The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 130 Chapter 127 I ran away, why didn't I run away?

Chapter 130 Chapter 120 Seven ran away, why didn't he run away?
Lin Miaomiao: "Auntie... my parents... really let me live here?"

Mu Ying: "That's right, your parents said that these two days are just enough for Xingchen to help you with your homework."

"Isn't this inconvenient?" Although Lin Miaomiao lived here before, Ye Xingchen's parents were not at home last time either.

Mu Ying: "It's convenient, what's the inconvenience? Tell Ye Xingchen what's missing, and let him buy it for you."

Ye Xingchen standing next to him seemed superfluous, as long as Lin Miaomiao was here, he was like a servant, as if he was born to serve Lin Miaomiao.This made Ye Xingchen wonder for a while who he and Lin Miaomiao were biological.

Mu Ying looked back at Ye Xingchen: "Why are you still standing there, go upstairs and have a look."

Ye Xingchen sighed softly in his heart and directly accepted his fate.

When I came upstairs, I found that it was almost impossible to stand up. After all, a lot of furniture needed to be moved up.

I originally wanted to help out, but was dismissed by Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei on the grounds that they were afraid of bumping into each other.Looking at it like this, it is impossible to finish it today. After moving tomorrow, it is estimated that we will have to clean up before we can live.

Not long after seeing Ye Xingchen, Mu Ying asked, "Why did you come down so quickly, what about Aunt Shengnan and the others?"

"They were still busy up there, saying they had nothing to do to help them, and they let me down for fear of getting my body dirty."

Ye Xingchen came to the sofa and sat down, picked up the water on the table and gulped a few mouthfuls, without resting whose cup it was.

After putting down the cup, I found that there was something wrong with the eyes of the two people: "Why are you looking at me?"

"That's my cup." Lin Miaomiao said in a low voice.

Ye Xingchen was at a loss when he heard it. Although the two confirmed their relationship, after all, his mother was still here.

Seeing the expressions and reactions of the two, Mu Ying showed an auntie smile, and pretended to blame Ye Xingchen: "You say you child, you drink it regardless of who it is. This problem will be corrected in the future."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Miaomiao and said apologetically, "Miaomiao, don't mind, this child has been like this since he was a child, he is reckless, although he looks very stable outside, he is actually very skinny at home. "

"It's okay, auntie, I don't mind."

"That's good, that's good. In fact, Xiaochen still has many advantages. You will know after staying for a long time. In the future, if he makes you angry, you can tell me and I will teach him a lesson."

"Well, I will." When Lin Miaomiao said this, she looked at Ye Xingchen meaningfully.

Ye Xingchen saw that his mother was leaking black material about him again, and hurriedly stopped her.

"Mom, can you stop spreading black stories about me in front of Miaomiao, do I want to lose face?"

Mu Ying opened her mouth to criticize: "What I said is wrong, you need face, what face do you want, Miao Miao is not an outsider."

If Ye Xingchen's current appearance is cartoonized, then Ye Xingchen's current influence is a cartoon villain with an ellipsis on his head.

"Okay, Xiaochen, take Miaomiao to your room and her room to see if there is anything missing."

Ye Xingchen got up, "Let's go, Miaomiao, I'll show you to your room."

"Oh, okay."

When the two came to the guest room, the first thing they saw was Lin Haohao on the bed and the two huskies they caught last time. There were two more huskies on the desk and the big bouquet of roses, which were a little wilted compared to last time. up.

Lin Miaomiao liked the layout of the room very much, especially the bed that looked very soft. She jumped on the bed, kicked off her shoes, and then expressed emotion: "It's too comfortable, it's so comfortable. The bed is so soft, softer than yours."

Then he grabbed Lin who was next to him and hugged him in his arms: "Lin Hao, why are you here? Do you miss me?"

Ye Xingchen walked to the side of the bed, sat down and said, "When my mother heard that you were coming, she specially bought this good mattress. When my uncle and aunt moved, my mother saw your plush toys and immediately said Put it here for the next two days, you will live here anyway, and take it back after your new home is sorted out."

"Auntie is so kind to me." Lin Miaomiao sighed.

Ye Xingchen was a little jealous of Lin Miaomiao: "No, since I was a child, she never cared so much about me, as if you were her own and I picked you up."

Lin Miaomiao threatened: "Hey, if you bully me in the future, I will sue auntie and ask auntie to help me deal with you."

Ye Xingchen got up and walked to the door, closed the door of the guest room, and locked it.

Seeing this, Lin Miaomiao knew something was wrong, and quickly hugged Lin Haohao and sat on the innermost side of the bed.

"Ye Xingchen, auntie is outside, you don't want to do bad things."

"Student Lin Miaomiao, where is your air just now? Didn't you still threaten me just now? You seem to have forgotten that this is in my territory." Ye Xingchen took off his shoes and leaned towards Lin Miaomiao.

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao huddled into a ball in the corner.

"Don't come here, come here again, I, I, I will be called Auntie."

"It doesn't matter, let's call. The sound insulation in this room is quite good. My mother is probably still in the kitchen, so she can't hear you." Ye Xingchen put his hands on the head of the bed to make himself more comfortable.

Lin Miaomiao took advantage of Ye Xingchen's inattention and wanted to get up and slip away, but Ye Xingchen grabbed her and fell on the bed. With both hands propped in front of Lin Miaomiao, he leaned over to look at Lin Miaomiao and said: " Still want to run, do you think it is possible?"

"Ye Xingchen, please don't make trouble, it's not good to be seen by your aunt." Lin Miaomiao said in a begging tone.

"Don't worry, she won't notice us while cooking for a while, we should do something else next."

Looking at Lin Miaomiao below him, Ye Xingchen's breathing was a little short, and Lin Miaomiao's breathing also gradually became short of breath in this atmosphere.

Ye Xingchen leaned over and posted it heavily, because it was not the first time that Lin Miaomiao had been with Ye Xingchen. With the previous experience, Lin Miaomiao seemed much more proficient this time.

At this time, Ye Xingchen's hands were a little dishonest. When Lin Miaomiao realized that she wanted to resist, Ye Xingchen had firmly fixed her hands at this time, preventing her from affecting her next move.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen with wide eyes, and Ye Xingchen also looked at her closely. Although he saw the pleading in her eyes, Ye Xingchen did not stop there.

Lin Miaomiao groaned, and her resistance became more intense.

Ye Xingchen still wanted to take the next step, when someone outside the house heard a knock on the door.

Mu Ying's voice came from outside: "Xiao Chen, don't just stay in the house, come out to eat some fruit."

Ye Xingchen quickly replied: "Understood, Mom, we'll go out in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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