The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 127 Live at Ye Xingchen's House Again

Chapter 127 Live at Ye Xingchen's House Again
Although Lin Miaomiao didn't show any flaws, there must be a monster if something goes wrong, so you can't buy a bouquet of roses for no reason, and it's specially packaged, so you can tell that you spent a lot of money at a glance.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei are not fools either, it's just that neither of them pointed it out.


Life in winter vacation is always beautiful and short. After the Lantern Festival, the students of all grades are basically at the beginning of school.

Ye Xingchen also returned to his normal study life. Although for him, he basically studies in the library, in the eyes of outsiders, he is just distracted and sleeping in class.

The teachers are no stranger to it, after all, there is really nothing to teach him, he will know what he knows, and he will know what he can't, and the lectures are also set.

Now the teacher thinks this way in his heart. If he suddenly cannot attend class one day, he will find that the class is the same with him or without him when he comes back in a few days.

So basically no teacher dares to ask for leave to work on other things, unless there is really no other way, and they are forced to ask for leave once there is no other way.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei contacted the moving company to help move the furniture while they were not working on Saturdays and Sundays. If it took this week, Lin Miaomiao would not be able to come back because there was no place to live.

Wang Shengnan originally planned to let her stay at the school for two days and come back next week, but Ye Xingchen's parents said that there was still a guest room, anyway, they only moved for a day or two, so they planned to let Lin Miaomiao stay here for two days. up.

After much deliberation, the two decided to agree. After all, leaving Miaomiao alone at school is not at ease.

Ye Xingchen told Lin Miaomiao about this when school was over on Friday: "Miaomiao, didn't your house move this week? Maybe you have no place to go for the time being. Uncles and aunts just want to put you in my house for two days."

After Lin Miaomiao heard it, she felt very unbelievable. The first reaction was that Ye Xingchen was teasing her: "What? Really, my parents actually let me live at your house? You are not lying to me, are you?"

"Why, you still don't believe me, then you can call your uncle and aunt to ask." Ye Xingchen found his bicycle in front, but this time it was not a mountain bike, but a bicycle with the back seat pressed.

Lin Miaomiao: "Ah, well, it seems that you didn't lie to me. Then will my parents come to pick me up today?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head: "The two of them don't have time, let me take you back."

Then he patted his bicycle.

"You're not going to use this to take me back, are you? There are so many classmates here, so it's a little bad to be seen." Lin Miaomiao was a little twitchy, after all, this was at school.

"Shy, forget it. Anyway, it's only ten minutes away from my house. You won't be able to walk for long without riding a bicycle. I'll give you a location later. You can come here by yourself." Ye Xingchen pretended to be riding a bicycle. Walk.

"Hey, Ye Xingchen, do you still have humanity? Is this how you treat your...girlfriend?" Lin Miaomiao looked around and lowered her voice when she said the word girlfriend .

Ye Xingchen: "It's up to me if you don't want to sit."

Lin Miaomiao retorted: "Who said that? Did I just say that? Really, I just sat down today, and I'm exhausting you. Hmph!"

The two came to the school gate and swiped their cards to leave the school.

"Why are you still standing there, come on up." Ye Xingchen patted the seat behind and motioned for Lin Miaomiao to sit down.

Lin Miaomiao was also not polite, and sat on it directly.

"Hold on to me." Ye Xingchen reminded.

Lin Miaomiao grabbed Ye Xingchen's clothes tightly with both hands.

After Ye Xingchen started, he was still a little wobbly, and Lin Miaomiao sat in the back trembling with fear.

"Hold me tight, I'm going to speed up."

Lin Miaomiao hesitated for a moment, then wrapped her arms around Ye Xingchen's waist, and hugged him tightly from behind.

Ye Xingchen turned his head slightly and smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then started to speed up.

When passing the classmates next to him, everyone looked at him and exclaimed, which made Lin Miaomiao a little shy.

She put her face on Ye Xingchen's back, thinking that she would not be able to see me this way.

Perhaps feeling Lin Miaomiao's careful thinking, Ye Xingchen also began to slowly continue to increase the speed.

Smelling the fragrance of laundry detergent on Ye Xingchen's clothes, Lin Miaomiao felt that the world gradually quieted down, and the tension just now gradually disappeared, but the strength of holding Ye Xingchen did not decrease at all.

"Miaomiao, can you stop pushing so hard, are you going to murder your husband?" Ye Xingchen was particularly uncomfortable in the front, he always felt that Lin Miaomiao was trying to retaliate.

Lin Miaomiao said with a smile: "You're right, I'm going to murder you, and then cut you up, how can you not be afraid?"

Ye Xingchen: "Don't make me laugh, okay, just you? Let's forget it."

Lin Miaomiao was a little dissatisfied when she said this, because Ye Xingchen's tone was full of sarcasm: "What do you mean? Are you mocking me?"

Ye Xingchen continued to die: "Miaomiao, aren't you the best in Chinese? Please use declarative sentences for the sentence just now. Be confident that I am just mocking you!"

"Ah, I'm so angry, I'll bite you to death!" Lin Miaomiao opened her mouth directly through her clothes.

"It hurts, Miao Miao, don't make trouble. I'm riding a bicycle, how dangerous it is." Even though the clothes are separated, the bite still hurts. It's thanks to wearing a lot of clothes, otherwise it would be aimed at Lin Miaomiao. The strength of the mouth may be enough to bite the blood.

"Hmph, let's see if you dare to say that about me next time." Lin Miaomiao said proudly when she heard Ye Xingchen's begging for mercy.

"It's really violent!" Ye Xingchen complained in a low voice

Lin Miaomiao didn't hear what he was saying and asked in confusion: "What did you say?"

"I said you are so pretty."

"It's almost there."

It was only 10 minutes away. Ye Xingchen safely brought Lin Miaomiao to their community. Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but said, looking at the furniture in the big cart and small cart:

"My God, this is all here."

"Otherwise, I guess there are still some, and I can finish it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Let's go to my house first, uncles and aunts should be up there." Ye Xingchen urged.

"Oh, good." Lin Miaomiao obediently followed behind.

Ye Xingchen took the key and skillfully opened the door of his house, and when he entered, he shouted:

"Mom, I brought Miaomiao back."

As soon as Mu Ying heard that Miaomiao was coming, she came over enthusiastically and grabbed Miaomiao's hand: "Miaomiao is here, come in and have a glass of water."

"Hello, Auntie." Because I have met her two or three times, this time there is no sense of unfamiliarity, especially after adding the contact information, the two often chat.

"Xingchen, go upstairs and say hello to Auntie Shengnan, and see if there is anything I can do to help." Mu Ying looked at Ye Xingchen and ordered.

Ye Xingchen suddenly remembered something and asked, "Okay, I'll go up now. By the way, where do Auntie Shengnan and the others live today? I think everything has been moved here."

Mu Ying replied: "They have already booked a hotel, and they will stay for two nights. I have already packed Miaomiao's room, and I will be staying in the guest room for a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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