Chapter 119 You Are My Accident

"Why don't I delete her now?" After speaking, Ye Xingchen opened the deletion interface.

Seeing this, Lin Miaomiao hurriedly stopped: "No, if she finds out and you delete her, it will be so sad."

"I keep you to be angry with me, and I want to delete you and refuse to let me, so what do you want me to do?"

"I...I don't know either."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's contradictory appearance, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, from now on, it's okay for others to add me after you agree, as long as you nod, I will add, and if you don't nod, I won't add. , that's all right."

"Who wants to take care of you? I still find it troublesome."

"I beg you."

Ye Xingchen hadn't noticed before that Lin Miaomiao was quite arrogant.

Lin Miaomiao: "Hmph, since you begged me, I will reluctantly agree."

Ye Xingchen: "Yes, yes, you are troubled. But we won't be unhappy every time because of these trivial matters. Last time, it was because you gave someone else's contact information. Should we have a good discussion on this issue?"

"Discuss what?"

"There are three chapters in the agreement."

Lin Miaomiao asked suspiciously, "Which three chapters?"

Ye Xingchen let go of Lin Miaomiao's hand, and then interlocked their fingers again: "

One, if one party has done something wrong, it must be said in time, and it cannot be kept in the heart.

Two, don't make trouble for no reason,

Three, it is not allowed to add the opposite sex with unruly purposes. "

Lin Miaomiao thought about it for a while and realized something was wrong: "Ye Xingchen, you did these three things on purpose, why do you always feel that you are targeting me?"

"Where is it? Don't you restrain me?"

"You, forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you today." Lin Miaomiao shook Ye Xingchen's hand, but Ye Xingchen couldn't let go, so he could only give up.

"Then it's settled."


"Let's go, don't make them wait any longer." Ye Xingchen urged.

Lin Miaomiao let Ye Xingchen hold her hand. Anyway, everyone already knew about it, so there was no need to hide it.

On the way back, the two happened to meet a large army, and Deng Xiaoqi had already arrived. At this time, they were discussing where to go first.

"Why haven't you set off yet, Jiang Tianhao, haven't you decided where to go?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

Jiang Tianhao explained: "My original proposal was to go shopping in the mall first, then have a meal at noon, go to the ktv to sing in the afternoon, and then enjoy the fireworks tonight, perfect!"

"It's good, we can follow this plan. Is there any problem now?" Ye Xingchen obviously has no objection to Jiang Tianhao's proposal, but seeing their appearance, there must be disagreements.

"Xiaoqi said she wanted to go to Thousand Buddha Mountain..."

Lin Miaomiao suddenly became interested: "Xiaoqi, why did you think of going there to play?"

"It's not the last time you and Brother Chen went there without taking me." Deng Xiaoqi's tone was slightly complaining.

"Haozi, there's nothing to do in the shopping mall. Let's go to Qianfo Mountain. There are still masters there to calculate marriage, don't you want to count it?" Ye Xingchen reminded intentionally or unintentionally.

Jiang Tianhao immediately understood what Ye Xingchen meant, and he turned his back and asked, "Yes, I have no objection, do you have any objection?"

"No. We listen to you."

Sun Chuanchu said cheerfully: "Yes, since girls like to go there, we should also promote the spirit of gentlemen."

Lin Miaomiao was still brooding over the incident that he broke her eyes last time: "Hehe, you are still a gentleman, so pull it down."

"Since everyone has no problems, let's go! Haozi takes a taxi!"

Ye Xingchen's prestige in their hearts is quite high, basically the kind that says one thing.

"Got it."

Jiang Tianhao, Ye Xingchen, and Qian Sanyi took the initiative to take the taxi.

Because Ye Xingchen never let go of Lin Miaomiao's hand, Lin Miaomiao couldn't sit with Deng Xiaoqi, and could only look at Deng Xiaoqi apologetically.

Deng Xiaoqi doesn't care at all, because she thinks it's interesting to watch two people fall in love, although they always say they are not a couple yet.

After a while, all the taxis had arrived. Ye Xingchen and others greeted the students and got on the bus one by one.

"Brother Chen, you and Miao Miao go up first, the three of us just wait for the next one." Jiang Tianhao humbly said.

Ye Xingchen smiled gently: "No, there should be a lot of people there. Miaomiao and I have been there before, so you go first."

"Okay then, the three of us will go first."


Lin Miaomiao waved at them: "See you later."

"Well, see you later."

Qian Sanyi sat in the front by himself, Jiang Tianhao pulled Xiaoqi to sit in the back, and after telling the driver, the car started and set off.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the passing vehicle and suddenly said: "Haozi is really good."

"Well, he really likes Xiaoqi, but the person Deng Xiaoqi likes is Qian Sanyi, and Qian Sanyi doesn't like Deng Xiaoqi, and Jiang Tianhao and Qian Sanyi are good friends." Ye Xingchen responded.

Lin Miaomiao: "This kind of bloody plot can actually make me meet in reality, and they are all my good friends, tsk tsk tsk."

Ye Xingchen: "I just don't know whether Haozi likes Xiaoqi's person or Xiaoqi's face."

"Oh? Then do you like my person or my face?" Lin Miaomiao smiled and looked up at Ye Xingchen, quietly waiting for his answer.

Ye Xingchen was not surprised that Lin Miaomiao could ask this question, he also looked down at Lin Miaomiao and said:
"Want to hear the truth?"

"of course."

Ye Xingchen said very seriously at this time: "I like everything about you. To me, you are my accident. I never expected to meet you, but I did. This may be some kind of providence. "

Lin Miaomiao herself felt that it was very unreal. She did not expect that the plot in the novel would happen to her. The school’s male god liked her despite the school belle, so she sometimes felt like a dream, so she often Worrying about gains and losses.



"Slick tongue may not have deceived many little girls." Lin Miaomiao felt sweet after hearing this.

"Forget it, I'm too tired to explain. The car is here, let's go."

Ye Xingchen let go of Lin Miaomiao's hand and walked towards the taxi.

"Are you guilty? Don't leave, tell me clearly." Lin Miaomiao was very dissatisfied with Ye Xingchen's attitude and chased him to ask for clarification.


In fact, for Ye Xingchen, there is nothing interesting about Qianfo Mountain, that is, the cable car can take a look at the scenery on the mountain, and there is a large sea of ​​flowers last time, but this time the sea of ​​flowers may not be there.

Jiang Tianhao and the others had a great time. Not long after they arrived, they went to the top and lined up early, waiting for the master to show them their marriage.

Looking at Lin Miaomiao next to her, she knew that she wanted to join in the fun again, but this time Ye Xingchen was not allowed to accompany her, she wanted to be with Deng Xiaoqi.

 Thank you Jinmailang who wants Maimai for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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