometimes I really want to tie you up and throw you on the ground." In the sea, I will make you disappear forever." Lin Miaomiao stretched out her hand, as if to eat people.

Ye Xingchen took a few steps back involuntarily, and took out two small claws from Lin Miaomiao's clothes.

"Miaomiao, you have to calm down, murder is against the law, and you can't do it anyway."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's subconscious action, Lin Miaomiao felt particularly happy for some reason: "Hahaha, why are you so scared? Let's see if you dare to bully me in the future."

"'s late at that time, it's time to go home."

"Ye Xingchen, I found that you are so timid. It was the same with the escape room last time. You, a big boy, are even more timid than me." Lin Miaomiao complained.

"Who said that, I'm very brave, last time it was an accident." Ye Xingchen hurriedly came out to argue.

"Cut, only ghosts will believe it." Lin Miaomiao grabbed his hand and ran happily on the snow.

"If you don't believe me, can you slow down, the road is very slippery." Ye Xingchen reminded.

"Don't worry, it's alright."


Soon the two of them returned to Grandma Lin Miaomiao's community.

"I'm here." Lin Miaomiao said, looking back at him.

"Well, then... I'll go back too." Although Ye Xingchen was a little bit reluctant, he knew it was time to go back, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get a taxi in a while.

Just when he turned his head and was about to leave, Lin Miaomiao called out to him: "Ye Xingchen!"

Ye Xingchen turned his head and asked, "What's wrong, Miaomiao, is there anything else?"

"Did you forget something?"


Lin Miaomiao opened her arms and said, "Hug."

Ye Xingchen hesitated for a moment, then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he opened his hands and stepped forward to hug Lin Miaomiao.

"Chen, Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

"If, I mean if, one day you go to another world, there is another me in that world, but she doesn't know you, doesn't know who you are, will you take the initiative to find her?" At this time Lin Miaomiao in her arms suddenly asked seriously.



"Because, as long as it is you, I will go to you and get to know you again." Ye Xingchen said to Lin Miaomiao tenderly, no longer the indecency of the past.

"Hmph, who knows if you tricked me into playing."

"If I lie, I will be struck by lightning!"

Lin Miaomiao lightly patted Ye Xingchen on the back and said reproachfully, "Don't say that in the future."

"Okay, I will obey the Queen's order."

Lin Miaomiao pushed him away: "I haven't been in good shape all day, I really went back this time, you should go back earlier, pay attention to safety on the road, goodbye!"


Ye Xingchen watched Lin Miaomiao disappear from his field of vision before leaving the community.

After Lin Miaomiao went back, there would naturally be a questioning session.

Tang Yuanming asked directly and clearly: "Miaomiao, you and that Ye Xingchen are not really in love, are you?"

"No, little uncle, don't guess."

"I think the two of you are really close. It's best not to fall in love. Now is the critical time. You must study hard first. The rest will be discussed after the college entrance examination."

"I see."

Wait until Lin Miaomiao goes to the bedroom.

At this time, Wang Shengnan said directly: "I'm quite relieved about Ye Xingchen, I'm not worried about their falling in love now."

"Eh? Eldest sister, Miao Miao, you told me to keep an eye on you when she first came to school. Why don't you worry about it now?" Tang Yuanming didn't quite understand why his elder sister's attitude changed so quickly.

"What's wrong with her, now she can't wait for her daughter to fall in love with someone else." Lin Dawei interjected at this time.

"Go, you are everywhere, when did I say that, you just say, isn't your daughter's grades rising when she is with her, and she still has resentment towards Xiao Chen." Wang Shengnan saw Lin Dawei like this Not even a single breath.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, you guys talk, I'll go out to catch my breath."

Lin Dawei went out alone for a while.

Tang Yuanming didn't know what they meant, so he asked, "Sister, you mean that Lin Miaomiao has worked so hard recently for Ye Xingchen?"

Wang Shengnan didn't speak but nodded with a smile.

Tang Yuanming: "My good fellow, it looks like you acquiesced to these two people."

Wang Shengnan: "If Miaomiao's grades remain like this, I don't have any objections. After all, it is a good thing to improve grades, but you still have to pay attention. These two children are still young, so they are too close."

"Don't worry. This kind of problem will not happen in our school."

"That's good."


The happy time is always short, because Miaomiao told Ye Xingchen in advance that she was going to a cram school, so Ye Xingchen also signed up early.

The five little ones gathered again in the cram school on the first day.

"Huo, you two came early enough." Lin Miaomiao saw Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi as soon as she arrived in the classroom.

"Of course, how can you be late as a teacher? You think you are as lazy as you." Qian Sanyi mocked without looking up.

"Hey? I said, can your mouth..."

"Okay Miaomiao, don't pay attention to him, this kid is different now." Ye Xingchen interrupted Lin Miaomiao's speech.

"Oh, I can see it, it's embarrassing enough. What happened to him, did he win the lottery?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

"Almost, come here and I will tell you quietly."

Lin Miaomiao leaned over.

Qian Sanyi also pricked up his ears, wanting to hear what Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao said, but the distance was too far and he couldn't hear anything clearly.

Lin Miaomiao suddenly shouted loudly: "I'll go, it's true."

This sound made everyone in the study room look over.

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited, I'm so excited, you are busy, you are busy!" Lin Miaomiao apologized tremblingly knowing that she had affected others.

"Miaomiao, can you stop being so surprised, I won't tell you next time something important happens when you're like this." Ye Xingchen said helplessly, he really couldn't do anything about Lin Miaomiao.

"What you said is true?" Lin Miaomiao did not listen to Ye Xingchen's complaints, and reconfirmed the accuracy of the news.

Ye Xingchen replied with an affirmative tone: "I saw it with my own eyes when I was [-] years old."

Lin Miaomiao: "It's over, Xiaoqi is going to be sad again."

Ye Xingchen: "So, let's help Haozi, let Xiaoqi fall in love with Jiang Tianhao, isn't it over?"

Lin Miaomiao sighed lightly: "Come on, Jiang Tianhao has persisted for a year and a half, and Xiaoqi didn't even look at him, and I ate all the things he gave."

Ye Xingchen looked at her speechlessly.

"Why, what kind of look is that in your eyes? You think I want to eat, Hao Zifei asked me to send it up, and Deng Xiaoqi doesn't eat it, whoever eats it if I don't eat it."

(End of this chapter)

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