The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 118 The Gathering Before School Begins

Chapter 118 The Gathering Before School Begins

For the rest of the time, Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao kept asking Ye Xingchen questions. In the end, Ye Xingchen really had no choice but to find a stool and sit next to her, and stayed there until school was over.

After school, Ye Xingchen turned off the Do Not Disturb mode on his phone. He turned on Do Not Disturb so as not to affect the normal study of the students. During normal times, no one would call him unless there was something urgent.

After turning off Do Not Disturb, Penguin immediately received a friend request.

The road is long and the road is long. Please add your friend.

Ye Xingchen passed it straight away, then put the phone in his pocket, and turned around to greet everyone to leave.

Lin Miaomiao came over with her schoolbag on her back: "Have you passed?"

"What?" Ye Xingchen was taken aback by this question.

Deng Xiaoqi smiled and explained to Ye Xingchen: "She asked you to approve the girl's addition request just now?"

"That's right, she said she was asking me a question. As a teaching assistant, I can't refuse." Ye Xingchen didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so.

Lin Miaomiao was a little annoyed when she heard it: "If she adds you, she agrees. If other girls use this reason to add you, do you agree?"

"Miaomiao, are you jealous? I don't chat with her, I just help her solve problems. Besides, didn't you give your contact information last time when your fans asked for it?" Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

"You, I don't want to talk to you, get out of the way."

After Lin Miaomiao left, Deng Xiaoqi said earnestly:

"Hey, Brother Chen, girls have different thoughts from boys. It's not that Miaomiao doesn't know the truth about you helping others solve problems as a teaching assistant. She just wants you to have an attitude."

"But I can't refuse people."

Deng Xiaoqi looked like she hated iron but steel: "Attitude, attitude. Your attitude is not sincere at all. No wonder Miaomiao is angry. Forget it, Brother Chen, please ask yourself."

At this time, Qian Sanyi had just come out of another classroom and saw Ye Xingchen standing still, thinking that he was waiting for him.

"Brother Chen, let's go, what are you doing here, waiting for me?"

"No, by the way, let me ask you, when will our cram school end." Ye Xingchen asked suddenly.

Qian Sanyi replied: "It seems to be the day after tomorrow on the 13th, two days before the holiday. What's the matter, why are you asking this?"

Ye Xingchen: "Isn't this going to go out and have fun together before school starts? I want everyone to prepare in advance."

"Alright, where are we going?"

"Go back and discuss it in the class group, see if there are any other classmates besides the five of us, just take advantage of the last two days to go out and have fun."

"Okay, go back and ask. Go home first."

"it is good."


After the negotiation and unification of the class, the class reunion was set on the 14th.

Ye Xingchen planned to use this time to take care of his affairs with Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao now has enough pocket money, so although Wang Shengnan only gave 200 yuan, Lin Miaomiao didn't complain, which made Wang Shengnan a little impressed.

Because she heard that Ye Xingchen was in their team, she didn't worry about Lin Miaomiao's safety anymore. She could just send Ye Xingchen a message and ask him to take good care of Miaomiao.

Ye Xingchen sent Lin Miaomiao a message early in the morning to tell her to be careful on the road, and to send him a message when she got there so that she could pick her up.

Lin Miaomiao was brushing her teeth. After receiving Ye Xingchen's message, she smiled, and then typed a reply: "Got it, I'm not a child."

Ye Xingchen also showed a smile after receiving the news, turned around to pack his things, called Qian Sanyi and set off.

Because Jiang Tianhao organized this time, the general direction of today's activities is led by him.

Jiang Tianhao and Sun Chuancai waited for the boys to arrive quite early, and Ye Xingchen kept paying attention to the movement of the bracelet after he arrived.

It was almost 9 o'clock, and Miaomiao hadn't come yet, so he was afraid that something might happen on the way.

Fortunately, after a while, the bracelet finally sensed, and he also saw Lin Miaomiao's figure.


Ye Xingchen waved at Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao trotted all the way over, came to the crowd and said out of breath, "'s so early."

"You're tired, drink some water." Ye Xingchen thoughtfully handed over the water.

When Ye Xingchen handed the water and Lin Miaomiao received the water, their bracelets flickered and vibrated, which was particularly conspicuous.

"Brother Chen, I found out last time, you two are couple bracelets, right?" Qian Sanyi asked.

Sun Chuanchu also said beside him: "Yes, I also found that sometimes as long as you are both around, the two bracelets will flash non-stop. Is this some kind of high-tech?"

Hearing what they said, Lin Miaomiao quickly turned around and turned off the sensor system.

"Tell me about Brother Baichen, this should not be an ordinary bracelet."

Jiang Tianhao's family is relatively rich, so he has seen more advanced electronic items, and knows the various functions of the bracelet, but this is the first time they have seen it.

"Yes, it's high-tech, at least it's not available in the market right now. I entrusted my friend to bring it back from abroad."

Qian Sanyi: "Then what was that just now?"

Ye Xingchen explained: "Well, as long as Miaomiao and I are within 50 meters of each other, the two bracelets will sense each other."

"Oh~ you two are not avoiding suspicion now?"

"That's right, it's been privately decided for life."

"Didn't you see that, everyone's couple bracelets are used."

Lin Miaomiao shyly said nothing.

Ye Xingchen didn't refute their booing either, he directly stepped forward to hold Lin Miaomiao's hand.

"Wow~ What's the matter with you two, you don't avoid suspicion at all now." Sun Chuan put his hands on his heart, as if he had been hit.

"Hey, Brother Chen sang and confessed his love at the New Year's Eve party. Does he still care about you?"


Ye Xingchen watched them say one sentence after another, and his ears almost grew calluses.

"You guys continue to wait here for Xiaoqi, Miaomiao and I will take a stroll first."

"Go ahead, we're not light bulbs. Miaomiao, you have to take care of your elder brother Ye."

"That's right, the two of them will leave us and go to the world of two."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen was almost there, blood dripped from Lin Miaomiao's face as long as she stayed, and now Lin Miaomiao's hands were struggling all the time, trying to escape from Ye Xingchen's side.

"Stop making a fuss, we'll go there first, Haozi, organize it later, and let us know after confirming the itinerary."

Jiang Tianhao gestured OK with his hands and said, "Don't worry, it's all right."

"Okay, see you later."

"See you soon."

Ye Xingchen brought Lin Miaomiao to the lake.Seeing that Lin Miaomiao's little hands were still struggling, Ye Xingchen used a little more strength than before.

"It hurts!" Lin Miaomiao's face changed slightly.

"You still know it hurts."

"Ye Xingchen, don't push yourself too hard, I haven't forgiven you yet."

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was still angry, Ye Xingchen took out his phone consciously.

"Here, it's fine if you don't see it yourself. I really just gave her a lecture, and I didn't talk about anything else."

"She told you to talk, so you are so obedient?" Lin Miaomiao checked the phone and returned it to him without any problems, but she was still a little unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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