Chapter 121 Don't Leave Me

"Xiaoqi, do you want to build a cable car with me later?" Lin Miaomiao said while winking at Deng Xiaoqi.

Deng Xiaoqi immediately replied, "Yes, we..."

Before she could finish speaking, Ye Xingchen's expression changed: "Huh? Let's talk after we think about it."

Seeing that the atmosphere here was not right, Deng Xiaoqi decisively chose to run away: "Well, I want to sit with Qian Sanyi, so I won't bother you, goodbye Miaomiao!"

"Hey, Xiaoqi, you..." Lin Miaomiao stamped her feet impatiently.

"Okay, they won't accept their fate so ignorantly. If you are obedient, I won't go too far." Then Ye Xingchen grabbed Lin Miaomiao's hand to prevent her from running away.

"Oh!" Lin Miaomiao drooped her head, looking hopeless.

She thought of the last time Ye Xingchen pinched her..., and then thought of the method Xiaoqi told her in the cram school, her face was hot for a while.

Since she lowered her head and Ye Xingchen didn't pay much attention to her, she was not noticed.

Lin Miaomiao thought to herself: "How could I have such an idea? It was all taught by Xiaoqi."

"What's wrong with you, why do you feel your hands are so hot?" Ye Xingchen lowered his head and asked.

"No!!" Lin Miaomiao shook her head in panic after her thoughts were interrupted.

"Pfft hahaha, you're so cute when you're shy." Ye Xingchen squeezed Lin Miaomiao's face with his hands.

"I remember last year, you were also very shy. At that time, you blushed when you held your hand. It's much better now."

"Isn't it because of you, I'm immune to playing hooligans every time." Lin Miaomiao said angrily.

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "Oh, that is to say, if I'm a little more rogue, you will be immune, right?"

"I, I, I didn't mean that."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's flustered expression, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to tease her, and quietly led the queue here.

Lin Miaomiao also felt that the atmosphere was a little dry, and began to talk for nothing: "Well, where did you go just now?"

"I went to see the master from last time."

"Then what were you talking about?"

"It's nothing, don't ask." Ye Xingchen frowned, he didn't want to think about what the master just said, he could only take one step at a time.

"OK then."

Lin Miaomiao knew that Ye Xingchen might really be in trouble, and she really wanted to do something to help him.

"Ye Xingchen, you just said today that you can't hide anything from the other party, does it still count?"

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao in astonishment, but Lin Miaomiao did not shy away from Ye Xingchen's eyes, as if waiting for his answer.



"If one day I'm gone and go far, far away, will you miss me?"

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen's appearance and found that he was not joking.

"Where are you going? Are you going to change schools?"

Lin Miaomiao, who wanted to stay away from Ye Xingchen just now, grabbed his arm nervously, as if afraid that he would leave.

"Fool, I just want to ask, why are you so nervous?"

Ye Xingchen gently patted Lin Miaomiao's head.

"Then why do you say that?"

"I just had a sudden whim and asked."

"No, you must have something to hide from me."

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was still holding onto his arm tightly, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing and said: "You said you, didn't you want to run just now? Now that you are so close to me, you are not afraid that I will eat you."

"Eat it, it doesn't matter." Lin Miaomiao saw clearly just now that Ye Xingchen's eyes didn't seem to be joking, she was afraid, afraid that Ye Xingchen would really leave her.

"Okay, let's go now." Ye Xingchen stroked Lin Miaomiao's back to make her relax.


From the beginning to the end, Lin Miaomiao's hand did not let go of Ye Xingchen's arm.

As Lin Miaomiao said, since they were the last group, the two of them took the cable car again.

When the cable car started slowly, Lin Miaomiao who was sitting next to her suddenly said, "Ye Xingchen, can you hug me?"

Looking at those spiritual eyes, Ye Xingchen had no reason to refuse, and agreed, "Okay."

Lin Miaomiao lay sideways in Ye Xingchen's arms.

Ye Xingchen's hands were very regular this time, he only hugged Lin Miaomiao lightly without moving.

The two of them watched the scenery outside the window together, neither of them spoke or fought.

"Ye Xingchen!"


"You really won't leave me?"

"will not!"

"I will be obedient in the future, I will not make trouble for no reason, I will not be jealous, and I will not play petty temper, so you must not leave me, okay." Lin Miaomiao said that Ye Xingchen seemed to hear a sob at the end.

"I really won't leave you, I swear! Lin Miaomiao, are you stupid? I was just joking just now, why do you take it seriously?" Ye Xingchen hurriedly comforted her.

"I'm afraid. The look in your eyes just now really doesn't look like you're lying. I'm a little panicked. If you really leave, I...I...I really don't know what to do."

"Anyway, I just tried my acting skills, tsk tsk tsk, the purpose is to let you come to your door, you see you have been fooled, you can't run away now." Ye Xingchen said badly.

But Lin Miaomiao was not afraid at all, she still lay quietly in Ye Xingchen's arms.

Ye Xingchen didn't continue talking either, he secretly sighed.

He vowed to find a way to stay in this world. Lin Miaomiao was afraid of losing him, so why wasn't he afraid of losing Lin Miaomiao?

Ye Xingchen admitted that he got close to Lin Miaomiao because of Zhao Jinmai, but after staying with Lin Miaomiao for a long time, he realized that Lin Miaomiao is Lin Miaomiao, she is not just a character, she has his own unique Her personality is lively, cute, and smart, which is her synonym.

Slowly, he fell in love with this girl who was carefree and didn't care about her image at all.

He is used to having wonderful days now, and there is no way to give up.

The speed of the cable car going down the mountain is relatively fast, and it takes 7 or 8 minutes to reach the bottom of the mountain from the top of the mountain.

Because Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen were in the last group, the whole group was waiting for them below.

When the cable car came to a complete stop, Lin Miaomiao took the initiative to grab Ye Xingchen's hand and interlocked their fingers.

Compared to when she was just above, it is obvious that Lin Miaomiao is more active at this time.

"Did you two do something bad up there behind our backs?" Jiang Tianhao greeted him with a cheap smile.

Lin Miaomiao gave him a supercilious look: "Get lost!"

Jiang Tianhao: "?"

Everyone: "?"

Jiang Tianhao tremblingly walked in front of Ye Xingchen and whispered in his ear: "What's wrong with her?"

Ye Xingchen replied with a smile: "I don't know!"


Ye Xingchen: "Shut up, did the car hit?"

Jiang Tianhao: "Just hit it, it will be there in a while."

"Ah That's good."

(End of this chapter)

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