The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 117 Am I making trouble for no reason?

Chapter 117 Am I making trouble for no reason?
"Okay, okay, we haven't played together yet." Deng Xiaoqi applauded with both hands.

"Then it's settled. Hey, who are you going?" Lin Miaomiao said to Qian Sanyi impatiently.

"Go, why not. Do you not want me to go? I'm not as good as you like." Qian Sanyi put down the book in his hand and said to Lin Miaomiao with a smile.

Lin Miaomiao gave him a white look: "Oh, you can do whatever you want."

"It's almost time. Classes will start in a while. Find a seat and sit down. I'll see how the lessons are arranged in the cram school." As a teaching assistant, Ye Xingchen went out to inquire by himself after reminding everyone. Check out the specific courses of the tutoring class.

This cram school is mainly to strengthen mathematics. By the way, everyone can seriously complete the homework assigned by the teacher in the cram class. It is called a self-study room instead of a cram school.

The main task of Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi in the past few days is to solve their problems. According to the test papers they have done, find out a few topics that everyone is not very good at and talk about them together.As for the few topics that he didn't know, Ye Xingchen explained them individually. Generally speaking, the effect of this was pretty good.

Of course, it might as well be that there are a few girls who deliberately approach Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi by asking questions.

This troubled Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi very much.

"Ms. Ye, can you explain this question to me?" At this time, a good-looking girl in front said holding the test paper.

"Which one?" Ye Xingchen walked up to the girl.

"This." The girl pointed to the question, but her eyes were fixed on Ye Xingchen.

"I've told you this question type many times before, why don't you know it?"

"Oh, I just don't know how to do it. As a teacher, you can't stop giving me a lecture because of this." The girl with a long and sweet tone was slightly dissatisfied.

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to say, "Okay, I'll tell you one more time, but you have to listen carefully this time."

"Well, hey, thank you, Teacher Ye."

"You first draw an auxiliary line from here..."

Lin Miaomiao, who was sitting in the back, kept staring at Ye Xingchen who was lecturing in front, and the eraser in her hand had been broken into several pieces.

"Miao Miao, did you find out, that girl did it on purpose. I know that kind of question, but she still doesn't know how. It's obvious that she is deliberately getting close to Brother Chen." Deng Xiaoqi whispered.

Lin Miaomiao pursed her lips, and the movements of her hands quickened a bit: "Huh, I'm not stupid. Ye Xingchen is also true. Tell her if she asks, won't you refuse?"

"Hey, hey, if you're angry, you can vent your anger on the eraser, the eraser is almost broken into powder by you." Deng Xiaoqi said, looking at the piles of eraser wreckage on the table.

"I want to imagine Ye Xingchen as this eraser, and let him go outside to mess around."

"But that's my eraser..." Deng Xiaoqi said weakly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I don't know, it's all Ye Xingchen's fault." Lin Miaomiao said apologetically after hearing that it was Xiaoqi's eraser.

Deng Xiaoqi said indifferently: "It's okay, it's nothing, and it's worthless, hey Miaomiao, you can also ask Brother Chen questions, isn't there nothing you can do if you keep asking them?"

"Is this okay?" Lin Miaomiao was a little moved when she heard Deng Xiaoqi's proposal.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't this still mine? It's fine for the two of us to ask if we don't."

Lin Miaomiao asked suspiciously: "Aren't you going to ask Qian Sanyi yourself for such a good opportunity?"

Deng Xiaoqi's complexion changed, and she said very loyally: "Miaomiao, we are good girlfriends, how can I not help you if you are in trouble, I can only sacrifice for you."

"Xiaoqi, you are so kind to me." Lin Miaomiao was so moved by Deng Xiaoqi's words that she almost burst into tears. She hugged Deng Xiaoqi tightly and rubbed her arms, "You are so big."

"Envy it."

"Yeah!" Lin Miaomiao nodded vigorously.

"Come on, let me tell you how to grow bigger."

Lin Miaomiao leaned over.

Deng Xiaoqi whispered in Lin Miaomiao's ear: "You can ask Brother Chen to help you, this way, this way..."

"Ah, Deng Xiaoqi, you really are a pervert."

Lin Miaomiao slapped Deng Xiaoqi shamefully and angrily.

Deng Xiaoqi said innocently: "What I said is true, if you don't believe me, go and search online."

"I don't, little girl, watch how I deal with you."

The noise of the two people fighting affected the students next to them.

Ye Xingchen looked back at her and said seriously: "Lin Miaomiao, Deng Xiaoqi, everyone else is learning, what are you two doing?"

The two being trained immediately lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Lin Miaomiao was even more dissatisfied: "Isn't it just affecting the two of you, what is so fierce, you scumbag!"

"This... Miaomiao!"


"It's okay, I just think it's cute that you look jealous."

"I! No! Yes! Eat! Be jealous!"

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was about to lose her temper again, Deng Xiaoqi chose to avoid the limelight temporarily.

"Yes, you didn't, absolutely not."

Ye Xingchen quickly finished explaining the topic to the girl.

"Understood, what else can't you?"


"That's good. Call me again if you have any questions you don't know. I'll go over there and have a look."

Ye Xingchen was stopped when he was about to leave.

"Well, Miss Ye, wait a moment."

Ye Xingchen: "Are there any questions that you don't understand?"

At this time, the girl was a little embarrassed: "Well, can I add you on WeChat, I mean if I do the questions at home, I can ask you in time."

"This..." Ye Xingchen didn't want to add it because he was afraid that Miaomiao would be jealous.

"I beg you……"

Looking at the girl's eyes, he finally couldn't make up his mind to refuse.

"Okay, this is my Penguin. If you have any questions, just take a photo and send it. I will write you the detailed steps after I see it and then send it to you." Ye Xingchen left her contact information on her notebook. .

"Thank you, Teacher Ye." Seeing her success, the beautiful girl burst into laughter.

"You're welcome, you can continue to do the questions first."


After Ye Xingchen finished his work here, he walked towards Lin Miaomiao.

"What's the matter with you, everyone is studying by themselves, and you are messing around in the classroom, which has affected others." Ye Xingchen's tone was slightly blamed.

"Oh, I think I'm disturbing you two." Lin Miaomiao mocked.

"What do you mean?" Ye Xingchen was a little puzzled.

Lin Miaomiao snorted softly and said, "It's just a literal meaning."

Ye Xingchen: "Lin Miaomiao, can you stop making trouble for no reason?"

"Am I making trouble for no reason?" Lin Miaomiao was also right.

"Okay, okay, just now Miaomiao wanted to ask you a question, and seeing that you haven't come here..." Seeing the two people who were about to quarrel again, Deng Xiaoqi hurried out to smooth things over.

Ye Xingchen also knew in his heart that Lin Miaomiao might be jealous, so he didn't continue to put on a straight face: "Okay, I'll talk about the topic first, Miaomiao, you can come and listen too, can we talk about the rest after school?"

"Hmph! After school, after school."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen gave herself a step up, Lin Miaomiao was not ignorant of compliments.

(End of this chapter)

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