Chapter 126
However, Ye Xingchen let her go despite his kindness.

After all, there is still a long time to come, so I will adjust it slowly in the future.

Ye Xingchen: "Send Xiaoqi and the others a message, just say that you are tired and go home first, and I will take you home."

"Oh, good."

Lin Miaomiao panicked and took out her mobile phone from her pocket and sent a message tremblingly, like a frightened little rabbit.

"As for it, I'm so scared."

Seeing her like this, Ye Xingchen looked helpless.

"I'm done."

"Well, the car will arrive in a while, and I'll take you back. But I won't go in. As for renting a house, you can tell your uncles and aunts. If you can't tell, just give me a call." Ye After thinking about it again and again, Xingchen still didn't have the courage to go up with Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao: "Are you going to let me face my parents' inquiries alone?"

"It's even more difficult to explain the matter of me going up. Uncles and aunts will definitely misunderstand. It is more reasonable for you to say it alone than I go in and tell them." Ye Xingchen explained this truth to Lin Miaomiao.

"So, you plan to leave me alone? I understand right." Lin Miaomiao asked.

Ye Xingchen nodded: "Well... that's what it means."

"Ye Xingchen! You are still not a man, so you know how to hide behind girls." Lin Miaomiao said angrily to Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen said straight away: "It doesn't matter at this time."

Seeing him like this, Lin Miaomiao taunted him directly: "Hehe, Ye Xingchen, you are a coward, a coward."

Ye Xingchen raised his hand: "Whatever you say."

Just when Lin Miaomiao had nothing to do with Ye Xingchen, at this time the brain flashed, and suddenly she had a very good idea. Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen with her mouth raised 45 degrees and said:
"Okay, then I'll tell my parents the truth, and I have to sue my aunt, saying that you bully me every day and do that kind of thing to me. It's up to you then."

Hearing that Lin Miaomiao was going to sue her parents, Ye Xingchen's expression lost instantly: "No, Lin Miaomiao, you must die with me, right? What good will this do for you?"

Lin Miaomiao raised her face and said triumphantly, "It's not good, I just want to punish a person like you who doesn't value loyalty."

"Fuck you, okay, I'll go!"

"It's almost there!"


At Lin Miaomiao's home, Lin Miaomiao was sitting opposite Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei holding flowers and Ye Xingchen.

Lin Miaomiao wasn't in a panic, but Ye Xingchen felt like he was sitting there.

If Ye Xingchen knew what Lin Miaomiao was thinking, he would definitely be yelled at: It's not you who is being stared at by your parents!
At this time, Wang Shengnan spoke first, "Why did Xiaochen think of buying flowers for Miaomiao today, or roses, which must have cost a lot of money."

"It didn't cost much, and I didn't think too much about it at the time. The main reason was that it looked pretty and matched Miaomiao's clothes, so I bought a bunch." Ye Xingchen explained.

"That's it, Miaomiao, you're so ignorant, and you're making Xiaochen spend money." Wang Shengnan blamed.

Lin Miaomiao originally thought that she had nothing to do with her, but who knew that it was all about her as soon as she said the third sentence.

Ye Xingchen helped Lin Miaomiao explain: "No, auntie, Miaomiao didn't ask for it for me, I insisted on buying it for her."

"That's not okay, how can girls often take things from boys, and they still spend such things." Wang Shengnan seemed to mean something else when he said this.

Lin Dawei also pretended to be serious at this time and said: "Xiaochen, boys can't often give girls flowers, it is easy to be misunderstood, after all, it is not good for others to see you classmates sending flowers, don't you think?"

Ye Xingchen wiped away the sweat from his forehead and said, "Yes, uncle, I will definitely pay attention in the future."

"Okay, look, Xiaochen was scared, Xiaochen, that uncle of yours is not like this usually, maybe he took the wrong medicine today, don't mind." Wang Shengnan laughed.

Ye Xingchen quickly waved his hands and said, "No! Why would I mind?"

Wang Shengnan: "That's good, do you have anything to tell us today?"

I was so nervous just now, I forgot what I came here for, but after being reminded by Wang Shengnan, Ye Xingchen remembered today's purpose of coming.

"Oh, yes, the grandpa upstairs said that he will move out soon. If possible, the house can be handed over next week."

"So fast?" Lin Dawei asked in surprise.

"Well, the grandpa's son came back years ago and was going to pick him up to go abroad, so if things go well next week, Miaomiao can go directly to the day-study program."

"That's fine, thank you, Xiaochen, you see, this has helped us a lot, why don't you stay today, and Auntie will cook something delicious for you."

"No need, Auntie. I have class the day after tomorrow. I have to go back to pack my things today, so I won't disturb you." Ye Xingchen politely refused.

Wang Shengnan: "Look at how hard it is for your child to come here."

Ye Xingchen made a joke: "Auntie, we will become neighbors after you move, and you can't be bothered by me when I go to your house for dinner."

Wang Shengnan: "Okay, it will be fine for you to come every day then."

Ye Xingchen: "Uncle and auntie will go and have a look next week if they have time, and rent the owner out early, so Miaomiao can go to school early."

"Okay, your uncle and I will go and have a look tomorrow, and then we should be able to move in next week."

Ye Xingchen got up: "Okay, just let me know if there is any help at that time, I will go back first, and there is no need to send auntie off."

"Are you really not going to stay tonight?"

"I won't stay anymore. There are still a lot of things to sort out when I go back. Another day."

Lin Dawei also stood up and handed over the notebook: "Alright then, Xiaochen, pay attention to your safety on the road, and send a message to Miaomiao when you get home."

"Good uncle, goodbye uncle and aunt, goodbye Miaomiao."

Lin Miaomiao ran over from the house and said, "Send me a message when you get home."

"Okay! You guys go back, no need to send it off, bye!"

Wang Shengnan: "Be careful on the road."


"This kid is really nice!" Wang Shengnan said as he looked at Ye Xingchen who was going downstairs.

Lin Dawei turned around and said, "Go back to the house, Miao Miao, come here."

"Oh." Lin Miaomiao knew that she couldn't run away.

Immediately afterwards, the two conducted a second joint trial against Lin Miaomiao.Lin Miaomiao basically revealed where she played today, who she was with, and where she ate, except for Ye Xingchen's confession.

When asked why she bought flowers for her, her answer was exactly the same as Ye Xingchen's. Seeing that Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei couldn't ask any questions, they gave up and ordered Miaomiao some procedures for day-study. Let her cooperate with Tang Yuanming to get the day-study card in a week, and let her go to the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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