Chapter 122 I Want To Drink

"Okay, everyone, get ready and get excited. It's time to have a big meal. The most important thing is Haozi's treat."

"Yeah—" the crowd applauded and cheered.

Jiang Tianhao was a little confused when he heard this: "Hey, I didn't say treat."

"Thank you brother Hao soon." Sun Chuanchu quickly filled the fire.

Everyone: "Thank you Brother Hao!"

Seeing this, Jiang Tianhao knew that he had been tricked by Ye Xingchen, but he could only accept his fate.

While everyone was cheering, the cars that had just been called also arrived.

Ye Xingchen: "The car is here, let's go, aim for Jiang's kitchen."

"Let's go."

Jiang Tianhao originally wanted to ride in the same car with Deng Xiaoqi, but Deng Xiaoqi proposed to ride with Miao Miao, which made Jiang Tianhao a little disappointed.

When getting in the car, Lin Miaomiao still didn't want to be separated from Ye Xingchen, so she could only arrange for Deng Xiaoqi to sit in the front row. Lin Miaomiao said she was a little sleepy when she got in the car, and called herself when she got there.

Deng Xiaoqi looked at the two people holding hands together in the rearview mirror and couldn't help asking: "Brother Chen, I want to ask, why Miaomiao is so clingy to you all of a sudden."

Ye Xingchen glanced at Lin Miaomiao, who was already asleep beside him, and replied, "No, isn't it the same before?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "No, Lin Miaomiao was quite resistant before."

Deng Xiaoqi turned her head suddenly: "Brother Chen, what did you guys do behind our backs?"

"Hey, Deng Xiaoqi, you are full of strange things in your mind. Miaomiao didn't know anything before, but now you have led me to ruin it. Let me tell you, don't tell Miaomiao anything dirty in the future. thing."

Because of Deng Xiaoqi, every time Ye Xingchen wanted to do something bad, Lin Miaomiao would be keenly aware of it. For this reason, Ye Xingchen wanted to teach Deng Xiaoqi a lesson every time his plan failed.

"How can you blame me for this? Miaomiao asked me. She already asked, but I didn't say anything?" Deng Xiaoqi said aggrievedly, as if she had been wronged.

Ye Xingchen: "Then you can't say everything."

Deng Xiaoqi: "So can I ask, what did I say?"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

"You... Forget it, don't talk about it, but I still want to remind you, don't spoil my family Miaomiao."

Deng Xiaoqi sighed lightly: "Oh, sure enough, a good friend is not as good as a girlfriend after all."

Ye Xingchen ignored her complaints directly, and lowered his head to stroke Lin Miaomiao's hair. Lin Miaomiao's hair is still not fully grown. After all, girls' long hair can't grow so long in a few months.

"Hmm~ Ye Xingchen, are we here yet?"

Lin Miaomiao in her arms slowly opened her eyes.

"No, if you are sleepy, go to sleep for a while, and I will call you when you arrive."

Ye Xingchen's voice was very gentle, as if coaxing a child.

"Okay." Lin Miaomiao smiled at him and then fell asleep in his arms.

"Envy. If only my family could treat me like this one by one."

Ye Xingchen hesitated for a while and said, "Well, Xiaoqi, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Tell me, it's okay."

"Actually, there is still a difference between dreams and wishful thinking."

At this time, Lin Miaomiao in her arms suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahahaha, I didn't do it on purpose, I couldn't hold back, you guys continue."

Deng Xiaoqi: "I * * * * *!"


"Haozi, the environment of your restaurant is good. It's clean and big." Lin Miaomiao walked around the lobby and praised in admiration after entering.

Jiang Tianhao was a little proud when he heard this: "It's okay, my restaurant not only has a good environment, but also has strict hygiene requirements in the kitchen, so everyone can eat at ease."

"Haozi, are we going to be in the hall?" Qian San took a look at the hall and it seemed that there was no room for so many people.

"My dad has reserved the big private room for us, and I'll take you there."

Everyone came to a private room about the size of a 10-person package, Jiang Tianhao greeted everyone to take a seat, and then gave everyone the menu.

Jiang Tianhao: "Order whatever you want, both meat and vegetarian, so you're welcome."

Ye Xingchen echoed from the side: "Since Young Master Jiang has spoken, you don't have to be polite. Miaomiao can order whatever she wants, and it's free today anyway."

Lin Miaomiao excitedly took the menu, glanced at it quickly, and felt very craving.

Maybe Ye Xingchen saw her hesitation, so he directly suggested: "Haozi, you can serve all your special dishes, and if you can't finish eating, you can take it away."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements. Do you want anything else to drink?" Jiang Tianhao nodded and asked everyone again.

Sun Chuan shouted loudly: "Of course the boy is drunk, so what's the point?"

"That's right, go straight to the beer."

Jiang Tianhao asked the two girls: "What do you two drink?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "I won't drink anymore."

Lin Miaomiao was very interested: "I will drink."

Ye Xingchen "What kind of wine does the girl drink at home, get her a bottle of Vitamin C."

"No, I want to drink, Ye Xingchen, you can't do this."

Jiang Tianhao didn't know who to listen to: "Brother Chen..."

"It's up to me, don't worry about her, you go get it." Ye Xingchen directly filtered out what Lin Miaomiao said.

"Ye Xingchen, you can't go too far, I'll just drink a bottle, okay?" Lin Miaomiao blinked her eyes cutely.

Ye Xingchen would not be confused by her.


"I don't care, I don't care. I want to drink." Seeing that being cute doesn't work, Lin Miaomiao began to have fun like a child again.

Ye Xingchen: "I'm here, so I won't let you drink."

"Woooooo~ You bullied me. Ye Xingchen bullied me."

Lin Miaomiao could only ask other students for help.

"Miaomiao, Brother Chen is doing it for your own good, so girls should stop drinking." Deng Xiaoqi said.

"That's right, it's okay for boys to drink, but for girls, let's have some drinks."


Lin Miaomiao looked at everyone in disbelief: "You...don't play with you anymore."

After a while, Jiang Tianhao came in with a box of wine.

"The appetizer will be served in a while, let's have a drink first. Xiaoqi Miaomiao, this is a drink for the two of you."

Deng Xiaoqi took it very politely: "Thank you!"

Jiang Tianhao: "You're welcome! Miao Miao, this is yours."

Lin Miaomiao deliberately did not speak, it could be seen that she was still sulking.

Ye Xingchen reached out and took it: "Haozi, give it to me."


Ye Xingchen put the drink in front of Lin Miaomiao, Lin Miaomiao turned her head away and ignored him.

Ye Xingchen smiled and put the drink away and didn't continue talking.

Lin Miaomiao thought that he would come here to comfort her, but she didn't expect this straight man to go back again, which made her very angry.

After Jiang Tianhao greeted everyone to open the beer, he suggested a toast together.

Before Ye Xingchen could react, Lin Miaomiao grabbed the wine in front of him directly.

"Haha, if you don't let me drink it, I'll drink it anyway, you're so mad." After speaking, he poured it into his mouth.

"It's been a long time since I drank it, it's so refreshing."

Ye Xingchen's head is full of black lines, but Lin Miaomiao has already snatched it, so she can't go back and let her drink a little: "Okay, just drink a bottle. Haozi, give it to me Take another bottle."

(End of this chapter)

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